Chapter 512 Shi Hao Regains His Sanity!

Obviously Shi Wu also knew that he would suddenly go crazy, but he didn’t expect that after going crazy this time, he would actually fight Heavenly Dao!

“No wonder I was caught by Heavenly Dao just now! But why didn’t Heavenly Dao kill himself, but let him go?”

After clarifying what happened, Shi Hao also understood why Heavenly Dao was next to own when he was sober just now!

But what made him feel strange was why Heavenly Dao didn’t kill herself, but set herself free!

the other side!

After Heavenly Dao released Shi Wu away, he felt that he was suddenly locked in by a glance!

Following this gaze, Heavenly Dao saw Ye Qingxian next to Ye Fan!

“Suddenly, I was locked in by this woman’s war intent!”

The moment he saw Ye Qingxian, Heavenly Dao knew that Locked Own was this woman!

However, just as Heavenly Dao was about to investigate Ye Qingxian’s Cultivation Base, she found that she couldn’t see through this woman’s Cultivation Base, and when she closed her eyes, in own Divine Sense, she didn’t even notice it. , The figure of this woman!

Strong! Absolute strong! The peak powerhouse with Cultivation Base on top of yourself!

Generally speaking, people who can not be detected by own Divine Sense have only two reasons. Sense can’t find her!

The other is that this person has hidden treasures from the Cultivation Base or Cultivation Technique, but at the level of Heavenly Dao, he would not believe that there is any treasure in this world, or Cultivation Technique can hide the frog at the bottom of the well!

Therefore, Heavenly Dao Heavenly Dao would rather believe the first reason than the second!

However, after being locked by Ye Qingxian, Heavenly Dao was ready to investigate Ye Qingxian’s Cultivation Base!

It’s okay if you don’t investigate. Heavenly Dao can’t help but be shocked at the moment, because he finds that he can’t see through this woman’s Cultivation Base!

“In this world, there are people who have more Cultivation Base than themselves?”

Heavenly Dao couldn’t help but think of it!

But after a while, Heavenly Dao began to feel relieved, because he thought that Ye Fan and Shi Hao, who had fought him before, didn’t seem to be from his own world, and this woman should be like this too!

“Go! Let’s go out and talk about it!”

At this moment, Ye Qingxian suddenly retracted his own fighting spirit, and then said to Shi Hao and the others behind him!

After speaking, she waved her hand again, and a crack appeared in front of everyone, and then Ye Qingxian walked in directly!

Seeing this, the others didn’t dare to hesitate, they also followed in!

On the other side, Heavenly Dao, after seeing Ye Qingxian leave the long river of time and space, he didn’t want to stay here any more. Unfamiliar, couldn’t help but smile at them mysteriously, and then disappeared directly!

“Huh! Have you left?”

Seeing that after Heavenly Dao disappeared, the peak powerhouse from all ages, I didn’t know why, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief!

“The mysterious strong man just now seemed to be smiling at himself! But why did the mysterious strong man look at own eyes as if he was very familiar with himself?”

Peak powerhouse from all ages, thought of doubt in my heart!

However, there was a trace of doubt in their hearts, because when Heavenly Dao smiled at them just now, the look in their eyes seemed to have seen them!

But they can be sure that they have never seen Heavenly Dao!

For some reason, those peak powerhouses from all ages couldn’t help panicking in their hearts, the feeling like the panicked feeling in their hearts when they were being stared at by a mysterious powerhouse when they were just in cultivation!

After all, anyone who is caught by a peak powerhouse suddenly will inevitably feel uneasy.Although this mysterious peak powerhouse is not a person of the same age, he still feels a little confused!

What’s more, they have just seen this mysterious peak powerhouse and Shi Hao only saw the battle. Naturally, they know that this mysterious peak powerhouse Cultivation Base has surpassed them by an unknown amount, at least not on the same level with them. people!

If Heavenly Dao knew that he just smiled at them and made them feel so uneasy, he would definitely feel Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

In fact, Heavenly Dao didn’t want to do anything to them, just met some acquaintances, so he said hello. A clone of own fights against each other, but that clone is also regarded as the own part, so these people are also familiar with own!

0……Look for flowers.0

After Heavenly Dao left, peak powerhouses from all ages also retreated their own consciousness from the long river of time and space.

But this day, for them, it can be regarded as a deep impression, knowing that in an unknown era, whether before them or after them, it was once very glorious. There are at least a dozen peak powerhouses, and there are many Cultivation Bases. It surpassed them, and they were even worried by a mysterious powerhouse of that era!

the other side!

In the void!

Ye Fan, Dugu Beitian and the others, looked at Heavenly Dao and Ye Qingxian who were facing each other with solemn expressions!

“You shouldn’t be a person in this world either!”

At this moment, Heavenly Dao said suddenly, although he seemed to be asking, his tone was very sure!

“Yeah! I really am not from this world!”

Hearing that, Ye Qingxian did not hide it, but nodded and admitted!

Although there was speculation in her heart, Heavenly Dao was still very shocked after Ye Qingxian admitted it!

Because, Heavenly Dao thought, what kind of world it is, there are so many peak powerhouses, although the previous two Ye Fan and Shi Wu are not their own opponents, the difference should not be too much, and now there is another Ye Qing. The immortal Cultivation Base is higher than herself, can Heavenly Dao feel shocked?

At the same time, I couldn’t help but guess secretly, this woman should be the strongest existence in that world!

“You are the most powerful existence in your world, right?

Heavenly Dao was silent for a while, then looked at Ye Qingxian and asked again!

Hearing this, Ye Qingxian couldn’t help being stunned, and she didn’t expect Heavenly Dao to suddenly ask herself this question!

But Ye Qingxian quickly recovered. After thinking about it, Ye Qingxian nodded, then shook his head again and said, “No, no!”

The reason why Ye Qingxian nodded and shook her head again.She meant that if the world had just covered the world in the beginning, she was indeed the strongest existence, but if it was born in the wild world of Qin Xuan, her At this point, Cultivation Base is nothing at all.

After all, although when Pangu opened up the chaos, the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods in the Chaos, as well as more than one hundred thousand and the Chaos creatures, have fallen, but who knows if they really fell? Not hidden. ?

“What do you mean?”+,

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