Chapter 462 Qin Xuan’s Return!

Thousands of years have passed since Ye Qingxian left the pass.

And Huo Ling’er and others, after learning from Ye Qingxian that there are thousands of worlds outside the world, they have fallen into the Closed Door Training state, and only Liu Shen and Xiao Ruoyu have no Closed Door Training!

this day!

In a certain town, when Ye Qingxian, Liu Shen, and Xiao Ruoyu were wandering on the street!

Suddenly, Ye Qingxian seemed to feel something, and he paused involuntarily, then raised his head and looked out of the sky!

“Grandma Grandpa! What’s the matter? Why don’t you leave!”

Xiao Ruoyu, who was holding Ye Qingxian’s hand, also felt her strangeness, and immediately asked in doubt!

“Qingxian Big sis! What’s the matter? Has something happened?”

The God Liu next to him also stopped at this moment, looking at Ye Qingxian with a puzzled expression!

“My Divine Sense just now seemed to feel the breath of Don Dage!”

“Qingxian Big sis, you feel the breath of Tang senior, is it possible that Tang senior is back?”

Hearing this, Liu Shen couldn’t help showing a trace of joy on his face!

“It should be! Let’s go back!”

Ye Qingxian nodded and said.

After speaking, he waved his hand and directly tore the space, and then took Liu Shen and Xiao 810 Ruoyu towards the space crack!

the other side!

In other words, Qin Xuan stayed in the land of Hongmeng for a while, then bid farewell to Hongmeng, Lord Death and others, and drove directly to the edge of chaos in Panlong World, then opened the wall of the world, left Panlong World, and then replied to perfection. world!

As soon as he returned to a perfect world, Qin Xuan’s Divine Sense sensed Ye Qingxian’s breath, and he was very happy right now!

Because of this, Ye Qingxian broke through successfully and disappeared without hesitation at the moment!

Emperor Guan.

In a manor in the imperial city, there is no one here, and the whole manor appears silent!

Suddenly, a figure appeared in this quiet manor, this figure is not Qin Xuan, who else can this be!

“After leaving for so many years, this place hasn’t changed at all, it’s still the same!”

Qin Xuan returned to the manor, and after looking around carefully, he couldn’t help but secretly said in his heart!

“Don Dage! You really are back!”

Just as Qin Xuan was sighing in her heart, a surprise voice suddenly came from behind!

Qin Xuan turned and looked around, only to see Ye Qingxian, Liu Shen, and Xiao Ruoyu already standing not far behind him (agaj), looking at him in surprise!

“Yeah! I’m back!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help showing a smile, then nodded and said!

“Tang senior! Long time no see!”

Liu Shen also nodded Xuan’s head towards Qin happily, and then said!

“Well! It’s really been a long time!

Qin Xuan also nodded!

Indeed, for Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen, only a few hundred thousand years have passed, but Qin Xuan has been in the Panlong World, and it has been several million years. The time difference between the two worlds is almost different. ten times!

“Let’s go in first! Let’s talk about anything in the lobby!”

Qin Xuan said!

After speaking, I walked towards the hall!

In the hall!

After a few people sat down, Qin Xuan asked, “Qinxian, it seems that you have gained a lot from Closed Door Training this time!”

Just now, Qin Xuan saw that Ye Qingxian’s Cultivation Base, Chaos is too Golden Realm, and it is still possible to breakthrough Chaos Supreme Golden Realm at any time, Chaos is too Golden Realm Realm!

That’s why Qin Xuan said that Ye Qingxian has gained a lot from this Closed Door Training!

“Yeah! I really gained a lot from this Closed Door Training! Of course, if there is no Chaos Avenue rule given to me by Tang Dage, I haven’t achieved this yet!”

Hearing Qin Xuan’s praise, Ye Qingxian was not humble, nodded and turned back!

“Hehe! Between the two of us, are you still using such an air?”

“Hey, right! Linger and they Closed Door Training?”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan waved his hand, then said with a smile!

Ye Qingxian nodded!

Ye Qingxian was also very happy to say this to Qin Xuan, after all, anyone likes to hear such words!

“Right! Tang Dage, Shi Wu, did they go to other worlds with you?

At this moment, Ye Qingxian suddenly remembered Huo Ling’er’s instructions, and couldn’t help asking Qin Xuan right now!

“Yeah! Shi Wu and Ye Fan, the two boys, really left this world, but they didn’t come with me!”

“Ye Fan? Why is he here?

Ye Qingxian asked with some doubts!

“Aha! That kid came against the long river of time and space!”

Qin Xuan said with a smile!

After all, when Ye Fan came against the long river of time and space, Ye Qingxian was already in the Closed Door Training state, so I don’t know!

“I see!”

Upon hearing this, Ye Qingxian also nodded suddenly.

Suddenly, Ye Qingxian thought of something, and now she couldn’t help but ask with a worried look: “Tang Dage, since Shi Wu and Ye Fan are not with you, will they be in any danger?”

After all, in Ye Qingxian’s view, it is still a bit dangerous to leave the original world for Shi Hao and Ye Fan’s Cultivation Base. It will definitely be killed by those Chaos Demon Gods, or the primordial Heavenly Dao!

“Ah! It’s okay, I have left a consciousness on them before they leave. As long as they are really in danger of life, that consciousness will be shot!”

Qin Xuan also knew what Ye Qingxian was thinking, and couldn’t help but explain with a smile at the moment!

“So! Then I’m relieved!”

Hearing that, Ye Qingxian’s worries were also let go, and then nodded!

Ye Qingxian is still very relieved of Qin Xuan’s strength, since Qin Xuan has said so, Ye Qingxian has nothing to worry about!

“Right! Where’s Cao Yusheng and the Black Emperor?”

After sitting for a while, Qin Xuan asked again!

“They! Closed Door Training too!”

“Closed Door Training?”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan was also slightly taken aback!

Huo Ling’er, Shi Yi and the others Closed Door Training, Qin Xuan might believe it, but Qin Zhan felt a little surprised when he said that Cao Yusheng had the Black Dog Closed Door Training that day!

If these two goods don’t go out for a day, they can’t stand it anymore. Now they can settle down in Closed Door Training. How can this not surprise Qin Xuan!

However, the two goods can be quiet Closed Door Training, which is also good news for Qin Xuan, lest they go out to harm others again!

“Don Dage! How about we’ll make a trip! I kind of miss the small country!

Suddenly, Ye Qingxian looked at Qin Xuan expectantly, and then said!

“Back to Honghuang?”

Upon hearing this, Qin Xuan was also slightly taken aback.

But when I think about it, it seems that I haven’t gone back for a long time. This is the longest time that Xiaoguo has left him, and I don’t know how Xiaoguo is now!

But to be honest, after Ye Qingxian mentioned this, Qin Xuan also felt that he really had some thoughts!

“Qingxian, how about we return to Honghuang before the two stinky boys, Shi Hao and Ye Fan, come back?”

After thinking for a while, Qin Xuan proposed to Ye Qingxian!

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