Chapter 606 Wen Dini’s worries among the elves!

“Wow! So many fruits!”

Looking at a large piece of red fruit trees, which are full of various fruits, Xiao Guoguo couldn’t help exclaiming!

“Yeah. Yeah! It’s so much!

Qiqi next to her was also a little bit fierce, and then said in agreement!

After finishing speaking, he swallowed unconsciously!

“Ah! This is the fruit grown by our elves! By the way, if you think this kind of fruit is not delicious, there are more over there!

Hearing this, Dante Elder next to him also smiled, and then pointed to the other side and said!

“Hmm! We know! Dandy Big sis, can we pick it now?”

Seeing this, the two little guys also nodded frantically, and then asked expectantly!

“Yeah! Go!

Seeing the two little guys looking anxious, Dandy Elder suddenly felt funny, but he nodded to indicate that they could go pick it!

“Lah~! Pick the fruit slightly! Kiki, let’s go!”

“Hmm! Don’t worry because of Big sis, Kiki knows!”

Seeing that Dante Big sis agreed, the two little guys didn’t hesitate to buy at the moment, and rushed directly towards the fruit tree not far away!

Looking at the two happily picked little guys, Danti Elder couldn’t help being speechless at the moment!

But she didn’t say anything, after all, it is normal for children to be greedy and playful!

“Dante Elder!

Just as Dandy Elder looked at Xiao Yinyin with 000 eyes, feeling a while, suddenly heard a familiar voice, sounded behind Own!

Turning around and looking around, she found that the elf queen was already standing behind own for some time.

I was also taken aback at the moment, but after regaining his senses, Dandy Elder saluted respectfully, and then called: “I have seen the queen!”

Hearing that, the queen just nodded, and then looked at not far away, Xiaorourou and Qiqi who were picking this fruit!

“Is the queen here to see Yin Yin and Kiki?”

Seeing this, Dante Elder asked a little uncertainly!

“Yeah! Okay, you go back first! Just have me here with them!”

The queen nodded, then waved to Dandy Elder, motioning her to leave first!

After guessing some things from the mother tree, where can the Elf Queen live? It’s definitely over!

Therefore, she walked directly out of the palace and prepared to stay with these two little guys without leaving any accidents!


Although I don’t understand why the queen is so nervous and actually has to accompany these two little guys in person, Dandy Elder also dared not defy the queen’s order, and directly responded, and then turned and left!

In this way, the elf queen has been standing here, carefully watching Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi not far away, for fear of an accident between the two!

After a while, the two little guys seemed to have enough, and one person carrying a basket about the same size as them, was walking towards here!

“Huh! Finally I don’t pick it anymore!”

Seeing this, the Elf Queen was also relieved!

The Elf Queen is not distressed by the fruit, but she finally doesn’t have to wait here!

“Hey! Are you not the patriarch of that elven clan? By the way, what about Dandy Big sis?

The two little guys were carrying baskets, and when they were flying towards here, they found that what was standing here was the elf queen he had seen in the palace before, and Danti Big sis had disappeared, and Xiaocai couldn’t help it at the moment. Asked strangely!

“Aah! Yeah! I am the patriarch of the elves, you can call me Wendy Big sis! And your Dandy Big sis left a bit beforehand (Dandy: You told me to leave, but you said me I have already left if something happened), so I will be with you!”

Hearing that, the Elf Queen also smiled at the two little guys, and then explained!

“It turns out that Dandy Big sis left beforehand! Wendy Big sis hello!

Hearing this, Xiao Yinyin also nodded suddenly, and then yelled sweetly at the Elf Queen!

“Wendy Big sis is good! Hmm… so sweet!”

Qiqi who was next to her also hurriedly called out, and after she finished her call, she took another bite, and the fruit in her hand made a sound of praise in her mouth!

“Yeah! Go, I’ll take you to see where you live!”

The Elf Queen (agbd) also responded with a smile, and then said to the two!


The two little guys replied!

“Right! When you first opened, you should also pass by our village. If you see a place you like better, I will arrange it for you!”

The Elf Queen thought for a while, then said again!

“Favorite place?

Hearing that, it is not only the cause of the small country, even Qiqi, who was eating the fruit, stopped, and then looked at the elf queen, lost in thought!

“Qiqi, you said, did you see a place you like?”

After thinking for a while, Urinating asked Qiqi next to her!

“Woo. Because Big sis likes it, Qiqi likes it all!”

Kiki scratched her head, and then replied!

“Wendy Big sis, the palace just now is very beautiful, we like it very much, how about I live there with Qiqi?”

Hearing this, Xiaoyin thought for a while, suddenly his eyes lit up, and then said to the elf queen!


Listening to the novel and want to live in the palace, the Elf Queen was also shocked, but she quickly recovered, and then said with a smile: “Okay! Then you two will live in the palace with me!”

At the same time, the elf queen was also relieved.If Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi lived far away from her, it would be difficult for her to act in time if something unexpected happened!

So, now that she hears that two little guys are going to live in the palace, how can she not breathe a sigh of relief!

“Go! Big sis takes you over!

The elf queen said to the two little guys!

After speaking, he flew towards the palace where he was located!

Seeing this, Xiao Yinyin and Qiqi also hurriedly followed!

the other side!

Among the ancient trees of life, Aphrodite, the main god of life, Artemis, the goddess of nature, and Audrey, the god of the forest transformed into an ancient tree of life, the three women are looking at the water scene technique in front of them!

In the Water Realm Spell, there are the Elf Queen Wendini, Xiao Yinyin, and Kiki who are flying to the palace!

“Are these two girls?”

The Lord of Life looked at Xiao Yin and Qiqi in the Water Realm Technique, frowning, and then asked Audrey, the god of the forest next to him!

Because the life master is in the community and Qiqi, there is really no problem, and the two of them don’t seem to have any powerful power!

“I thought this to you at the beginning, but when I used Mental Energy to probe their bodies, I realized that I was wrong, and it was a big mistake!”

Hearing this, the god of the forest gave a wry smile, and then explained!

Big Sister “I want to know, is it really like Audrey said, just use Mental Energy to probe it, don’t you understand?”

At this time, the goddess of nature next to it also suggested!


Hearing that, the life master nodded, and then directly released own Mental Energy, and explored the community Yin and Qiqi!

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