Chapter 503: The Long River of Fate!

“Hey…I don’t know, is this mysterious power good or bad for Shi Wu fellow daoist!”

The corpse fairy emperor sighed, then muttered to himself!


The battle between Heavenly Dao and Ye Fan continues, and the entire void has been destroyed in the battle between the two people!

If the two continue to fight like this, I am afraid that the entire world will be destroyed in the hands of the two.Although Emperor Corpse Immortal also wants to stop it, he can’t get close at all!

Looking at the fierce space storm and the torrent of time, the corpse fairy emperor couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.He felt that if he was near the place where Heavenly Dao and Ye Fan fought, he would be torn apart by the aftermath of the two fighting. !


The two collided again!

But this time, Ye Fan actually took two steps back this time!

“Strength, after all, it’s a good “Nine-Three-Seven” from one’s own cultivation!”

Seeing this, Heavenly Dao smiled slightly, and sighed!

At this time, Ye Fan’s face also changed slightly.He naturally knew what Heavenly Dao’s words meant, and he also felt that his current strength was obviously much better than before!

“I didn’t expect Heavenly Dao’s power to be so strong!”

Ye Fan still looked at Heavenly Dao indifferently, and then secretly said in his heart!

I originally thought that if I used this trick, even if he was not Heavenly Dao’s opponent, he could be equal to him, but Ye Fan clearly felt that when Heavenly Dao played against him just now, he didn’t use his full strength at all!

And he has already used all his power, and now he himself feels that the Feng Shui compass in his body is extremely unstable, and he may withdraw from this state at any time!

Don’t talk about fighting with Heavenly Dao at that time, I’m afraid it will be a problem to get close to Heavenly Dao!

“Do you have any more powerful tricks? If you don’t, then change to another person!”

Heavenly Dao looked at Ye Fan indifferently, and then asked!

When he fought against Ye Fan just now, he already felt that this was Ye Fan’s limit, and it was obviously not going to last long, and he didn’t have much strength at all. I’m so different!

“One move determines the outcome?

At this moment, Ye Fan suddenly said with a calm expression!

Now for Ye Fan, it is useless to continue to fight, because he knows that no matter how much he fights, he is not an opponent of Heavenly Dao at all. !

“Can! Any more powerful moves?”

Hearing this, Heavenly Dao’s eyes flashed brightly, and then asked!

Ye Fan didn’t answer Heavenly Dao’s question, he was still so indifferent!

“Haha! Come on! We will decide the outcome with one move. Let me see how strong your strongest trick is!”

Seeing that Ye Fan didn’t answer own question, he just stared at him indifferently.


Seeing Heavenly Dao agreed, Ye Fan let out a sigh of relief, and then closed his eyes!

At this time, the golden Feng Shui compass once again emerged from behind him, directly illuminating most of the void!

And Ye Fan’s body also exudes a strong aura. Although this aura is not too strong than before, it is filled with a strange aura! First release…

“Huh? This breath is…

Feeling this weird breath, Heavenly Dao’s eyes flashed with a strange light, and her face couldn’t help showing excitement!

Because of this weird breath, Heavenly Dao has not felt it for the first time!

Heavenly Dao also felt it once before, that is, when Ye Fan erased own Xuanyuan heavy water, he also exuded this weird aura!

At this moment, Ye Fan’s closed eyes suddenly opened, and two divine lights shot out from his eyes, piercing the void in front of him!

“Drink! The torrent of fate!

Ye Fan drank it fiercely!


As Ye Fan drank it, he saw that a strange river suddenly appeared above the void. This strange river was like a giant snake comparable to a universe, traversing the entire universe at once!


In the cemetery of gods and demons!

“Unexpectedly, this kid Ye Fan could actually summon the projection of the Long River of Destiny! Although it is only a paragraph, Heavenly Dao thinks that next, it will not be that simple!

Qin Xuan looked at the long river that traverses the entire sky, and couldn’t help but say!

“The river of destiny? Tang senior, what is the river of destiny?”

The Willow God next to him naturally saw the long river of fate in the sky, and he couldn’t help but ask in doubt!

Destiny “The long river is the river transformed by the movement of all life, flowing outside of time and space, not in any world, no one knows where it is!”

“According to legend, this river is blood-red, and there are countless skeletons sinking at the bottom of the river, and countless corpses are piled up on the bank of the river…Every drop of river water in the long river of fate is the destiny of a creature through the ages. And between each drop of river water , There are weird black mycelium Karma threads tangled with each other.

“This river is not in the past, in the present, in the future, not in the sea of ​​mind, not in the eyes. There is no trace in the four directions up and down, no trace in the past and present. It is misty and vague, looming, imaginary, and illusory.

“And the current long river of fate is just a projection that has been summoned! If it is the real long river of destiny, I am afraid this world will not be able to hold it!

Hearing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but smiled, and then explained!

“What? This is just a projection. If it is a real long river of fate, how big would it be?”

After listening to Qin Xuan’s explanation, Liu Shen also said in amazement!

“By the way! Tang senior, do you know where the real fate lies?”

Liu Shen looked at Qin Xuan curiously and asked!

“Ah! I know!”

Qin Xuan smiled and nodded!

“Then where is it?”

Hearing this, Liu Shen couldn’t help showing an expression of excitement on his face, and then asked!

“Haha! You don’t need to know about 0.9! You haven’t reached this level, knowing too much is not good for you! When you reach my level, you will naturally know!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan suddenly thought it was funny, but still replied! The whole world looked up to the sky, watching the long river that suddenly appeared across the entire universe!

Originally, the entire celestial realm was violently shaken by Ye Fan’s coercion, and people were panicking.Now there is a strange river in the sky, and everyone’s heart is raised!

In a certain town in the heavens, a middle-aged man and a young man are cleaning up houses that collapsed due to the violent shaking before.

Suddenly, one of the young people inadvertently raised his head, only to find that a long river appeared in the sky, and immediately exclaimed: “Oh my God! Look, a long river suddenly appeared in the sky!”

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