Chapter 705: Confrontation in Secret!

This night market seems to be very lively, but in the dark it is an undercurrent surging!

“Confirm that that is the goal?

In a corner not far from Xiaotuguo and the others, a middle-aged man with a very ordinary appearance whispered to a passing woman!

“Yeah! That’s her! As long as she is captured, then the Yunling Empire and the Dark Empire will be a deep-fried pot!

Hearing this, the woman glanced not far away, and Ling’er, who was looking happy, waited for others, and then nodded and said!

“When do you start?

The middle-aged man’s eyes followed the women’s gaze, did he have to flash with strange lights in his eyes, but he asked again in his mouth!

“Hands? Aah! Your gods are really as arrogant as your empire, so you dare to take the initiative to fight your father in the imperial city of our empire?”

As the middle-aged man just fell silent, the woman had not had time to speak, at this moment, a voice came from the shadows!

“Huh? God ride?”

Upon hearing this sudden sound, the middle-aged man and woman were obviously shocked. After walking through the reputation, they saw a figure not far behind them, I don’t know when they appeared!

560 “Hands on!”

After seeing this figure, the middle-aged man and the woman looked at each other, then said nothing, rushing towards the figure!

The middle-aged man and the woman were very fast, just between a few flashes, they had already come to the figure, and then a dagger appeared in their hands at some point, and they stabbed at the figure fiercely!

The seven poems are constantly shining with jet black cold light.These seven poems are obviously oily and highly poisonous. I am afraid that if they are rubbed on the skin, they will be extremely poisonous!

Regarding the seven stabbed poems, the figure’s complexion remained unchanged, as if the seven poems in front of him were not poisonous and deadly!

Although the speed of the middle-aged man and the woman was very fast, the speed of the figure was faster than them. Just when they were about to pierce the figure, they suddenly felt as if they had pierced the air and passed through them all at once!

And the figure of that figure gradually became blurred, and finally disappeared!

“Afterimage? Rewind!”

Seeing this, the middle-aged man and the woman’s complexion changed abruptly, and then they quickly backed away!

But the last two people found it was too late!

Because they felt that a cold light was coming to them behind own!

At the moment, the faces of the two changed wildly, and a panic flashed in their eyes!


At this time, they only heard a muffled noise, and the two felt that own was hit by a powerful force behind them, and the whole person flew forward quickly, spitting out a mouthful of blood on the ground!

“I thought you were so good, you dare to say such big things!

Seeing that the two seemed to be unable to fight again, the shadow guard couldn’t help showing disdain, and he no longer hesitated at the moment.


But just as the shadow guard was about to approach the middle-aged man and the woman, suddenly a sound of breaking through the air rang!

Without even thinking about it, the Shadow Guard quickly stopped his figure, and saw the giant sword suddenly fall from mid-air.


The Shadow Guard looked up and looked in the direction where the giant sword fell, only to see the roof not far away. I don’t know when a figure was already standing on the roof, his face changed immediately, and he shouted sharply!!

“team leader!”

And the middle-aged man and the woman who fell to the ground couldn’t help but after seeing this man, the pale face was overwhelmed with joy, and then shouted!

“Humph! It’s really not enough success and more than failure”

But when the two called out, that person just snorted coldly, and then said!

“Captain? I don’t know if it is the leader of the agbd who came to our imperial city, he really missed him!”

Hearing the middle-aged man and woman calling this man as the captain, the shadow guard’s face changed involuntarily, and he hugged the cupped fist and shouted!

The voice spread far in this silent darkness!

“Huh? Summon someone?”

Regarding the shadow guard, the people on the roof obviously know his plan, but he didn’t stop it, because this is still not an own site!

Although he himself is very confident in his strength, he still can’t be stupid to think that he can already do whatever he wants in an empire’s imperial city!

Sure enough, as soon as the words of the shadow guard fell, the brows of the people on the roof couldn’t help but frowned, because he obviously felt that there were several powerful auras flying in this direction!

At the moment, he was not fortunate to hesitate, and a flash came to the middle-aged man and the woman, and then he pulled them up, and then disappeared!

After the three disappeared, the shadow guard was obviously relieved!

At this moment, his back was wet, and it was true that the person on the roof just now put too much pressure on him, and he couldn’t even rise a little bit of fighting spirit!

“Sure enough, I am worthy of being a captain-level figure, and I can’t get even a trace of fighting spirit! Fortunately, I was smart just now, or I might fall for it today!”

This shadow guard wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and his face couldn’t help showing a hint of luck!


At this time, a few cracking sounds sounded!

I saw a few figures not far away, flying towards this quickly!

“Shadow Twelve, what happened?”

In the blink of an eye, those figures came to the shadow guard, and saw the headed person asking him!

“Captain! Just now I met two lords of the Light Empire, and then I fought with them. Just when I was about to solve them, a captain of the opponent showed up, so I will notify you!”

When the leader asked, Ying Twelve hurriedly explained!

Guangming “The empire’s horse? And it’s a captain-level figure?”

After hearing Ying Twelve’s explanation, the head of the person frowned slightly, and then whispered!

Many people may not know the magic knight of the Bright Empire, but as the captain of the shadow guard, he naturally has some understanding of the magic knight, and his own shadow guards are not a minority!

In fact, the gods and their shadows are of the same nature.They are all secret forces cultivated by the imperial royal family, and they specialize in secretly handling some things for the empire, which is not easy to handle on the bright side!

And this time, Shenqi actually has a captain-level figure coming!

You know, to become a captain-level character, the Cultivation Base must at least have the Cultivation Base of the Great Sword Master, and the Captain is the pinnacle of the Great Sword Master, just like him!

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