Chapter 711

Ling’er got up early in the morning because she promised the community and Qiqi last night that she would take them out for shopping today!

After washing up, Ling’er walked towards the room where Xiaoyin and Qiqi were located!

“Boom boom boom!

When they came to the community, because they were in the room, Linger knocked on the door directly!

“Yinguo, Qiqi! Are you still not up yet?”

Hee hee “! We have been up early and are waiting for you in the room! Go, Linger Big sis, come in!”

As soon as Ling’er knocked on the door, the door was opened directly from the inside. As soon as the door opened, Qiqi’s cute little face was introduced to her, and she saw Qiqi smile at Ling’er and said!

After speaking, Kiki stepped aside to let Ling’er in!

Linger “Big sis!”

After Ling’er came in, Xiaoyin happened to put her clothes on under the service of Lan and Bai!

“Are you all ready? We have to go to meet Longxi sister, Qinqin and the others!”

After seeing Xiao Yinyin, Linger asked directly!

Originally, Ling’er wanted Longxi and Qinqin to come with them last night, but they refused, saying that they would have to wait until the day to come again, and by the way, come to see the father!

“Yeah! It’s all ready!”

Madoka nodded, and then said!

“Okay! Then let’s go!”

Seeing this, Linger said directly!

After speaking, I walked outside!

And Xiao Guoguo and others hurriedly followed!

After a while, Ling’er, the community and others left the palace and headed in the direction Longxi gave them last night!

the other side!

“Sister Longxi! Why haven’t Qiqi and the others arrived yet!”

Qin Qin asked anxiously!

For Qin Qin, she has finally made a few new friends, how could she not care!

“Okay, Qinqin! You just pulled me here before it dawns, didn’t I say that, they shouldn’t be here so fast, just wait for a while!

Seeing Qinqin walking around in a hurry in front of him, Long Xi couldn’t help showing a helpless look on his face, and then said!

“Early? But the sun has come out! And, when you usually train, don’t you let us get up early?”

Hearing what Long Xi said, Qinqin looked at her with a puzzled expression, and then asked!

“Oh~! Didn’t you say it yourself? That’s training, can it be the same as now? Forget it, I’m afraid you don’t understand what I am saying!”

Looking at the bewildered expression, Long Xi also sighed with love, and then explained!

But they said that Xiaoyin and the others had just left the palace, they were already being watched!

“What? Do you want to do it now?”

In an empty corner, there were two figures standing there, only one figure was seen, her eyes fixed on Ling’er’s distant back, and then she asked the other figure!

“No! Didn’t you hear that the captain has given the order? Let us see the target and go back and notify him! You stare here first, I will go back and notify the captain of them!

Hearing this, the other shook his head and said!


Upon hearing this person’s words, the person who asked before also nodded in response!

Seeing him nodding, the other person flashed away and headed in the opposite direction from Ling’er and the others!

After one of them left, the other didn’t hesitate, and immediately followed Ling’er and the others!

But the two didn’t know how their every move could be concealed. As a god-level powerhouse, Lan Baibaihe!

It’s just that Lan and Baibai didn’t feel the slightest threat on these two people, and they were afraid of disturbing the interest of the two little masters, so they ignored them!

What’s more, they won’t believe it. With these two people, they can hurt the little masters.Even if they are strong, it is impossible to harm these two little masters!

You know, after they became gods, they tried with two little masters, but they couldn’t hurt them at all, and even the defenses of the two little masters could not be broken!

The picture returns to Xiaoguo because of them!

“Linger Big sis! Where are we going to play today!”

Xiaotu and Qiqi, who were jumping at the front, stopped suddenly, and then asked Ling’er who was following them!

“Woo! Let’s do this! There is a big lake in a place not far from the city. We will go fishing there later, and then how about we eat the fish we catch ourselves?”

Hearing the small questions of the two guys, Ling’er stroked her chin and thought for a while. Suddenly, Ling’er’s eyes lit up suddenly, and then she suggested!

0……Look for flowers…


Hearing Linger Big sis’s suggestion, Xiaoyin and Qiqi’s eyes lit up, and then they nodded quickly and said, “Okay, okay! Let’s go fishing! Because I want to catch a lot of fish, and then we’re eating our own fish. Fish!”

“Yeah! Kiki wants to fish too, catches a lot, and Kiki wants to eat the fish she catches!

Qiqi next to her also nodded with excitement, and then cheered!

“Okay, let’s talk to Sister Longxi and Qinqin later, see if they want to go with us!”

Seeing the two little guys so happy, Ling’er was also extremely happy, and she continued to say now!

“Hehe! Longxi Big sis and Qinqin Big sis, they will definitely follow us!


Upon hearing Ling Big sis’s words, Xiaoyin and Qiqi said positively!

“Sure? Okay, let’s go faster, and then wait to ask Longxi Big sis and the others!”

Seeing the two little guys with a certain face, Ling’er was also a little surprised, and said immediately!

After speaking, he took the hands of the two little guys and quickly walked forward!

After walking for a while, Ling’er and the others came to the place Longxi gave them the address!

Looking at the manor in front, Ling’er was checking Longxi’s own position, and finally learned that Longxi and Qinqin must be in this manor!

Therefore, Ling’er didn’t hesitate anymore, walked directly to the door, raised her hand, and knocked on the door lightly!

“Boom boom boom! Sister Longxi, Qinqin! Here we are! Open the door soon!

After knocking on the door, Linger shouted inside!

In the hall, Qinqin, who was walking around in a hurry, couldn’t help but be happy when he heard the sudden shout, and ran in the direction of the door without thinking about it!

And Longxi, who was sitting in the hall, couldn’t help but shook his head when he saw this, but he still followed!


Running to the door, Qinqin directly opened the door, and suddenly Xiaoguo, Qiqi and Linger’s faces were printed in her eyes!

“Qiqi, because, sister Ling’er, you are here! I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

Seeing that it was Qiqi and the others, Qinqin immediately said happily: Factory,

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