Chapter 562 Little White Fox Qiqi!

“Huh! I should have asked you this! You are not doing well in the West, what do you do with the scourge of the East?”

Tongtian snorted coldly, and then asked!

“Tongtian, let’s not sloppy, you should know what I’m here to do! As long as you can hand over the medicine master and the others, I immediately turned around and left!

But in the face of the question of the Master Tongtian, Zhunti didn’t hesitate, and said directly!

“Aha! Sure enough, your Buddhism is really shameless. The young ones ran to others’ sites and were defeated, and the old ones came again!”

Hearing that, Master Tongtian looked at Zhunti Sage, his face was filled with contempt, and then said!

“Tongtian! This matter does not matter to you, this matter is between Buddhism and the fox race! I hope you don’t interfere!”

After hearing the words of Master Tongtian, Zhunti Sage still said calmly!

For Zhunti Sage, it is not the first time that Master Tongtian has scolded him like this. Anyway, he has been scolded with a thick skin. If he gets angry every time, don’t vomit blood!

“Chun mention, you have to remember that this is the East. If the fox tribe is defeated by your Buddhist disciples and grandchildren, I have nothing to say, but as a Sage, if you make it yourself, if it is spread out, it does not mean that I am Dongfang. Is there no one?”

Seeing that Zhunti was so cheeky, the Master Tongtian couldn’t help but look hard, and immediately shouted directly at Zhunti-shout!

“So, are you going to take care of this matter today?”

Seeing that the leader of Tongtian seemed to be unwilling to let go, Zhunti was also a little impatient. You should know that the pharmacist and others are still caught by the fox clan. Who knows if they will be in any danger, right now, Zhunti raised his eyes and jumped slightly. , And asked!

As soon as Zhun’s words fell, an invisible breath radiated from him, instantly covering the entire Qingqiu Mountain!

“Don’t say it, I really have to take care of this!”

Seeing this, the eyes of the Master Tongtian also became sharp, and then he said affirmatively!

After speaking, the aura of the Master Tongtian has undergone earth-shaking changes, like a sharp sword piercing the entire sky, and the entire sky suddenly became densely covered with black clouds, and countless black clouds continued to rotate, forming a huge The emptiness, this emptiness seems to have penetrated thirty-three to the sky, submerged in the chaos!


The little girl of the fox clan not far away, seeing this scene, couldn’t help but widened her eyes, and then said in amazement!

As time passed bit by bit, two terrible auras fought each other, and the entire sky became more gloomy. The little girl of the Fox Clan was not affected by the aura of the two!

Had it not been for the mist surrounding Qingqiu Mountain, like a large natural formation, I am afraid that the aura between Master Tongtian and Zhunti Sage would spread out by itself!

Seeing the two weirdos still motionless, the little girl of the fox clan became a little impatient. She couldn’t help but tilt her head, looking at the still motionless Master Tongtian and Zhunti Sage, and then said, “Hey! Don’t fight? Look, my feet are numb!!”

After finishing talking, the little girl of the fox clan took out a roast chicken from nowhere, and then ate it with relish. While eating, she looked at the two of them expectantly. The posture seemed to say again, can you guys not be so inked? If you want to fight, hit it quickly, I’m getting impatient!

Seeing this, not only Sage was mentioned, but even the Master Tongtian on the other side was almost vomiting blood. He kindly came to help you. You actually look like a theater. If it weren’t for your talent, I’m Tongtian. The leader has already turned around and left!

And Zhun said that Sage is even more mad at the little girl of the fox clan. A Sage of his own dignity is actually seen by a little girl as a monkey. How can this not make him angry!

However, the two of them were also shocked by the aptitude of this fox little girl!

You know, both of them are Sages. If other quasi-saints can keep standing under their aura, it is already very rare, but this little girl is not only not affected by the aura of the two, but on the contrary Still eating with relish!

How can this not shock Lord Tongtian and Zhunti Sage!

“Tongtian, since you are not going to let go, we will go to Chaos and do it!”

At this moment, Zhunti Sage’s face also looked ugly, and immediately turned his head to look at the Master Tongtian, and then said!

He doesn’t want to stay here anymore, otherwise he might be vomiting blood from that little girl!


Master Tongtian agreed directly without thinking, because he didn’t want to stay here!

Besides, in Sage, his Master Tongtian is singled out. He said that he is the first (except for his teacher Hongjun Daozu), no one dares to say second!

What’s more, although Zhunti is the same as him and Sage, his Cultivation Base is the last one in Sage. It is not easy to clean up him. Although Sage can’t fall, it can fall. Zhunti’s dough, Lord Tongtian is still very happy!

0……Look for flowers…

Thinking of this, Master Tongtian couldn’t help showing a smile, and then disappeared after a flash!

Seeing Master Tongtian disappeared, Zhunti Sage took a deep look at the little girl of the fox clan, and then disappeared too!

“Woo! It’s true. It’s really not a man to hide in a fight. It might as well be because of Big sis!”

After the master of the sky, Se Zhunti, Sage disappeared, the little girl of the fox tribe was still looking forward to narcissistically, she immediately pulled her face, and then whispered a little depressed!

“By the way! After such a long time, why didn’t the Big Brother and Big sis come to see me? Could they have forgotten me?”

Suddenly, the little girl of the fox family seemed to think of something, and couldn’t help thinking in her head right now!

This fox little girl is no one else, it is the little white fox Qiqi who only follows Qin Xuan!

It turned out that Qin Xuan was in the deepest part of the bottom of the Qingqiu Mountain, feeling the remnant soul left by the Chaos Sky Fox, so he let the little white fox absorb it there!

Unexpectedly, the little white fox absorbed the remnant soul of the chaotic Nine Heavens fox, and fell asleep involuntarily, refining the remnant soul of the chaotic Nine Heavens fox!

And tens of thousands of years ago, the little white fox Qiqi finally completely refined the remnant soul of the chaotic Nine Heavens fox!

After refining the remnant soul, the little white fox Qiqi’s Cultivation Base also Ascensioned to the realm middle stage of the quasi-sage, and it was not an ordinary quasi-sage middle stage!

You know, the little white fox is a fox clan, and the remnant soul refined by her is the Chaos Nine Heavens fox, one of the Chaos Three Thousand Chaos Demon Gods. The Chaos Nine Heavens fox is the ancestor of all the fox clan, and it is even more one. A Chaos Demon!

Therefore, after Xiaobaire refined the remnant soul of Chaos Nine Heavens, not only Cultivation Base got a large Ascension, but her blood was also ascension to an unimaginable point!

Although it may not be comparable to the Chaos Nine Heavens fox, at least the blood of the little white fox is also contaminated with a trace of chaos!

It can be said that the qualifications of the little white fox are not inferior to Sanqing at all. This is why she can rely on the Cultivation Base of the quasi-sage middle stage to so easily defeat the veteran standard of the quasi-sage late stage Cultivation Base. Saint! Ding,

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