Chapter 513 That glance makes peak powerhouses of all ages uneasy!

Seeing Ye Qingxian nodding and shaking his head, Heavenly Dao was also puzzled!

Ye Qingxian just smiled at Heavenly Dao’s doubts, but he didn’t answer his question directly. He just said: “The world outside the world is still very big!”

Ye Qingxian meant that outside this world, there are many powerful worlds, and there are even more powerful ones!


Hearing this, Heavenly Dao also nodded in agreement!

After that, Heavenly Dao looked at own’s left hand and thought, if he didn’t get it, he wouldn’t know this too!

I used to think that the world of own is the only world that exists, but since I got it, I have got some memories from it.Although these memories are incomplete, there are also some that let him explore the nineteen thirty-seven, about other things. The memory of the world!

Therefore, he still agrees with the phrase that Ye Qingxian said that the world outside the world is still very big!

“Hey! It looks like you got something very amazing!”

Seeing Heavenly Dao agrees with own words, Ye Qingxian was also slightly surprised, and immediately glanced at Heavenly Dao’s left hand, and then said!

Seeing Ye Qingxian staring at own’s left hand, Heavenly Dao knew that this woman had seen something by herself. He didn’t hide it at the moment, but nodded, and then said proudly, “Hey! It is indeed very powerful! ”

Behind Ye Qingxian, Shi Wu, Dugu Baitian and the others, the conversation between the two of them at Heavenly Dao, they felt at a loss!

Because they didn’t even know what Ye Qingxian and Heavenly Dao were talking about!

Except for Ye Qingxian and Heavenly Dao, only Ye Fan had some guesses in his heart, but he was not sure that the guess of own was correct!

If it is as I guessed, then Heavenly Dao really got a great opportunity, no wonder he was able to give birth to his own mind!

However, after everyone came out of the long river of time and space, Heavenly Dao and Ye Qingxian looked at each other!

“Okay! Having said so much, let’s start too! Let me see how strong the thing you got!”

Ye Qingxian looked at Heavenly Dao with a plain face, and then said!

After speaking, I saw an extremely powerful aura. Starting from Ye Qingxian’s ascending body, this aura was not only many times stronger than the previous Shi Wu and Ye Fan, but in an instant, Heavenly Dao It’s enveloped!

Although Ye Qingxian’s momentum is very targeted at Ye Fan, Shi Hao and others, they can still feel that this momentum is so far, they said they have seen the most powerful aura!

And Heavenly Dao only felt the body sink, an endless pressure, pressed down on him from the void.In an instant, Heavenly Dao only felt that he could not move a single inch, and his body could not move, as if he was not in his own!

The surrounding space, under this powerful aura, collapsed instantly!


Heavenly Dao gave a sharp drink, and a mysterious breath radiated from his left hand!

At this time, Heavenly Dao’s left hand kept pouring out mysterious runes, and these runes continued to spread to Heavenly Dao’s body!

After a while, Heavenly Dao’s whole person was wrapped in the dense mysterious rune, and the whole person looked extremely strange!

After these mysterious runes wrapped Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao’s whole person seemed to be different, not just his breath, even his eyes became pitch black, and his body was also covered in grey and weird pieces. Covered by scales!

At this moment, Heavenly Dao, the whole person is shrouded in endless yellow light!


Heavenly Dao looked at Ye Qingxian, and then let out a huge roar!

Heavenly Dao’s roar is not like a sound that can be made by humans.Although he is not a human in the first place, he can only make a sound to a beast, but it is not right, because the sound of a beast is not so majestic and domineering at all!

Seeing this, Ye Qingxian couldn’t help but frowned, because the roar of Heavenly Dao just now made her feel suppressed. This kind of suppression is not a suppression of strength, but a suppression of blood.

At this time, Heavenly Dao is like a god standing above the sky, looking down at the vast and boundless universe, looking down at Ye Qingxian, Ye Fan and others!

And Ye Fan, Shi Hao, and Dugu Beitian and others behind Ye Xian looked even more unbearable!

Because of that Heavenly Dao, they were shot hundreds of thousands of miles away by huge power in an instant, and then under Heavenly Dao’s gaze, they were suppressed and couldn’t raise their heads!

However, Ye Fan, Shi Wu, Dugu Baitian and others, who are full of boundless arrogance, could not be willing to be suppressed by Heavenly Dao’s gaze!

He clenched his teeth, straightened his body with difficulty, and then stared firmly at Heavenly Dao!

In the tomb of the gods!

“It’s actually it!”

After seeing this change in Heavenly Dao, Qin Xuan’s eyes flashed with a strange color, and a slightly surprised look appeared on his face!

You know, this was also the top-level existence at the time.I didn’t expect Heavenly Dao to have this great opportunity to get its blood!

“Huh? No! Heavenly Dao should not get its blood, but its scale! Otherwise, with the current Ye Fan and Shi Hao, it should not be able to withstand the suppression from its blood!”

After taking a look, Qin Xuan shook his head again, and then secretly said in his heart!

“Tang senior! What is it actually?”

Liu Shen looked at Qin Xuan strangely, and then asked!

“It’s there, you don’t even know it!”

Qin Xuan gave Liu Shen and Xuan Xuan a curious look, and then said!

“That’s it again! I always use this excuse 1.0!

Seeing that Qin Xuan didn’t tell himself, Liu Shen couldn’t help muttering!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan also shook his head helplessly, and then said: “Okay! Let me tell you it’s all right!


Hearing this, Liu Shen nodded with excitement!

“At the time, this one just raised his eyebrows older than your ancestors, and almost existed!”

Looking at the excited Willow God, Qin Xuan flashed a trace of joking in his eyes, and then said!

“Hmm! What else? Don senior, keep talking!”

Seeing Qin Xuan stopped, Liu Shen hurriedly urged!


Qin Xuan asked with a puzzled look!


Liu Shen was a little dumbfounded!

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