Chapter 706 Shadow Guard! Ling Guard! God Cavalier! Apostle!

“It seems that this time it shouldn’t be so easy to pass! Alas~ It’s an eventful time!

Thinking of this, the captain of the shadow guard couldn’t help but secretly secretly!

“Right! How is the princess?”

At this moment, the captain thought of something, and immediately asked the shadow twelve involuntarily!

“Captain, don’t worry, they were discovered by me before they could do anything, so the princess should be fine!

Upon hearing the enquiry from the captain, Ying Twelve hurriedly replied!

“Well! That’s good! Okay, let’s go back too!”

Hearing that, the captain nodded in satisfaction, and then said to the people present!

After speaking, the whole person shot out into the air and disappeared the night before. Seeing this, the others quickly followed!

And in a hidden corner of the imperial city!

“Asshole, do you two know what you are doing?”

A black-haired old man sat on a chair and glared at the man and woman who were kneeling down. This man and woman were the middle-aged man and woman who had been beaten by Ying Twelve and vomiting blood!

And beside this man and woman, there was a young man who was the Daoist shadow who rescued the two!

At this moment, the young man also bowed his head respectfully, and he dared not refute the old man’s words!

“Also! How did you become the captain? It was only one day after entering the city that the shadow guards discovered it!”

“You really think that our gods are invincible, you can go anywhere? Do you know, what is this place? This is the imperial city of the Yunling Empire!”

Seeing that the middle-aged man and the woman were only committed, the black-haired old man suddenly became more agitated, and immediately questioned the young people next to him!

“Captain! It’s not about the captain. It’s our own opinion. If you want to punish you, just punish us!”

Seeing the old man questioning the captain, the middle-aged man quickly explained!

“Yes! Captain, it’s all our fault, it really doesn’t matter to the captain! If you want to punish, just punish us!”

That woman also quickly echoed the Tao!

“Huh! Punish you? Do you know how many people we lost in order to enter the imperial city? If the mission fails because of the two of you, who of you can afford it?”

Seeing that the two of them didn’t know the importance of the matter at this time, the captain was suddenly stared at by their beard blowing!

The two of them were discovered by the shadow guard, so it means that the other party may have made countermeasures, and this task of oneself and others is even more difficult to complete!

Originally, I wanted the silent general, the princess of the Yunling Empire to be arrested, but I didn’t expect that the two subordinates of own were so stupid, and they were discovered by others.How can this not make him angry!

“Huh! Put this aside for the time being, I’ll take care of you when I have time! What are you still doing in a daze? Don’t get me up yet!”

But now it is to endure the shortage, just when they are needed, the black-haired old man dare not punish them!

“Um! Thank you Captain! Thank you Captain!”

Hearing this, the two were taken aback for a moment, then quickly stood up and thanked the black-haired old man!

“Huh! Don’t be happy too early, if you don’t endure the shortage, you can still stand here?”

Looking at the happy two people, the black-haired old man snorted coldly, and then said!

“Yes, yes! We know that Captain, we will never be so impulsive again in the future!”

Seeing this, the middle-aged man and the woman nodded quickly, and then replied!

“Captain! What should we do now? Will they come to us?”

The young man who had been silent just now suddenly raised his head, and then asked the black-haired old man!

Indeed, waiting for others to be discovered by the cause, then they will not come out to encircle themselves and others!

This is what young people worry about!

“Ah! Don’t worry, I’m afraid they should still be in a hurry now, and don’t have time to deal with our affairs!”

Hearing the young man’s question, the black-haired old man couldn’t help but smiled, and then said!

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Hearing what the captain said, not only the youth, but even the middle-aged man and the woman next to him, the night market looked at the black-haired old man with a puzzled look, and didn’t understand what he meant!

“Huh! I ask you to use your brains a little bit more often, you just don’t listen! You won’t think that only our gods will enter the imperial city this time, right?”

0……Look for flowers…

“Huh? Apart from us, there are other forces too…Hmm! Captain, do you mean that the apostles and the spirit guards are also here?”

At this moment, the youth captain suddenly thought of something, he couldn’t help but stared at the black-haired old man with his eyes widened, and then asked!

“Huh! Otherwise, you can come back to see me so intact this time? I’m afraid that even if you don’t die, you will be seriously injured!”

The black-haired old man looked at the three of them with an ineffective look, and then said!

“Before entering the imperial city, I felt the stench of the apostle and the faint coercion of Lingwei!”

The black-haired old man explained, speaking of the apostle. His eyes were full of disdain, even deep disgust!


In fact, the power of the apostles is of the same nature as their gods, but their gods are the empire of light, and the apostles are of the dark empire!

For these two empires, their relationship can be said to be in dire straits. Basically every few years, they will fight a battle!

And these dark forces, such as their gods and apostles, will be caught in a fight when they meet!

This is why, the overall strength of their gods and apostles is worse than Lingwei and Shadow! “Unexpectedly, Lingwei is also here. Even the disgusting guys like the apostles are also mixed into the imperial city!” Listen When it came to the black-haired old man, the youth captain frowned and said!

For the apostle, he may not know as much as the black-haired old man, but the youth captain fought with them too often. Naturally, he knows how cruel these people are! “The captain, what if we meet the apostle?

The youth captain asked the black-haired old man!

“Huh! Isn’t that necessary? Although the mission is important this time, it is not necessary to complete it! But the apostle is not the same. When I see those disgusting guys, I kill them all! You know?”

Hearing this, the black-haired old man said directly without thinking about it! “Captain, we understand!”

Hearing the words of the black-haired old man, the three of them nodded quickly, and they understood it!

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