Chapter 561: The mysterious powerhouse of Qingqiu Mountain!

You must know that before joining Buddhism, the ancient Buddha of Landeng was the vice-master of the Buddhist teachings.

At that time, his Cultivation Base was already at the quasi-sage level. Now that he joined Buddhism for hundreds of thousands of years, Cultivation Base should have a lot of Ascension, although it cannot be compared with Zhenyuanzi Daxian, Styx ancestors, etc., old brands Compared with the quasi-sages, the burning lamp ancient Buddha is also a relatively powerful existence among the quasi-sages!

But even if it is such a powerful quasi-sage, it is actually defeated in a few strokes.How can this not let the creatures in the prehistoric be shaken?

This incident finally shocked the eyes of those strong in the predecessor, and even Sage turned his eyes to Qingqiu Mountain, wanting to see what other Buddhist actions would be.

And the two Sages of Buddhism, Zhunti and Sage, laughed helplessly after learning about this!

This time, regardless of whether Buddhism wins or loses, their faces will also be lost, and they will be laughed at by the creatures in the predecessor, especially the Sages in the East, I am afraid that they are already watching their jokes by now!

Tangtang, the largest sect in the West, is not yet an opponent of the Xiaoxiaoqingqiushan Fox Clan. Can this not make people laugh?

However, they have to take action. You must know that among the group of people detained by the fox clan, there are the ancient Buddha burning lamps, as well as their disciples Yao Shi and Maitreya. They are all the background of 873 Buddhism. If other Buddhist disciples die You die, but the three of them can’t die like this!

Otherwise, there are no masters in Buddhism as a whole. You know, Hongjun Taoist ancestors once said when they were in harmony with Dao, Sage can’t do it personally in the predicament. Sage also doesn’t agree!

But now what can they do if they don’t make a move?

In the end, the reference and the lead were still taken. This time, there was a reference to him. Anyway, his reputation is not good. If you can leave the burning lamp and others, it will be laughed at again.

Of course, the knowledge of the shot must mention Sage’s thoughts.If his deity took it personally, I am afraid that there will be no need for Hongjun Daozu and Dongfang’s several Sages to take the shot, Heavenly Dao will directly punish him!

If Heavenly Dao drops the punishment, it will not be a matter of face, although it will not kill him, but the Cultivation Base is for sure. Maybe he will drop the Quasi-Saint Realm. When the time comes, you will want to mention it. Be sanctified again, that would be extremely difficult!

Sure enough, although the strong man of Qingqiu Mountain is powerful, it is not Sage after all. After the two (agbc) fought for a while, those strong men of Qingqiu Mountain were defeated. Of course, although she was defeated, but If she runs away, Zhunti still has nothing to do with her, after all, this is just a thought from Zhunti!

In the end, the strong fox clan from Qingqiu Mountain escaped back into Qingqiu Mountain, and Zhunti also chased him in. However, after entering Qingqiu Mountain, Zhunti’s thoughts were completely dumbfounded, because he discovered I was actually lost

A little mist made him lost, which made him a little unacceptable. You know, although this is just a thought, the deity of the thought is a Sage. At the moment, this thought is sent to the deity far away in the west. Message, after sending the message, this idea will dissipate!

After receiving the information, Zhunti frowned involuntarily, so after discussing with the lead beside him for a while, he set off for Qingqiu Mountain!

Of course, Zhunti came to Qingqiu Mountain to hide from the prehistoric creatures, but he couldn’t hide it from the other Sages.Although they were also puzzled, how Zhunti came in person, but are more of them? Zhunti is shameless, actually not Those who wanting face bully the small by the big!

Zhunti was also very shocked after entering the fog.He found that these fogs were actually mixed with a trace of chaos.If you can’t let own soul into Heavenly Dao before Sage Realm, you will definitely be lost in it!

“No wonder the idea of ​​own will be lost in it!”

Looking around, Zhunti couldn’t help muttering to himself!

After speaking, walked inside!

After a while, Zhunti came to Qingqiu Mountain, the homeland of the Fox tribe!

“Big villain! You are chasing me!”

After Zhunti entered the fox clan land, he saw a little girl appearing in front of Owner, and from the message sent to Own by his own signal just now, Zhunti knew that the little girl in front of him was the one who defeated Ran Lan. By!

“Chaos aura? How can there be a chaos aura on this little girl? Does she have the blood of the Chaos Demon God?”

The moment he saw the little girl, Zhunti was completely shocked, because he actually felt the aura of chaos from the little girl.

Without even thinking about it now, Zhunti said directly: “Little…little girl, you have a destiny for my Buddhism. It’s better to follow me back to the West to ensure you have the chance to become Sage in the future!”

“I don’t! You are a big badass, I don’t want to go with you! I also want to tell Big Brother and Big sis, that you bully me, and I want Big sis to beat you!”

After hearing Zhunzi’s words, the little girl stared at him for an instant, and then shouted!

“Haha… little girl scolds well!”

As soon as the words of the little girl fell, I saw a figure appeared not far away from the two of them. This figure exuded a fierce aura, I saw him pointing to Zhun Ti and shouting: “Zhun Ti, you It’s still so shameless. This is the East, but not your West. Our East has nothing to do with you!”


Zhunti couldn’t help but look hard after seeing this figure. Then stared at the figure vigilantly!

“Huh! Who are you?”

After seeing this figure, the little girl couldn’t help but ask curiously!

“Haha! I am the Master Tongtian!”

Hearing this, the Lord Tongtian laughed again, and said with a complacent expression!

“Master Tongtian? Haven’t heard of it!”

After hearing the words of Master Tongtian, the little girl thought for a while, then shook her head and said!

“Eh? I don’t know?”

After hearing the words of the little girl, the Master Tongtian couldn’t help showing an embarrassing look!

“You haven’t heard of me?”

Master Tongtian asked again, somewhat unacceptable!

“Why should I have heard of you? By the way, you haven’t told me why are you here? Are you also in the same group as this bald villain?”

After hearing the words of the Lord Tongtian, the little girl also showed a trace of dissatisfaction, and then asked the Lord Tongtian suspiciously!

“Huh! I am not a genius with this shameless guy!

Master Tongtian glanced at Zhunti, and then said disdainfully!

“Tongtian, why are you here?”

Zhunti asked with an ugly expression!

“Huh! I should have asked you this! You are not doing well in the West, what do you do with the scourge of the East?”

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