Chapter 502: The Unknown Mysterious Power in Shi Wu’s Body!

With another wave of his hand, the huge wave Zaibi rushed towards Ye Fan!

Seeing this, Ye Fan’s originally indifferent face was also slightly wrinkled at this time, but he still raised his hand and gently wiped it against the huge wave that was rushing over!

Sure enough, “So! Although the mysterious is powerful, it consumes a lot of money for you! You shouldn’t be able to use it for a long time!”

At this time, Heavenly Dao felt that Ye Fan’s breath dropped again, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but curled up, and then said!

Hearing Heavenly Dao’s words, Ye Fanyi looked indifferent and didn’t answer Heavenly Dao’s question!

In fact, Heavenly Dao is right. The reason why Ye Fan’s Cultivation Base is able to Ascension so much at once is only that he borrowed it!

In fact, Ye Fan can already use this trick when he gets the destiny Feng Shui compass. This trick is actually to merge with the destiny Feng Shui compass. By merging with the destiny Feng Shui compass, Ye Fan can borrow from the destiny Feng Shui compass. To its power, Ascension own Cultivation Base.

This move is somewhat similar to Hongjun’s combination, but Hongjun can enter this state anytime and anywhere, and there is no time limit.Although Ye Fan’s move is also very powerful, it is also limited!

This limitation is that the consumption is extremely large. Once the power you borrowed is used up, you will automatically exit from this state, and after using it, you will have a period of weakness!

Seeing that Ye Fan didn’t answer the own question, Heavenly Dao didn’t care. He only smiled slightly, and then disappeared. When he appeared again, he came to Ye Fan’s and then punched Ye Fan- go!

The power of Heavenly Dao’s punch is extremely terrifying, almost like carrying a big world, and then blasted towards Ye Fan!

Moreover, this punch seemed to lock Ye Fan suddenly, the surrounding space also solidified, and time seemed to suddenly become slow!

Feeling that Heavenly Dao’s punch was extremely terrifying, Ye Fan’s face changed slightly, and he also punched Heavenly Dao back!



When Heavenly Dao’s fist collided with Fan’s fist, in an instant, the whole earth seemed to drop down suddenly, and the surrounding space seemed to be unbearable, and such a strong force burst into pieces!

“Not bad! It was blocked!”

Seeing that Ye Fan could actually block own’s punch, Heavenly Dao smiled slightly, and then punched again!

Seeing this, Ye Fan was not to be outdone, and also threw a punch!

In an instant, the two were not testing each other, and directly fought together!




The space is shattered with one punch, and the world is replayed in one palm!

In the battle between Ye Fan and Heavenly Dao, the entire space began to shatter, and the strong fist strength formed a violent wind and began to spread!

The surrounding Feng Shui fire also began to evolve, and countless laws continued to manifest in the hands of the two, and the chains of order overflowed all over the two of them!


An unknown space comparable to the heavens, in the battle between the two, it also began to shatter, one by one, the broken space fragments, I wanted to shoot out all around!

“So strong! Does this mean a battle beyond the heaven-defying order?”

Dugu Defeated Heaven stood in the void, watching the entire void being stirred up in the battle between the two, and couldn’t help but say in horror at the moment!

“Yeah… we can’t get involved in this kind of battle! I thought we were already one of the most powerful people in the world. But now seeing the battle between the two of them, I realized that we were nothing more than It’s a frog at the bottom of the well!”

The Demon Lord beside him also said with a wry smile!

“not good!”

At this moment, Chen Nan suddenly thought of something, and immediately drank it!

“What’s wrong?”

Others looked at him puzzledly!

Just when they looked at Chen Nan, Chen Nan had already rushed out quickly, and in the blink of an eye, everyone had already lost Chen Nan’s figure!

“The heavens are in danger!

It wasn’t until Chen Nan disappeared that his voice rang in Dugu Baitian’s ears!

Hearing that, everyone also reacted at this moment, and their expressions couldn’t help but change wildly, and then they chased in the direction where Chen Nan disappeared, and disappeared after a while!

Only Shi Wu and the corpse Immortal Emperor supporting her were left!

It turned out that the battle between Heavenly Dao and Ye Fan caused that unknown space to be shattered.Some of these fragments rushed towards the heavens!

If these scared space fragments hit the celestial realm, I am afraid that the entire celestial realm will be destroyed directly.So, can Chen Nan and Dugu Beitian be in a hurry?

0……Look for flowers 0…………

You know, there are relatives, friends, or disciples and grandchildren in the heavens. If the heavens are destroyed, I am afraid that their relatives, friends, and disciples and grandchildren will also be annihilated along with the heavens!

As for why the corpse immortal emperor is not in a hurry, it is because he doesn’t have much feelings for this world. Although he also has an apprentice here, his apprentice is very senior and they stay together. Can Tang senior still meet? Can’t save it?

Of course, the most important thing is that he stayed and looked after Shi Wu!

Shi Hao didn’t know what was going on. Just now, when Immortal Corpse Emperor helped Shi Wu, he had already checked his body and found that Shi Hao did not suffer multiple injuries. Why is he still in a coma?


Moreover, when Immortal Corpse Emperor was about to examine Shi Hao’s soul, he found that the deepest part of his soul, that is, in the sea of ​​consciousness, was gestating a powerful unknown power!

Just when he was about to use own Divine Sense to detect this unknown force, he suddenly attracted a counterattack from this unknown force. Sense received it back, and didn’t dare to continue investigating it!

In other words, the corpse immortal emperor was preparing to investigate. When the unknown mysterious power in Shi Hao’s body, he recruited a counterattack from the unknown mysterious power, and immediately destroyed a part of his Divine Sense, making him have to disperse the rest. Divine Sense received it back, and I dare not continue to explore it!

However, although the mysterious unknown power dispelled the Divine Sense of the corpse fairy emperor, it was the moment that the mysterious unknown power crushed his Divine Sense, and the corpse fairy emperor also felt the power of that mysterious power. In the perception of the Immortal Emperor Corpse, the mysterious power in Shi Hao’s body was full of the aura of killing and destroying everything!

This breath corpse Immortal Emperor has also seen it once, that is, when he was corroded by black blood, Shi Hao had exactly the same aura exuding when he suddenly went mad when he was eroded by the black blood!

It’s just that the aura that Shi Hao exuded when he went crazy at the time was not as pure as the mysterious power in his body!

At this time, the corpse fairy emperor also thought, that the reason why Shi Wu went crazy that time may be related to the mysterious power in his body!

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