Chapter 636 The battle continues! 2


The Fire Cloud Saint yelled, and a powerful burst of light broke out in his eyes.

As the fire cloud saint’s shout fell, the existence that resembled a black hole around him instantly expanded, and countless violet flame blades were instantly exhausted into the black hole-like existence, and the terrifying temperature disappeared in an instant.

“So strong!”

Seeing this, Winnie’s eyes twitched slightly, and then she whispered in her heart!

The figure flashed, The next moment had disappeared beside the Huoyun Sage, and her instinct told her that this gray-haired old man was very dangerous, and it was definitely not a good place to stay by his side.

Winnie did not hesitate, and quickly backed away.He himself did not expect that this trick would make the Holy Cloud Huoyun suffer much.This trick was mainly temptation, and the power of the Holy Cloud caused Winnie to sigh secretly. , Winnie retreated quickly when she tried to no avail.

Winnie didn’t expect that this Fire Cloud Saint would actually be so strong, the Crazy Sky Saint who was compared with herself at the beginning, compared with the Fire Cloud Saint in front of her, it is really far behind!

I heard that among all the saints, this fire cloud saint ranked seventh. If it were the top three, how strong would it be 360?

Winnie couldn’t help thinking!

“I want to challenge all the saints in the world. It’s too much of my own strength!”

Hearing that, I laughed at myself!

After seeing Winnie retreating quickly, the Fire Cloud Saint did not chase him, but stood there quietly, as if he didn’t care about Winnie at all, with his hands behind his back, looking at Winnie not far away.

Looking at Winnie’s cautious appearance as if the enemy is quickly retreating, the Fire Cloud Saint smiled indifferently, looking at the residual energy of those flame blades, he was calm, his sleeves shook slightly, and it looked like that soft black cloth. Under the infusion of vindictive energy, it also has the hardness of steel which is not inferior to that of steel.

The violet energy that distorted the void easily dissipated under his sleeves, and his strength reached the level of a holy step.Almost any part of the whole body, even a small hair, can be a murderous weapon. The residual energy couldn’t hurt him at all.

So far, the black-clothed old man has no intention of making a sword at all. Before, he was all weapons transformed with vindictive energy. This obviously did not put Winnie on the same stage as him.

Come on”, let the old man come and see, what are your skills? Come on, come on, use your full strength to attack! Let the old man see what you have, don’t let the old man down. “The horrible fighting spirit around him, forming a black hole-like existence around him, everything around the Devourer, the Fire Cloud Saint, said to Winnie who was not far away floating in the air!

Winnie stood high in the sky with no expression on her face, but she didn’t say a word. He knew that facing this gray-haired old man, she seemed pale and weak in everything she said, so she could only use absolute strength.

The endless violet flames gushing out from above the body, and the continuous distortion of the void makes it revert back to the distortion.The temperature above the sky instantly ascending to a terrifying height, the endless violet vindictiveness soars into the sky, and Winnie is motionless. Stand there.

Under this terrifying high temperature, the faces of those who watched this battle in the valley were flushed with the heat under the terrifying high temperature!

“Is this a Saint-Rank powerhouse? Just relying on the evolution of the fighting energy in the body, the entire valley instantly Ascension to such a high temperature!”

“Moreover, looking at their posture, they have not yet begun to use their own real strength, just now it was just a test of each other!”

A person with a great swordsman Cultivation Base, seeing all this, his face was also shocked!

“It’s so hot!”

“No way! It’s too hot, I can’t stay any longer!”

“Quickly! Let’s leave quickly! They have made the whole valley so hot before they actually start their hands. What if they wait for their real hands (agbd)?”

Some people with a relatively low Cultivation Base can’t stand the heat, and now they are retreating outside the valley!

As the crowd slowly receded, there were not many people present!

In addition to a few Great Sword Masters, Great Magisters, and the group of people from other empires present, as well as Elena, Xiaoguo, Qiqi and others!

Among them, the small country is the most eye-catching because of this group of people, and it also makes the rest of the people very curious!

After all, in their group, there are actually two little girls holding pets, and these two little girls look only three or four years old!

What surprised the people present was that at such a high temperature, the two little girls were not affected at all, so this had to make them curious!

“Hey! Irene Big sis, why are they looking at us!”

Perhaps it was because she felt the gaze of others, Kiki pulled the sleeve of Elena next to her, and then said!

“Aha! It’s okay, let them watch if they like it! We just ignore them!”

Hearing this, Elena couldn’t help but said with a smile!

“Yeah! Qiqi got it!”

After hearing Elena’s words, Kiki also nodded, then turned to continue watching the competition on the court!

Irene “Big sis! Winnie Big sis seems to be unable to beat that old grandpa!”

Having been paying attention to the rivalry community on the field, her little face wrinkled involuntarily, and then said to Elena!

“Huh? Because, how do you know that you are going to lose when you ask you Big sis?”

After hearing Xiao Yinyin’s words, Elena also looked at her with a strange expression, and then asked!

Isn’t it strange that Elena? The fight has just begun, and she urinates and said that the woman is not the opponent of the Fire Cloud Saint, how did she know?

What’s more, isn’t the match between the two people evenly divided?

Why is Xiaoguo sure that the woman will lose?

“Tutu feels it!”

Xiao Guoguo looked at her strangely, and then said!

“Hey! Kiki feels it too! Winnie Big sis is not that old grandpa’s opponent!!

Qiqi next to him also said with a certain expression:

“Feel it? Is it possible that you can still see through the future?

Hearing that, Elena looked at them speechlessly, thinking in her heart!

But she didn’t dare to say this, she could only think about it in her heart!

As for the community Yin and Qiqi, what they said they felt that the woman would lose, Elena didn’t take it seriously!

“Yeah! Erin Big sis knows! Then when you Winnie Big sis loses, we will go and look for her! How about?”

Elena, who didn’t know how to answer, had to change the subject.


Hearing that, the two little guys also nodded quickly, and then responded!

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