For tribal interests, between Jin Xuan and Shi Nuo, Mi Xiaoxiao would undoubtedly choose the latter.

"Oh? So Xiaoxiao already has a male! What to do, I'm so sad!" When Li Shuo heard Mi Xiaoxiao's words, she immediately looked at Mi Xiaoxiao with tears in her eyes.

"..." Uh, no matter how you look at it, there is a feeling that she abandoned him...

The first second seemed to be serious discussion about tribal issues with her, but the next second, she instantly became a little pitiful who was abandoned.

Sure enough, this man will be back to the prototype immediately after being serious for three seconds.

"You are looking at Xiaoxiao like this, I don't mind taking your eyes off!" Shi Nuo said with a stern face.

The tall body stood in front of Mi Xiaoxiao, blocking the sight of a certain man, looking sharply at a certain man pretending to be poor.

Regardless of the man's purpose for catching Xiaoxiao, just looking at Xiaoxiao's unbridled gaze, he absolutely couldn't tolerate it.

"Leader Li Shuo, I have to remind you that my teacher, Nuoke, never lied!"

Mi Xiaoxiao looked at the two men, and what they spit out was really not enough for the fire.

"Really? Xiaoxiao don't worry, he can't beat me."

Li Shuo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao with a grin, a look of undue beating, which made Mi Xiaoxiao feel like he wanted to hold his forehead temporarily.

Especially this man, where can I tell that she is worried about him?

"Huh!" At the moment when Li Shuo's words fell, Shi Nuo, who was standing in front of Mi Xiaoxiao, suddenly disappeared.

"Tsk tusk tusk, is it real? Xiaoxiao, what do you say, should I do my best?"

Li Shuo took a step back, blinking innocent eyes, looked at Mi Xiaoxiao innocently, and looked like he was asking for Mi Xiaoxiao's opinion.

"Shi Nuo, we are going home." Mi Xiaoxiao said towards Shi Nuo who wanted to attack again.

She didn't think that Shi Nuo couldn't beat Li Shuo. On the contrary, if the strength of these two men were to really fight, Mi Xiaoxiao really didn't know who was better.

"Yeah." Shi Nuo stopped the movements in his hand, glanced at Li Shuo warningly, and then walked towards Mi Xiaoxiao without hesitation.

He did have an urge to beat him just now, but there must be something between Xiaoxiao and this man.

No matter what it was, Xiaoxiao asked him to stop, then he would stop. As for this man, as long as he didn't hurt Xiaoxiao, he wouldn't attack him casually.

"Li Shuo, don't forget the agreement between us. As for how to contact, you can send someone to our tribe directly."

Mi Xiaoxiao looked at the still scornful man, and shook his head helplessly, but still did not forget to tell him the way of the transaction.

After all, this can be considered a more important thing for now.

"Of course, Xiaoxiao, goodbye, I will miss you!" Li Shuo's emerald green eyes looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, and didn't forget to wink at her.


"If you look at Xiaoxiao like this again, it's not just Shi Nuo, I will also remove your eyes!"

Jin Xuan, who seemed to have no sense of existence on the side, suddenly stood up to block someone's sight.

"Jin Xuan, let's go!" Mi Xiaoxiao, who was a few steps away, couldn't help but say as she watched Jin Xuanren stay in place.

"Oh, Xiaoxiao, I'm here!" The golden eyes gave Li Shuo a complicated look for the last time, and then turned and walked towards Mi Xiaoxiao.


"Heh..., it's really interesting! Mi, Xiao, Xiao."

Li Shuo stood there, staring at Mi Xiaoxiao and their backs until they could no longer see them.

"Leader, Kleida is okay." Tru, who had previously ordered Mi Xiaoxiao to be taken away, stood respectfully in front of Li Shuo at this moment.

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