Chapter 575 Heavenly Cang Continent

You must know that a human being cultivated to a holy rank has a life span of nearly a few thousand years, while the god rank is a little longer, with a life span ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands!

When it comes to the dragon race, then another race has to be mentioned.They are also the top race on the Celestial Continent, and this race is the orc!

As for the orcs, there are many types. Among them, the most powerful is Bimon, and among Bimon, the golden bimon is the most powerful. They can be comparable to giant dragons when they are adults, and there are even some golden bimon, born with nature. The giant dragons can be born, of course, the dragons here are those juvenile dragons!

When it comes to the dragon race, then another race has to be mentioned.They are also the top race on the Celestial Continent, and this race is the orc!

As for the orcs, there are many types. Among them, the most powerful is Bimon, and among Bimon, the golden bimon is the most powerful. They can be comparable to giant dragons when they are adults, and there are even some golden bimon, born with nature. The giant dragons can be born, of course, the dragons here are those juvenile dragons!

And this kind of golden beimon is the emperor of the orcs!

And under the Golden Beamon, in addition to the other Beamon, there are four big orc tribes, they are: Lion tribe, Tiger tribe, Wolf tribe, and Orc tribe!

Among them, the lion, tiger, and wolf tribes are all authentic orc tribes, while the orc tribes are descendants of the orcs and human tribes, and they are formed after being rejected by the own tribe!

Some of them are from the Lion tribe, some from the tiger tribe and the wolf tribe, and even other small tribes have joined them, so the orcs are the most powerful of these four tribes. The other three tribes are much stronger, but they are not united, leading to the separation of many forces!

And the orcs now live in places where the environment is not bad!

The orcs were originally the most powerful race in ancient times. They once occupied more than half of the Celestial Continent and enslaved many races, including the human race. Only some powerful races were spared. These races were the dragon races. Elves and other minority races!

However, later the human race slowly emerged, uniting the dragon race, the elven race, and hundreds of other small races, and fought with the orcs, and this battle spread to the entire Celestial Continent!

This battle has been fought for nearly a hundred years, and the tribes did not know how many creatures died before they defeated the orcs and finally drove them to the desolate and desolate plain!

In this battle, there are many small races who have tragically murdered their clan and disappeared in the long river of time!

The dragons and elves also suffered heavy losses and had to retreat!

Among them, the elves live in the elven forest, while the dragons live away from the mainland and live in overseas islands.These islands are also called dragon islands by the dragons!

After the dragons and elves left, the human race and some other small races remained!

And these remaining small races have gradually integrated into the human race!

Although the human race suffered heavy losses in this battle, the gains were even greater, not only driving the orcs out, but also occupying this rich land!

And this battle is also called the Battle of Heaven!

And as time passed by, this battle was gradually forgotten by people!

Since then, the dragon and elves have faded out of people’s sight and gradually become legends!

Terran Territory!

In the Burlington City of the Spirit Dragon Empire!

Burlington City is one of the four major cities of the Spirit Dragon Empire, and there are nearly tens of millions of living creatures living in it.

This Burlington City is one of the few large towns in the Celestial Continent, except for the main cities of the great empires!

On the streets of Burlington, people come and go, restaurants and inns can be seen everywhere, and many vendors set up stalls!

“Big Brother, didn’t you mean to take us to see those weird people? How come here are basically human races,”!”

The three of Qin Xuan were walking on the street, Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi’s little heads kept looking around, and then asked Qin Xuan!

“Don’t worry, you will see it later!”

Qin Xuan replied with a smile!


Xiaoguo and Qiqi responded, and then the three of them continued to walk forward!

After the three of them left for a while, Qiqi suddenly exclaimed: “Big sis, do you think that person has a tail?”

“Where, where?”

Xiao Guoyin also asked quickly!

“It’s the person in front!”

Kiki stretched out her hand and pointed to the front!

“Cough! She really has a tail!”

Looking in the direction that Qiqi was pointing, the community found that not far in front, a pretty little girl was squatting on the ground to sell things. If you don’t observe it carefully, you really can’t find her with a tail!

“Go! Let’s go over because of Big sis!”

At this time, Qiqi took the hand of the community’s cause again, and then ran towards the little girl!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan was also a little speechless, but he still followed!

And this little girl with a tail on her body is setting up a stall, her full name is Field Winnie, she is sixteen years old this year, her father is a human race, and her mother is a fox race, so she has a tail on her body!

Usually, her father came out to set up the stall, but today because her parents had something to go out, she had to come out to set up the stall herself!

In fact, she doesn’t sell any good things, but she grows some fruits at home, and she can’t finish it for fear of wasting, so where can she sell it!

When Field Winnie was sitting at the stall bored, she suddenly saw two very cute little girls who were only three or four years old, and they were also very long, and ran to the own stall to buy them!

But what makes Field Winnie feel strange is that the eyes of these two very cute little girls did not fall on the fruit she sold, but stared at herself curiously!

“Um… these two Miss, do you want to buy Lingyun Fruit?”

After a while, seeing the two little girls still staring at them curiously, Field Winnie felt a little embarrassed in her heart, so she asked immediately!

“Big sis! Do you have a tail on your body?”

But after hearing what Field Winnie said, Xiaoyin’s and Kiki’s eyes did not move away from her, but instead asked expectantly!

After that, Xiaohe Kiki looked at Field Winnie’s ass without forgetting to see if it was a real tail!


Seeing these two little girls actually asked about own tail, Field Winnie was stunned at the moment!

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