Chapter 712 Longxi’s guess!

“Qinqin! What are you still standing there for? Don’t hurry up and invite Ling’er and the others in!”

Following Longxi who came out, seeing Qinqin still stupidly at the door, he couldn’t help being speechless at the moment, so he shouted quickly!

“Ah… now! Qiqi, because, Linger Big sis. Come in quickly!

After receiving Longxi’s reminder, Qinqin also reacted, and then said apologetically to Xiao Yinyin and others at the door!

After speaking, he led Xiao Guoguo and others into it, and forgot to close the door!

Seeing this, Long Xi shook his head helplessly again, then walked over, preparing to close the door!

But when she was about to close the door, she suddenly felt something, her eyes were frozen, but there was no change on her face, she still slowly closed the door!

“Are you a rider? Looks like this is eyeing Ling’er!”

After the two doors were closed, Longxi couldn’t help muttering to himself!

“Five Six Zero” but after hearing joyous laughter from inside, he couldn’t help but smiled, and then walked in!

After Longxi closed the door, a Daoist shadow walked out from a corner.The Daoist shadow stared at the manor for a while, and then disappeared!

And in the manor!

“Qinqin Big sis, would you like to go fishing with us later?”

Qinqin asked Qinqin, who was pouring tea for them!

“Fishing? Okay! I haven’t caught a fish yet!”

Hearing this, Qin Qin was also taken aback for a while and then quickly nodded and turned back!

“Hehe! I know Qinqin Big sis, you will definitely go with us!

Seeing Qinqin’s promise, Qiqi immediately laughed happily, and then said affirmatively!

“What makes you laugh so happy!”

At this time, Long Xi also walked in, seeing everyone smiling and very happy, so he couldn’t help but ask!

Longxi “Sister, Qiqi and the others invited me to go fishing with them! Sister Longxi, do you want to go with us too!”

Hearing Longxi’s question, Qinqin also quickly explained, and then asked Longxi expectantly.

“Ah! Of course I want to go with you. Do you forget why we are here?”

Hearing this, Longxi couldn’t help but give a sigh of relief, and then said angrily!

“Ah, I almost forgot, we are here to protect Ling’er Big sis!”

After Longxi’s reminder, Qinqin only remembered the task of waiting for someone to come here!

If Sister Longxi and the others don’t follow, then if something happens to Linger’s Big sis, then their mission will fail!

“Right! Sister Longxi, your companions, haven’t you gotten up yet?”

Ling’er thought of the men she saw last night, but now she hasn’t seen them, so she couldn’t help but ask!

“Oh~ they, I asked them to go out to do something, check the time, it should be on the way back now!”

Hearing this, Long Xi couldn’t help but smile!

Sure enough, Longxi had just finished speaking, and he saw a group of people pushing in from outside!

Isn’t this pedestrian who followed Longxi and the others last night, the five men!


After entering the manor, the five people walked into the hall.They were a little surprised to see the community waiting for people sitting in the hall, but they quickly converged, and then bowed to Longxi respectfully!

“Yeah! I asked you to investigate, how is the investigation!”

Long Xi nodded, then asked!

“Captain, as expected, not only the apostles of the Dark Empire entered the imperial city, but also the gods of the Light Empire entered the imperial city!”

Hearing Longxi’s question, the captain also said solemnly!

“Then those who followed Ling’er and the others today should be the riders!”

Hearing this, Long Xi also nodded, and then said!

“Huh? Longxi Big sis, you mean, we were followed today?”

Ling’er’s expression condensed when she heard Long Xi’s words, and then asked!

“Yeah! When I just closed the door, I felt it outside. Generally, the aura that can only be found on the Light Empire Divine Cavalry!”

Long Xi nodded, then said!

Upon hearing Long Xi’s words, Ling’er couldn’t help but turn her puzzled eyes to the blue and white on the side!

We “feel it too! But we didn’t feel any danger in them, so we were afraid to disturb the interest of the two little masters, so we didn’t say it!”

Seeing that they looked at both of them, Lan Lan and Bai Bai didn’t know what she meant, so they couldn’t help but say!

Hearing Lan and Baibai’s words, Ling’er couldn’t help rolling her eyes, and at the same time she couldn’t help but secretly said: “Don’t say these little riders, I’m afraid that even if the real boss of the riders comes, it won’t happen. Let you shout out danger!

But even though she thought so, Ling’er didn’t dare to say it, and she was proud of the two powerhouses of the gods around her!

Even if these two god-level powerhouses are not to protect herself, but she believes that when she is dangerously blue and white, she will not stand by. What’s more, even if they stand by, Xiaoguo and Qiqi will not agree. no!

“Um… these two are!”

From Ling’er’s eyes, Long Xi suddenly felt that she was afraid of these two women, so she couldn’t help but ask curiously!

“Can! They are the maids of Guoguo and Qiqi, who specially protect them!”

Ling’er said with a smile when she heard Longxi’s inquiry!

As for why not tell Longxi and the others, Lan Lan and Baibai are powerhouses of the gods?

Although Longxi and the others were sent by Huoyun to protect their own, they only had known them for two days. Ling’er would not be so stupid to believe them completely. What’s more, it’s a special time now!

Therefore, it is better for Ling’er to hide her backhand!

Hearing Ling’er’s words, Long Xi just smiled, and did not continue to ask!

However, the bloodstains of Longxi are so rich, it can naturally be seen that Linger is concealing something 0…..

Two maids can make you a princess look scared?

Therefore, Long Xi guessed that Ling’er must be hiding herself, but she did not feel weird.

So she just smiled, and did not continue to ask!

However, Longxi secretly wrote down the 1.3 blue and white faces, and then prepared to find out what the identities of these two people were, so that the princesses of an empire were scared!

“Okay, let’s go down first! You don’t have to worry about the apostles. I think their tasks should be the same as ours, but on the side of the gods, you should keep an eye on me. If there is any trouble, think about me in time. report!”

Temporarily suppressing doubts in the bottom of my heart, Long Xi ordered to the captain!

“Captain, I will understand!

Hearing Longxi’s instructions, the team leader quickly responded!

Then he walked outside!

“Okay! Then when shall we leave!” Long Xi asked Ling’er and the others after the captain left!

“Yeah! Let’s go now!”

Hearing Long Xi’s words, Ling’er and others said directly without even thinking about it!

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