Chapter 565 Qiqi: Big bald heads are bad guys!

Hee hee! You are really good people!”

Seeing that they were so sure, Qiqi seemed to be relieved, and then said with a smile!

After speaking, he took out the chicken drumsticks hidden behind his back, and then began to eat with gusto!

“Good guy?”

Hearing this, Master Tongtian and Zhunti Sage couldn’t help but looked at each other, and they both saw Guo Leng in the eyes of the other party!

“The word good person is a luxury for them Sage, and they never think they are a good person!

After all, Sage is immortal, and the thief is more than just these words, it’s not a joke!

“Little girl, did you catch a bunch of people just now?”

Seeing that the little girl of the fox family finally finished eating the chicken legs in her hand, Zhunti Sage began to ask carefully!

He doesn’t dare to offend this little girl now, or if she ignores herself or doesn’t let others go, she really can’t do anything about her!


Kiki nodded and responded!

“Then can you let them go?”

Zhunti Sage asked carefully again!



“Because those people are bald!”

“Bald head? What do you mean?”

Zhunti Sage looked at the little white fox Kiki with a puzzled look!

I don’t know what this bald head has to do with her not letting others go?

“Because bald heads are big bad guys! So Kiki can’t let them go! Hey…you are bald heads too!

Kiki replied as a matter of course!

After she finished speaking, she noticed that the person who was talking to her also knew the bald head, and she couldn’t help but become entangled at the moment!

The entanglement about whether or not to catch this big villain was also caught, but it seems that I can’t beat him!

Forget it, then don’t catch him first, when Big sis comes, he will be caught by Big sis, so that he will not go out and harm others!

“Puff! Haha! The bald heads are big bad guys?”

After hearing Qiqi’s words, the Lord Tongtian beside him couldn’t help laughing!

And Zhun mentioning Sage, after hearing Qiqi’s words, he couldn’t help but want to vomit a mouthful of blood, and he couldn’t help but secretly angrily said: “Who taught this little girl, come out to me, I promise not to kill you. !”

“Ahem! Who told you this?”

Zhunti asked depressedly!

“It’s because of Big sis! And last time, Qiqi also saw that there are a few big bald heads who want the skin of the big sis!”

After hearing this, Qiqi couldn’t help but said with a serious face!

After speaking, they looked at the two with narcissism proudly! That seems to be said again, look, even the picture Big sis said the same. I didn’t lie to you!

“Tutu Big sis?”

After listening to Kiki’s words, Zhunti Sage was visibly taken aback, and then asked with an ugly look: “Where are you because of Big sis? Let her come out, I want to see how she teaches people? How dare you actually? Those who say bald heads are big bad guys!”

“You are not allowed to say that Big sis! Because Big sis is amazing! And because Big sis is not here now!”

Upon hearing this, Kiki couldn’t help but widened her eyes, stared at Zhunti Sage fiercely, and then said with a dissatisfaction!


Seeing Qiqi’s expression of dissatisfaction, Zhun mentioning that Sage could not help but sweat on her forehead, thinking, what’s the matter with me? Why is it so easy to get irritated, you know, if this little girl is a little dissatisfied, I will It is difficult to rescue the pharmacists!

Thinking of this, Zhun mentioned that Sage couldn’t help but feel a little tired.If in peacetime, he used so much nonsense, he would save people directly, and by the way, would it be over if he took this little girl away?

But now, this method obviously doesn’t work anymore. You know, there is a Master Tongtian staring at him eagerly, and he doesn’t lose his opponent. So, how can Sage not feel tired!

“Good, good! I’m not talking about your Big sis. Can you let those who are caught by you go, they are not big bad guys, they are all good guys! You can’t catch the wrong good guys! ”

Seeing that being tough is no longer possible, Sage began to coax at the moment!

“Good guys?

Hearing this, Qiqi couldn’t help but stunned, but soon she shook her head, and then said firmly with a face: “Impossible, because Big sis will not lie to Qiqi! She said that the big bald head is a badass. That big bald head is a badass!”

Hearing this, Zhunti Sage suddenly became depressed again.Just how much hatred this man named Yin Guo had with his bald head would he say such a thing!

“Puff! Haha. Yes, little girl, you are too right. People with big bald heads are bad guys, hahaha!”

Seeing that Zhunti, who has always been very shameless, was eating cancer like this in Qiqi’s place, the Lord Tongtian couldn’t help but laughed happily, and then said!

Suddenly, Zhunti Sage seemed to have thought of something. His eyes lit up and his mouth moved. Then he said, “Little girl, you say that bald heads are big bad guys. If they are not bald heads, then they are not big bad guys?”

Although I don’t know why this big bald head asked, Kiki nodded, because Yin Guo Big sis only said that big bald heads are bad guys, and she is not sure about the others!

“Then you caught the wrong person! The person you just caught is not bald!”

Zhunti Sage said!

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Qiqi with disdain, like that, look at it, you have wronged a good person, how can you be worthy of the party… Uh, I am sorry to digress, how are you right? What about the Big sis that teaches you?

Impossible! Qiqi just saw Lao Bai clearly, they are all big bald heads!”

Seeing Zhunti’s eyes that you have wronged a good person, how can Kiki stand it, she couldn’t help but shout loudly at the moment!

“Don’t believe it? If you don’t believe it, go and see if they are bald?”

“Huh? Did you read it wrong?”

Seeing this, Qiqi couldn’t help but hesitated a little!

Thinking of this, Qiqi couldn’t help but looked at Zhunti Sage, and then said, “You guys wait here, I’ll go and see!”

After speaking, he quickly rushed into it, and disappeared in the eyes of Master Tongtian and Zhunti Sage in the blink of an eye!


How could that little move that Zhun mentioned could have been concealed from him, the current Master Tongtian couldn’t help but cursed!

However, he was not able to intervene. After all, he said just now that as long as he is not able to make a move in person (Qian Zhaohao), he can’t make a move!

The Master Tongtian didn’t expect that Zhunti would actually take advantage of such a loophole!

Although the Master Tongtian knew about Zhunti’s little moves, Qiqi didn’t know it!

Although Qiqi is more powerful, Cultivation Base is just a quasi-sage, but Zhunti is also a Sage anyway!

Don’t even look at them with the word’Holy’, but there is a huge difference between the two, and they are not on the same level at all!

After hearing Master Tongtian’s words, Zhunti Sage’s face did not change in the slightest.For him, this is not the first time that Master Tongtian scolded him.

It turns out that Sage noticed what Qiqi had just said, and knew that she couldn’t tell what a good person was from a bad person.

Therefore, in her consciousness, as long as the bald head is a bad person, what if it is not a bald head?

Thinking of this, Zhunti spoke to the captured pharmacist and the others: “You use Magic power to turn your hair out!!!”

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