Chapter 566: Shameless Quasi-Proposal!

“You use Magic power to grow your hair first! When someone asks you, you will say that you are just the one he caught, and you can’t admit that you are a bald head even if you die, do you know?”

“Yes! I’ll wait to know!”

Although they don’t understand why Zhun mentioned that Sage wanted to do this, they still responded!

Before the start, the pharmacist and others were overjoyed after hearing Zhunti Sage’s voice transmission, thinking, “It seems that Zhunti Sage is going to save himself and the others!”

But after hearing the latter, it made them feel a little unbelievable. Zhun said that Sage actually let them use Magic power to turn their hair out, and immediately the Pharmacist and others couldn’t help but feel a little dumbfounded!

You must know that it is a big taboo to have long hair in Buddhism. In Buddhism, there is always such a rule that the children of Buddhism must be organized.

In their terms, hair represents countless troubles and wrong habits. Cutting off the hair is equivalent to getting rid of troubles and wrong habits.

The second is that cutting off the hair is equivalent to removing the pride and negligence in the human heart, and cutting off these meaningless family concerns, removing all concerns, and practicing wholeheartedly.

The third is that it is easier to distinguish believers and make people think that you are in Buddhism.

However, even though Master Yao 890 and the others felt incredible, they still followed Zhunti’s words. After all, Zhunti Sage is one of their Buddhist Sages!

Although their Magic power has been sealed, they still contain some Magic power, and they are urging their own flesh to grow their hair!


Just when the pharmacist was waiting for the hair to grow out, he only heard a sound, the door was opened, and then a little girl hurriedly walked in from the door!

Of course they all know this little girl, isn’t this the little girl who caught them before!

But what makes them feel strange is that when the little girl entered the room, she looked at their heads. To be precise, she looked at their newly grown hair. After seeing the hair on their heads, little The girl was obviously taken aback!

“What about people? What about those big bald heads? Did you hide them?”

After regaining consciousness, the little girl began to look around in the room, asking them while looking for it!

In the end, after the little girl turned the whole room upside down, she came to them and asked them viciously: “Say! Where did you help the person I just caught?”

“We are the ones you just caught! And we are not bald, we all have hair!”

The pharmacist and others replied with a certain face!

The pharmacist and the others had already received Zhunti’s voice transmission, of course they knew how to say it!

“How is it possible! I remember that when I caught you, you didn’t have hair. Why do you have hair now? Did I catch you wrong!”

Hearing this, Qiqi couldn’t help scratching her head, and then whispered in a low voice!

Forget it, “Since they all have hair, they are not the big bad guys! Come with me, someone outside is looking for you!”

After a while, Qiqi really couldn’t figure it out, and in the end she could only wave her hand at a few people, unlock the seal on them, and then said!

After speaking, I walked outside!


Seeing that Qiqi was no longer doubting them, the pharmacists couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and their eyes were full of Lin Lei’s luck!

The few people didn’t dare to hesitate anymore, and they were chasing after Qiqi left in the direction immediately!

“How about it! I said they all have hair, right!”

Kiki, who looked depressed and came back, and the pharmacist and others who followed in the distance, could not help but show a smug smile at the corner of her mouth, and said!

“Humph! Although they are not big bad guys, they follow you, a big bald bad guy, so they are also little bad guys.”

Although she knew that she might have caught the wrong person, how could Kiki compromise with Zhun Ti, the big bald head, and then stared at Zhun Ti with dissatisfaction, and then shouted!

After all, in Kiki’s view, those with bald heads are big bad guys, and Zhunti is a big bald head, that must be the big bad guys!

If you don’t know that you are not the opponent of this big bald head, Qiqi is afraid (agbc) has rushed over, and will fight Zhunti!

At this time, the pharmacist and the others also came to Zhunti, and they were also surprised when they saw the Master Tongtian next to him!

“I’ll meet Zhunti Sage, Tongtian Sage!”

The pharmacist and others respectfully salute!


Master Tongtian snorted coldly, and then ignored them!

After all, in the eyes of Master Tongtian, Qiqi will definitely be his disciple in the future, and seeing the disciple of own being asked by such a fool, how could he give them a good face!

“Hey! Go to the back first!”

Seeing this, Zhunti Sage couldn’t help but sighed helplessly, and then ordered to the pharmacist and the others!


After the pharmacist and others responded, he walked behind Zhunti Sage!

At this time, the fox tribe ancestors also came here with a kind of fox tribe!


“Hey! Old ancestor, Xin Big sis, why are you here!”

Seeing the crowd of fox people who came, Qiqi couldn’t help asking immediately!

“I just felt a strong momentum, so I rushed over!”

The fox ancestor nodded to Qiqi, and then explained!

After speaking, I looked at the Master Tongtian and his party!

Even if I didn’t look at it, I was shocked by the fox ancestors.

For Tongtian Guru and Zhunti Sage, Qiqi may not know him, but the ancestor of the fox clan does know him, and he didn’t expect that Zhunti Sage would actually do it himself this time!

He has some understanding of Sage, Sage is ruling the world, forever without grind, and Karma without tainting.

Stay with the sky and live with the Tao.

Sage occupies the most important part of the entire prehistoric land and is the foundation of maintaining the entire prehistoric land. Sage is almost omniscient and omnipotent. Sage is the “Tao”.

Of course, this “dao” refers to Heavenly Dao!

As for the leader of Tongtian next to him, the ancestor of the fox clan is a little confused.It seems that his fox clan has not offended him, right? Why is he here?

“Fox Clan Bai pays homage to the two Sages!”

Temporarily suppressing the doubts in his heart, the ancestor of the fox tribe, also known as the fox white, bowed to the Sage cupped hands of the Lord Tongtian and Zhunti, and then said respectfully!

“Free gift!

Seeing this, Master Tongtian and Zhunti Sage waved their hands and said!

“Huh! A sensible person finally arrived! It seems that Sage still has some majesty!”

Zhunti Sage thought to himself!

It seems that Zhunti Sage was shocked to death just now, and now that someone in the fox clan actually knows Own’s prestige, that confidence has poured out again!

“Ancestor! Why do you salute this big villain!”

Seeing this, Qiqi who was next to her couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and then asked with a puzzled expression on her face!

“Kiki! Don’t talk nonsense!”

Hearing Qiqi’s words, the fox next to her was frightened and pulled her over!

“Foxin Big sis! Qiqi didn’t talk nonsense! This is because Big sis told me, she said that the bald heads are big bad guys! Moreover, the last time you were bullied by those three bald heads, it was saved by Big sis? For you!”

Upon hearing this, Qiqi said with a dissatisfaction on her face!

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