"Well, let's see what happened to him just now." Although this Trullo is not the most powerful orc in their Cang Wolf tribe.

But the man's blow just now barely avoided it, it should be somewhat certain.

But the strange thing is that when this man attacked, Kreda didn't react at all, and he didn't even move.

When a person is attacked by others, especially a fatal attack, his body will react most instinctively, no matter whether he can avoid it or not.

It is absolutely impossible to stay still as before, so the man named Shi Nuo definitely has a secret.

I have to say that Li Shuo is the truth, because in the near future...

. . .

"Jin Xuan, Shi Nuo, are you the only two of you here this time?" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at the two men one after another curiously.

"Right! There is also Otto!" Jin Xuan suddenly remembered that Otto, who was the leader, came with them at the time.

Now they came out safely, I don't know what happened to Chief Otto, after all, the plan at the time.

It was he and Shi Nuo who were responsible for attracting the attention of the people in the Canglang tribe, and Otter set out to rescue Xiaoxiao and Nina.

"Otto? Come to save Nina?" I guess I heard that my female was taken away, so I can't help it!

"Hmm, didn't Xiaoxiao see Ni Na?" According to reason, Xiao Xiao should be with Ni Na.

But just now they only saw Xiaoxiao, of course, there was the figure of the man, but the figure of Nina was not the only one.

"I don't know, we are not locked together." When Mi Xiaoxiao heard Jin Xuan mention Ni Na, her heart suddenly became angry.

"Oh, maybe the leaders have already gone back." Jin Xuan glanced at Mi Xiaoxiao, and then said.

Xiaoxiao, it seems that I hate Ni Na a little bit, could it be because of...that time? Thinking about it, Jin Xuan fell into deep thought.

"Xiaoxiao, what do you mean by your agreement with Li Shuo?" Shi Nuo looked up at Mi Xiaoxiao in front of him, thoughtfully.

When only Xiaoxiao came back with them, he clearly heard that Xiaoxiao told the man what promises he had.

"Oh, that! It's like this. Originally, Li Shuo arrested me in order to keep me in their tribe, and wanted to use me to think of more ways to help them catch prey.

So I reached an agreement with him, and their tribe established a cooperative agreement with our tribe.

In other words, during the cooperation period, the Canglang tribe has the responsibility to protect our safety, as well as the things made by our tribe.

If their gray wolf tribe wants to get it, they must have enough food or other useful things for exchange.

Secondly, he has a condition, that is, every time I come up with something, their Cang Wolf tribe must know it for the first time. "

Mi Xiaozai carefully explained her plan to Jin Xuan and Shi Nuo. Of course, she would not hide this plan from anyone in the Taer tribe.

"That said, isn't it easy for our tribe to get more food?"

Jin Xuan turned around and looked at Mi Xiaoxiao excitedly. Xiaoxiao is really too smart, so that their tribe can have more food.

"Well, it is true, but Xiaoxiao, this is not easy, we have to be careful."

Shi Nuo nodded in agreement, Xiaoxiao's method was indeed good, but the tribe leader named Li Shuo was definitely not easy.

After all, if you want to be the leader of such a powerful tribe, the required abilities and skills will not be lost.

"Well, don't worry, I know this." Mi Xiaoxiao nodded, she wouldn't underestimate this Li Shuo.

"Xiaoxiao, the things you asked Tali and Dewen to make, they sent them to the cave in person."

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