Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 136: Is there a way for females to keep the fish from rot? !

"Okay, everyone stopped, we are ready to return to the tribe." Mi Xiaoxiao said to the orcs who were still working hard in the water to fish.

It is also a troublesome thing to catch too much fish, after all, Jin Xuan and the others will bring back some food tonight.

There is too much to eat, so today’s fishing activities will end here.

"Aren't you going to catch it? It's still early!" Qufu stopped his movements and looked at Mi Xiaoxiao in a daze.

This Qufu was the orc in the year when she first questioned her.

Why did this little female stop them? This is going very smoothly, isn't it?

"Yes! Catch more fish and bring it back to the tribe, wouldn't it be better?" They wanted to do their part for the tribe.

Moreover, there is indeed a lack of food in the tribe. Although it is not lacking now, there is no guarantee that it will not be lacking when it snows.

Simply put, they need food, and the more they need, the better.

"Well, what's more, it's still early, there is still a while before dark!"

The older orc, holding the fishing rod made by them in Tali, looked up at the Sun Road, which was still only rising in the air.

"It's not that I don't understand your thoughts. It's good that the tribe needs more food.

But at present, our tribe does not lack food, and sometimes there are more prey caught.

We catch these fishes, and of course they can serve as a part of the food source if we bring them back.

But have you ever considered how to deal with these extra fish when the food is too abundant? "

Indeed, because the trap she came up with has doubled the food in the tribe, so for now, the Taer tribe does not lack food sources.

But Mi Xiaoxiao didn't even plan to use all the fish they caught this time to eat.

She initially planned to use it to make smoked dried fish. Smoked dried fish is a common food in rural areas. It is available in almost every household, just like bacon.

It just needed salt. Fortunately, this salt was not a problem. The day after she returned to the tribe safely, she had already processed the salt brought back by Jin Xuan and the others.

In other words, they now have enough salt to make these smoked dried fish, but if there are more fish, there will be not much salt.

"That's right, if we bring back too many fish, it's not easy to deal with. If there are too many to eat, it will be broken."

Qufu looked at the back basket in front of her thoughtfully, what the little female said was really right, they had better not arrest it.

"Well, although I have a way to keep these fish from rot, I need salt. At present, the salt of our tribe can only make these two baskets of fish."

As Mi Xiaoxiao said, she was a little bit distressed. With so many people in the tribe, there are so many places to use salt.

It is estimated that it will not take long to feed their entire tribe by relying on the salt in that little place.

Therefore, before that, they still have to find a way to find a place with salt.

"Is there a way for the little female to keep the fish from rotting?" The old orc looked at Mi Xiaoxiao in surprise.

Did she hear me right? ! This little female can prevent the fish from rotting, can she also stop this rotting?

"It can be, but I need your help. Let's deal with these fish first!

Right here, just use a bone knife to break the belly of the fish, remove the internal organs, and then wash the fish.

Oh, by the way, it’s better not to throw the fish’s internal organs into the river, because it is very unsanitary, so we’d better dig a pit and bury it. "

If she is required to deal with these fish alone, I don't know if she can finish processing them before dawn tomorrow.

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