Chapter 574

“The big Big Brother, that person is also very strange, what kind of incarnation is he?”

“He, he did it.

“what about this?

“this is.

Qin Xuan only felt that his own heart was very tired after hearing the 100,000 whys of the community and Qiqi, but he had already promised them, so Qin Xuan had to answer!

As for why there are angels, fallen angels, and those very strange creatures in the western world?

That’s because, in the past hundreds of thousands of years, the creatures that have integrated into the prehistoric Minor World have also begun to emerge from their Minor World, and gradually merged into the prehistoric creatures!

Of course, this is only in the western realm, and on the eastern realm, they haven’t had the guts to pass!

However, some of these Minor Worlds are originally opposed, or they may be said to be feuds!

Especially The Netherworld and Heaven, as soon as they came out and joined the monument, naturally no one would accept it, so they went back and asked people to prepare for a battle!

Just when the two sides had assembled their troops and prepared to fight, they were directly suppressed by Western Buddhism. Of course, they refused to accept it, so the two parties were ready to unite and prepare to confront Buddhism!

You know, this is the territory of Buddhism. It’s not bad for me to let you out, but I even dared to make trouble on my territory.

Needless to say, Buddhism directly sent a few high-end combat powers, directly suppressed, and even broke into Heaven and The Netherworld!

It can be said that the main gods in heaven and The Netherworld have basically been educated by Buddhism!

So a great battle was suppressed in this way, and then it was gone!

However, after this war, all the creatures who have been integrated into the prehistoric Minor World know that this world is much stronger than the Minor World where they are located. The two are not on the same level at all, and the water is very deep. , There are so many strong ones!

This is still relatively poor and backward in the West. What if it is the rich East? How many strong people are there?

Thinking of this, the creatures who came out of Minor World didn’t dare to cause trouble!

the other side!

“Big Brother, this and that…

“Stop it!”

Knowing that it was morning, Xiao Yin and Qiqi kept asking again, Qin Xuan finally couldn’t stand it, and immediately called to stop!


Hearing that, Xiao Yinyin and Qiqi also looked at him strangely!


Seeing this, Qin Xuan gave a dry cough, and then said to the two little people: “You may not know what I said like this. Why don’t you take you to the place where they live?”

Hearing Qin Xuan’s suggestion, Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi’s eyes lit up, and then they nodded and said, “Okay, okay! Big Brother, we are going to see their life place!”


Seeing that the two little people finally stopped asking and could finally calm down, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief before saying: “Hey! Then let’s go!”

After I finished speaking, I didn’t wait for the two little people to react, and I waved my hand and the three disappeared!

Heavenly Continent!

The Celestial Continent is a large continent. It is full of rich magic elements and fighting spirits. These magic elements and fighting spirits are also divided into many lines!

The known attributes of the Celestial Continent are: wind, earth, fire, water, thunder, light, darkness, life, and time and space.

There are also various mysterious races here, such as dragons, titans, elves, dwarves, goblins, undead, and even mysterious angels, as well as feared fallen angels. Hundreds of races have mysterious magic. Teachers, as well as powerful swordsmen and knights who are mainly fighting spirits!

These occupations are also divided into levels!

Like a magician, its level is divided into: magic apprentice, bronze magician, silver magician, golden magician, magician, magician, great magician, magic sage, magic god!

The swordsman is divided into: Swordsman Apprentice, Bronze Swordsman, Silver Swordsman, Golden Swordsman, Great Swordsman, Swordsman, Great Swordsman, Sword Master, Sword God!

As for the other professions, although they are called differently, they are also divided into nine levels like these two professions. Except for apprentices, each level is divided into four levels: elementary, intermediate, advanced, and top.

Such as; junior bronze magician, intermediate bronze magician, advanced bronze magician, top bronze magician!

Sorcerers and swordsmen are also divided into many lines according to the elements or vindictive attributes cultivated by the cultivator.

Among them, Magician and Swordsman are the mainstream professions in the Celestial Continent, and they are also two popular professions!

Of course, it does not mean that other professions are not strong, they are equally strong, such as priests, priests belong to a branch of the extension of life elements.Although the combat power of priests is not strong, they are also liked by the creatures on the heavenly continent!

Because pastors can use the life elements and cooperate with pastors’ unique skills to treat illnesses and save people, save the dead and heal the wounded, so they are the most accepted professions by civilians!

There are also bright priests and bright knights that extend from the light element, but the bright element is unique to the light god cult. It does not mean that only people of the light cult can cultivate the light element and the fighting spirit of the light element!

In fact, as long as your body has the attributes of the light element, then you can cultivation the power of the light 920 to reveal the element, but the tricks of this department are only in the light of the gods. If you want to cultivation these tricks, then you can only join the light of the gods Taught it!

Of course, you can also create unique tricks yourself. However, none of these tricks has been passed down by the predecessors. After modification by later generations, it can become a powerful trick today. Therefore, this is why it is said that the attribute of the light element is that the light god teaches alone. Yes!

There is also a profession that is not liked by the entire Celestial Continent, that is, the undead magician with the extension of the dark element attribute.This undead magician is not very strong in itself, but they can summon dead creatures to fight for themselves. !

They can even slaughter a big city for cultivation, in order to achieve their goal of cultivation!

Of course, there are not only humans on the Celestial Continent, but also some relatively powerful races, such as elves and dragons, but elves love peace, so they have always lived in the elven forest, so few people have seen them!

As for the dragons, they are also one of the top races on the Celestial Continent. They are naturally more powerful and have a long life span. The dragon will directly possess the strength of the holy rank!

However, due to their relatively long lifespan, it usually takes a few hundred years or even tens of thousands of years for a giant dragon to reach adulthood!

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