Chapter 687 Everyone’s Departure!

The three of Xiaoguo, Qiqi and Linger had already ran out after eating, and they didn’t know where it was!

The Ogg Saints and the Fire Cloud Saints, as well as Winnie and Elena followed Qin Xuan, sitting in the Great Hall, chatting about the sky, and by the way, I would like to ask some questions about cultivation!

After all, with such a rare opportunity, it is hard to meet a senior who is unpredictable at Cultivation Base.

A few days passed again!

In the past few days, as long as they have time, Oge Saints will ask Qin Xuan about cultivation questions!

And Xiaoyin, Qiqi and Ling’er, as long as they slept together, they disappeared. Except for food, they basically couldn’t be in the presence of the three, and they didn’t know what they were going to do!

But every time I came back, Xiao Guoyin, Qiqi and Linger’s faces were very happy, as if they had gotten some good “Sichuan Three” things!

But when I asked them, they just shook their heads with mysterious faces, and didn’t say anything!

On this day, after having lunch, Aoge Sages and Fire Cloud Sages are ready to say goodbye to Qin Xuan!

After all, it is impossible for the two of them to have so much time like Linger and the others!

“Qin senior! I have gained a lot from your advice in the past few days! If it weren’t for going back to deal with things, I would really like to stay with you for a while!”

The Fire Cloud Sage bowed towards Qin Xuan, and said respectfully!

“Haha! Where and where!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but waved his hand, then smiled and replied!

“Yeah! This time we met Neng Qin senior, it is a great opportunity! But due to time, we should also say goodbye to Qin senior!

The Oge Saint also nodded, and said with emotion!

“Qin senior, I have not gone back to see my father, mother and them! So, I have to leave too!”

Winnie next to Qin Xuan also said to Qin Xuan!

“Yeah! Say hello to your parents for me!”

Qin Xuan nodded, then said!

“Then Qin senior, we will leave first!”

After a kiss, everyone stood up and hugged the cupped fist towards Qin Xuan!

“Yeah! So I won’t keep you guys! You guys go slowly!”

Qin Xuan nodded to everyone, and then replied!

The guidance from Qin Xuan these days has really made them gain a lot, so they still respect Qin Xuan very much!

“Qin senior stay!”

After speaking, the Ogg Saint turned around and was about to leave, but when he turned around, he found that Ling’er was not far away with Xiao Gong Yin and Qiqi, and they didn’t know what they were talking about.

On Ling’er’s side, her eyes were also red, and she was bidding farewell to Xiaoyin and Qiqi!

Looking at her, it seems that the relationship has become very good when we go out together every day in the past few days!

“Linger Big sis! Don’t go! We still have a lot of places that haven’t taken you there!”

Kiki looked at Ling’er reluctantly, and then said!

“Yeah! Linger, we still have a lot of places. We haven’t explored yet. Maybe there are still a lot of treasures there!”

The little Yinyin next to him also nodded, and then said in agreement!

“I don’t want to leave either! But Grandpa Grandpa and the others have something to go back! So I can only follow it back! However, when Grandpa Grandpa has time, I will definitely let him be when I come to you!

Linger couldn’t help but say helplessly!

“Ling’er! Alright, we are leaving now!”

At this moment, the voice of Saint Org came over, and the three little guys who were talking were interrupted all at once!

“Because! Qiqi! Grandpa Grandpa called me, then I will leave first! I will definitely come to see you when I have time!

After hearing the call of the Oge Saint, Linger suddenly said with a look of reluctance!

After finishing speaking, he waved his hands towards Xiao Guoyin and Qiqi, and then ran towards the relief of Oge Saint!

“Yeah! Linger, Big sis, remember to miss us!”

Seeing this, Xiaoguo and Qiqi shouted loudly!

“Got it! I will miss you!

Ling’er turned her head and turned back, then ran to the side of Saint Ogg, then turned and waved to Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi!

Seeing Winnie and others who disappeared into the sky, Xiaoyin and Qiqi’s faces were full of dismay!

“Ah! Okay, don’t be sad. It’s not too far away. If you miss them, you can visit them when you have time!

Qin Xuan touched the heads of the two little guys, then comforted!

Hearing that, the two little guys also nodded, but although they nodded, they are still not very high in nature!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan didn’t say anything, because he knew that even if he said something now, the two little guys would be like this, so it’s better not to say it, so Qin Xuan turned around and walked inside. !

However, he believes that as long as a few days later, these two little guys will be as alive and kicking as before!

“Big sis! You said Winnie Big sis, Irene Big sis, Linger Big sis! When will they come to see us!”

After being silent for a while, Qiqi suddenly asked Xiaoyin!

“do not know!”

Hearing this, Xiao shook his head, and then replied!

“But didn’t Ling’er Big Sis talk about it? When she is free, she will come to see us!

Thinking of what Ling’er said just now, Xiao Yinyin added again!


Hearing this, Qiqi also nodded, with a clear expression!

Another few days passed!

Sure enough, a day or two after Winnie and the others left, except for Qin Xuan’s food, Xiaoyin and Qiqi were slightly active. Therefore, at other times, the interest was not very high!

However, in the next few days, the two little guys have almost returned to their original appearance!

No, early this morning, Qin Xuan was still closing his eyes and meditating, and suddenly there was a knock on the door!

Needless to say, Qin Xuan also knows that it is Xiaoyin and Qiqi!

After all, in this deserted place, apart from the two of them, who else would dare to knock on his door early in the morning!

Needless to say, Lang Yun, he didn’t have the guts to knock on his door early in the morning, let alone Lan Lan and Bai Bai!

Maybe they don’t know where they are asleep now!


But he said that early this morning, Qin Xuan was still closing his eyes and meditating, and suddenly there was a knock on the door!

Needless to say, Qin Xuan also knows that it is Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi!

After all, in this deserted place, apart from the two of them, who else would dare to knock on his door early in the morning!

Needless to say, Lang Yun, he didn’t have the guts to knock on his door early in the morning, let alone Lan Lan and Bai Bai!

Maybe they don’t know where they are sleeping now!

Sure enough, after Qin Xuan expected that it was Xiao Yinyin and Qiqi who were knocking on the door, there was a shout outside!

“Big Big Brother! Big Big Brother! The sun is going to bask, you can’t get up yet!”

After hearing the shouts outside, Qin Xuan also shook his head helplessly!

Unexpectedly, these two little guys were quiet for two days, and they became active again!

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