Chapter 686

“Ha ha!

Seeing this, not only Winnie, but also Elena, Linger, Fire Cloud Saint and Org Saint who were next to her, couldn’t help laughing!

After laughing for a while, Winnie couldn’t help touching the heads of the two little guys, and then she did not hesitate to praise: “Yes, yes! If it weren’t for Yinyin and Kiki, we wouldn’t get this thing! This time Yinyin and Kiki Guo and Qiqi are the biggest heroes!”

“Yeah! Yeah. Without cause and Qiqi, we wouldn’t have this thing! You two are indeed the biggest heroes this time!

After Winnie, Irene also smiled and praised!

The same is true for other people, and Chao Xiaoyin and Kiki praised it without hesitation!

“Hehe! Where, where! Me and Qiqi are just a coincidence!”

Seeing everyone praised herself and Qiqi, Yin immediately waved his hand, and said modestly!

“Ah! What’s the matter of smiling so happy!”

Just when everyone was laughing very happily, suddenly Qin Xuan’s voice came over!

Following the reputation, I saw that Qin Xuan was carrying a plate and walking out of the side hall, and Lang Yun following him was also carrying a plate!

“Big Brother!”

Seeing Qin Xuan coming, Xiao Guoyin and Qiqi immediately shouted happily!

“Qin senior (Mr. Qin, Big Brother)!

The others also stood up one after another, and then greeted Qin Xuan!

“Yeah! You are welcome! Come and sit down! Come and eat late!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan also nodded at the crowd, then pointed to a table not far away and said to the crowd!

“Late dinner! Because I haven’t eaten the food cooked by Big Brother for a long time!”

Hearing Qin Xuan’s words, Xiao Guoguo suddenly yelled with joy, and then ran towards the table!

“Yeah! So is Qiqi!”

Qiqi next to her also nodded fiercely, and then chased after her!

Hearing that, nothing else was delayed, and after walking over, he sat down directly!

“Aah! Then you two will eat more later, this time Big Brother will make a lot!

After hearing the words of the two little guys, Qin Xuan also said with a smile!

“Hehe! Because I can eat it very well!”

Xiao Yinguo said without humility at all!

“Kiki eats more!”

Kiki also replied not to be outdone!

“Big Brother! Hurry up and serve! We can’t wait!”

“Good good!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan also touched the heads of the two little guys, and then said!

“Then guys, sit down first, and I’ll bring out all the food!”

Qin Xuan said to everyone:

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the side hall!

Seeing this, Lang Yun also hurriedly followed!

“It’s so delicious! Or let’s eat it first!”

Looking at the two bowls of dishes brought on the table, Xiaoyin couldn’t help swallowing, and then said to everyone!

“No way! We have to wait for all the dishes to be served, and then eat with Mr. Qin!

Looking at the two little guys with anxious faces, Winnie couldn’t help but said with a smile!

“All right!

After hearing Winnie’s words, the two little guys suddenly sat down again unwillingly!

But even though Winnie said so, she couldn’t consciously swallow her saliva when she smelled the scent that came over!

The same is true for Elena and Linger next to them!

Elena is fortunate to say that although the dishes on this table are very attractive, after all, she is a little older and can still control herself!

As for Ling’er, her eyes were staring at the two dishes on the table, and she never moved away!

I think she, as the emperor of an empire, hasn’t eaten what kind of dishes, this is the first time she has let her do this!

She couldn’t help thinking, frantically sweeping the two dishes on this table!

Except for the Oge Saint and the Fire Cloud Saint, who were a little calmer, everyone else swallowed!

But no one dared to move!

After all, this is not the own family, and the basic politeness is still the only thing for everyone!

“Why the Big Brother is so slow!

After waiting for a while, some impatient Xiaoguo couldn’t help but grumble with his mouth!

For a foodie, the most tortured thing is to wait for others to serve food, and to see delicious dishes, but can’t eat them!

“Hmm! Big Brother is too slow!”

Hearing that, Qiqi next to her also nodded in agreement!

But her eyes still haven’t left the two dishes on the table!

0.……Look for flowers…

“Ah! I can’t wait for such a little time!”

At this moment, Qin Xuan walked out of the side hall with the dishes, and suddenly heard the complaint between Xiao Yinyin and Qiqi, and couldn’t help but smile!

“Hehe! Big Brother, you are here!”

After seeing Qin Xuan’s enough, Xiaoyin and Qiqi couldn’t help but stick out their tongues, and then said with a grin!

“Okay! Everyone can eat!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan didn’t care either. After all the food was served, he sat down and said to everyone!

“Hey! Eat a little!

As soon as Qin Xuan’s words were over, Xiao Yinyin, Qiqi, and Ling’er, the girl, couldn’t wait to sweep up. Suddenly, the wind rose on the dinner table!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan just smiled, and didn’t say anything, as if he was used to such a scene himself!

“Ling’er! Be polite!”

The Oge Saint, who can receive a good education, cannot sit like this.

“Ah! It’s okay!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan waved his hand, indicating that he doesn’t need to be nervous!

“Qin senior, I’m really sorry!”

Although Qin Xuan signaled that he didn’t need to care, the Ogg Saint still said apologetically!

“Haha! I’m used to this kind of scene! So, you don’t have to care too much!

Seeing the apologetic face of Saint Org, Qin Xuan suddenly laughed and said!

“Senior, I’m so sorry!”

Although Qin Xuan signaled that he didn’t need to care, the Ogg Saint still said apologetically!

“Haha! I’m used to this kind of scene! So, you don’t have to care too much!

Seeing the apologetic face of Saint Org, Qin Xuan suddenly laughed and said!

Hearing this, the Oge Saint couldn’t help but wonder what Qin Xuan meant!

But when he saw Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi who were like Linger at his dinner table, he suddenly realized it!

I was not stopping Ling’er right now, so I picked up the chopsticks and tried to eat!

But after he took a bite, his eyes also brightened sharply, and then the speed in his hand increased a bit!

Time passes slowly!

After meal: factory,

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