Chapter 607: The Fright of the Lord of Life!

Big Sister “I want to know, is it really like Audrey said, just use Mental Energy to probe it, don’t you understand?”

At this time, the goddess of nature next to it also suggested!


Hearing that, the life master nodded, and then directly released own Mental Energy, and went to Xiaoyin and Qiqi!

When Mental Energy, the main god of life, entered the body of the community Yin, she felt a powerful force, although this force seemed to be sealed by someone unknown.

However, she can still feel the strength of that power from the seal. It is a powerful force that cannot be expressed in words. It is also a powerful force that she has seen so far!

“What a powerful force! In front of this force, it seems that a drop of water is incomparable to the entire sea!

After feeling the strength in the community cause, the life lord god couldn’t help but sigh with emotion!

After carefully pulling out own Mental Energy, the Lord of Life was also relieved.She was really afraid that she would accidentally touch the seal and let this power run out. I am afraid that the entire Celestial Continent, no, It should be the entire world, including the God Realm and The Netherworld, will be directly finished!

After a sigh of relief, the Lord of Life looked at Qiqi next to him again!

“Listen to Audrey, it’s the sea of ​​consciousness of this little girl, that terrible fox exists!”

After looking at Qiqi, the life master couldn’t help but condensed!

Because, after feeling that incomparably powerful power in the community, the Lord of Life also believed that Audrey did not joke with herself!

Therefore, she felt compassion for the fox in Qiqi’s body, because she heard Audrey say that if the fox hadn’t been malicious to her, she would have fallen, but even so, It also caused her to be slightly injured!

And if I go to inquire again, will it annoy it?

Thinking of this, the Lord of Life also felt a little uneasy in his heart!

However, this time their lower realms were about to figure out this matter. If they didn’t figure out this matter, then what is the point of them coming down?

Thinking of this, the Lord of Life immediately gritted his teeth, then released own Mental Energy, and probed towards Qiqi!

When Mental Energy of the main god of life entered Qiqi’s body, she felt that she had come to a world full of gray.This gray world had no distinction between up and down, left and right, and some were just endless gray!

Suddenly, she felt that the space in front of her suddenly trembled. Looking at her, she saw a red and huge ball suddenly appeared in the sky above own. She had never seen such a huge thing, even the entire God Realm. , It can’t be compared with this red ball!

After carefully looking at the ball for a while, the Lord of Life suddenly discovered that what kind of ball is this, it is clearly an eyeball, a huge eyeball!

The lord of life swears. She has never seen it before, shouldn’t have never heard of it, such a huge eyeball!

At this moment, the life master felt that he was looking at him with a single eye, and in an instant, a terrible pressure struck him, and he couldn’t breathe!

And the gray space in the distance seemed to start to disperse suddenly, and a huge white figure gradually appeared in the eyes of the Lord of Life!

At this moment, the eyes of the Lord of Life are full of horror!

That was a huge white fox, and the Lord of Life only felt that his own eyes seemed to be insufficient!

Because I discovered her, I actually couldn’t see the entire figure of this white fox, just one leg, let the Lord of Life feel that it is a pillar that supports the sky, not a fox’s leg!

“This…. This is the fox Audrey said? This is too big!”

The Lord of Life thought shockedly in his heart!

The Lord of Life felt that if this fox appeared in the own world, I am afraid that as long as it moves a little, the whole world will be destroyed!

At this time, the life master felt that the way was watching Own’s gaze and retreated, and the huge fox gradually sank into the darkness, until it disappeared!

But from the gaze just now, the life master felt disdain and indifferent!

It’s as if a person sees an ant and doesn’t care about it, and the fox is a person, and he is the ant!

Although the Lord of Life felt that the fox was dismissive of herself, she was not angry, but felt that this was normal!

Because this world is a world where the strong are respected, as long as your fists are big enough and strong enough, then wherever you go, others will respect you!

0……Look for flowers…

Compared with that fox, he is indeed a wispy ant, so its disdain is normal to the Lord of Life!

At the same time, she was also relieved in her heart, because the fox dismissed her, it means that she is no longer in danger for so long!

At the moment, the Lord of Life directly collected own Mental Energy from Qiqi’s body!

In the ancient tree of life!

After seeing the Lord God of Own Big Sister opened his eyes, the goddess of nature next to him also quickly asked: “Big Sister! What’s wrong, is it really what Audrey said?


Hearing this, the Lord of Life first let out a sigh, and then said with a wry smile: “Hey! It’s exactly what Audrey said!”



After hearing that the Lord of Life, Big Sister, also admitted, the face of the Goddess of Nature couldn’t help showing a look of curiosity!

At the moment, the goddess of nature is also ready to investigate and explore!

“Artemis, I also advise you not to investigate, otherwise you may also leave a shadow!”

Seeing Artemis eager to try, the Lord of Life knew what she wanted to do, and he also discouraged him right now!

“Um? Big Sister, why is this?

Hearing that, Artemis, the goddess of nature, also looked at the main god of life with a puzzled face, and then asked!

“Oh! Because that level is simply not something we can compel!”

“What’s more, even if you know that a person has a good temper, he will get mad when he is disturbed by the ants again and again! Moreover, his temper is not necessarily good!”

The Lord of Life sighed, and then explained!

“Building ants?”

When I heard that Big Sister compares himself and others to ants, not only the goddess of nature, even the god of the forest next to Audrey was stunned!

The goddess of nature is shocked because she has never seen the fox in Qiqi’s body!

And Audrey, the god of the forest, was also stunned because she had entered Kiki’s sea of ​​consciousness at that time, and she just glanced at it quickly, and she was really out by a look!

Unlike the main god of life, he can see everything truly!

Therefore, when the two heard that Big Sister, who has always been arrogant, compares themselves to a wisp of ants, they couldn’t help but froze!

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