Chapter 635: Fight! 1

“Hey! Nayin (Qiqi) waits until Winnie’s Big sis test is over, then go find her!

Hearing this, the two little guys said in unison!

the other side!

“Okay! Are we going to start too?”

Winnie looked at the Fire Cloud Saint not far in front, and said!

“Haha! Okay, let’s start too! Let me see, you, the newly promoted saint, are so powerful that you actually defeated the selfish ghost of Kuangtian!”

Hearing this, the Fire Cloud Saint suddenly laughed, and then said!

“Aha! You will see it later!”

Winnie rolled her eyes, and then replied angrily!


After finishing speaking, in an instant, a burst of extremely violent aura radiated from Winnie’s body, and Winnie at this time was like a black hole, devouring everything around the person.

“not simple!”

The Fire Cloud Saint stared at the sudden eruption of Winnie, he knew that this woman was definitely not a soft persimmon like her on the surface!

Sage Huoyun let out a sigh of relief and slowly lifted his steps. The moment he landed on him, a powerful aura radiated from him.

“bring it on!”

The Fire Cloud Saint was not afraid, and he shouted loudly, shaking the entire valley.

In an instant, the red vindictiveness on the body of the Saint Huoyun burst out like the water of the Yellow River bursting out of a bank.

Continuously pouring out of the fire cloud saint’s body, that half of the sky seemed to be dyed red, turning into a faint red.

I saw the fire cloud saint waved his hand at the opposite Winnie, and suddenly, a red aerodynamic rushed towards Winnie, where the red aerodynamics passed, the space was distorted, and the rocks were shattered.

This is just the vigor of the Fire Cloud Saint’s casual wave, which created such a scene, which shows how terrifying this Fire Cloud Saint’s Cultivation Base is.

The yellow vindictive vigor that slanted down all over the sky, wherever it passed, it was dusty, and pieces of mountains and rocks were instantly turned into nothing.

Chu Tianyou stood there standing still, a violet flame gushing from Chu Tianyou’s body and enveloped Chu Tianyou.From a distance, Chu Tianyou was like a violet fireman, and the temperature around him instantly ascending to a terrifying horror. At the point, the yellow vindictive energy crushed onto the violet flame, collapsed in an instant, and dissipated little by little.

Seeing the energy rushing towards her, Winnie stood there still.At this moment, a violet flame gushed out of Winnie’s body, enveloping Winnie’s entire body!

From a distance, Winnie was like a violet fireman, and the surrounding temperature instantly ascending to a terrifying point.The red vindictiveness crushed onto the violet flames, collapsed in an instant, and dissipated little by little. .

“Sure enough, some ability, for a long time.”

Seeing this, the eyes of the sage of Huoyun suddenly brightened, and then said!

He also did not expect that the woman in front of him was also a cultivation fire attribute grudge!

If it is for other attributes, the Fire Cloud Sage may not be able to get any guidance, but the fire attribute, among all the known Saints, the Fire Cloud Sage thinks that it can be ranked in the top three!


Seeing this, the Fire Cloud Saint didn’t intend to keep his hands, only saw a move in his hand, and suddenly a fiery red long sword appeared in his hand!

Then with just a light stroke, the crimson long sword drew a sky full of sword shadows, leaning towards Winnie on the opposite side, like a hundred sons, the afterimages drew a strange arc on the sky.

The sky full of Sword intent with endless killing intent, and the strange cold light flashed on the sword shadows, as if to cut off the whole mountain, strengthened by the deep yellow vindictiveness.

The terrifying yellow sword shadows pounced on Winnie with endless killing intent. Where Sword Qi passed, the space was still distorted, and the mountains and rocks were turned into ashes and dissipated little by little.

With a single wave of your hand, you can burst out such a powerful blow. It can be seen that when you reach the first-level powerhouse of the holy step, you can break the mountain and crack the river with every move. Looking up at the worshipped Realm.

This move, a move that is casually swung, if it is changed to an ordinary holy step, I am afraid that the under a single strike of the Huoyun Sage will not be rushed, and if it is careless, it will even die!

This is the saint, the supremely strong person who makes ordinary masters fearful, but for Winnie, it is not difficult to avoid this trick, and even without avoiding at all, it can be hard to follow!

Not to mention the knowledge learned from Qin Xuan, just because Winnie herself is a holy powerhouse, she can easily block this strike.

You know, although Winnie has not been a saint for long, she is not an ordinary saint. Therefore, for the Huoyun saint, this trick is very powerful in others’ eyes, but in Winnie’s view, it is also Like that!

The sword shadow leaning from the sky was about to fall in front of Winnie.


A powerful purple flame surged from inside Winnie’s body, and a semicircular violet wall appeared in front of Winnie.

*Daodao.* The red sword shadow with “Kingjing Endless Jingjing” killing intent, when leaning onto the violet flame wall, instantly dissipated.


Seeing this, the eyes of the saint of fire cloud couldn’t help but jump slightly!

You know, the wave just now, although not his full strength, but at least his own five layers of power!

But I didn’t expect that with a gas mask, the woman could easily block own Sword Qi!

“It seems that I have to be serious! Although I don’t care about winning or losing, it is rare to have such a good opponent this time. How can I not play well?”

Thinking of this, the eyes of Saint Huoyun looking at Winnie were also full of fighting spirit!

“You have made two moves, now I should make one move!” At this moment, a flat voice suddenly sounded behind Huoyun Sage.

The fire cloud saint’s heart was shocked:

“So fast!”

This speed has already surprised the sage Huoyun, but it still cannot shock the sage Huoyun!

(Okay okay)

What shocked the old man in black was that this woman escaped Own’s perception and came behind Own!

You must know that the woman in front of you is just a person who has not been promoted to the holy rank for long, and what about yourself? Has been at the holy rank for hundreds of years. It can be said that the understanding of the holy rank is absolutely It is higher than her, but she has such a speed to escape from own perception, which really shocked the Huoyun Sage.

“Boom West”

An unmatched powerful aura spread from the side of the Fire Cloud Saint.

Saint Yun coldly snorted, and a powerful and unmatched aura burst out all over his body.The fiery red fighting spirits around him exuded a terrifying aura.In an instant, the void began to become distorted, and a black hole formed around him. The existence of swallowing everything around!

At the same time, countless violet flame blades filled with an aura of destruction.

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