Chapter 461 Huo Ling’er and the others are shocked!

“Okay! Do it all!

After everyone laughed, Ye Qingxian sat on the main seat, then waved at everyone’s hands and said!

“Did anything major happen during my Closed Door Training? Oh, yes! Where did Shi Hao go, why didn’t I see him?”

After everyone sat down, Ye Qingxian slowly asked!

“Madam! You have to be the master for me! That bastard Shi Wu left me, and I don’t know where he went! The same was true in the lower realm last time, without saying a word, he ran to the upper realm, if it wasn’t for me Smart, I came to the upper realm to find him, I am afraid he will be concealed by him, this time it is the same, and he disappeared without saying a word to me!

After hearing Ye Qingxian’s words, Huo Ling’er, like a deeply grieving woman, began to tell her Shi Hao!

As for why she didn’t worry about Shi Hao’s safety, it was because, after Shi Hao broke through the Emperor, she believed that in this world, no one could threaten Shi Wu!

“Haha! Is there anything else? Okay, when he comes back next time, I will definitely clean him up!”

Hearing that, Ye Qingxian nodded a little Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and then comforted!

“Hehe! Thank you, Madam!

After hearing Ye Qingxian’s assurance, Huo Ling’er sat down with satisfaction!

“Qingxian Big sis! During your Closed Door Training, nothing major happened, but after Shi Hao and Ye Fan disappeared, Tang senior also disappeared! Until now, there is no news!”

Seeing Huo Ling’er sat down satisfactorily, the god Liu next to him smiled and said to Ye Qingxian!

“Hey! When I just left the customs, I have seen the image that Tang Dage left me, saying that he was a little boring, so he left this world and will come back after a while!”

Hearing this, Ye Qingxian also nodded and said. When he said this, he couldn’t help but pause, and then continued: “As for Shi Wu where they went, I don’t know much about it, but I just left the customs. At the time, they released Divine Sense, explored the entire world, and found that they didn’t have a trace of their breath. If they want to come, they should have left this world too!”

“Late! No wonder I just said, why haven’t some news from them for so many years, it turns out that I have left this world||!”

Hearing this, Liu Shen also said with a sudden realization!

For the Willow God who awakened the hollow willow bloodline, he naturally knew that there was a little information about the heavens and the world, so it was not too surprised that Qin Xuan and Shi Wu left this world!

Huo Ling’er, Shi Yi and others, who didn’t know this information, also looked at the two blankly, and didn’t know what they were saying or what they meant!

“Madam, Big sis, God of Willow! What do you mean by leaving this world?”

Huo Ling’er asked blankly!

Seeing this, Liu Shen also smiled, and then explained: “Ling’er, there is more than one world like ours, and there are many worlds like ours outside our world, even higher than ours. The world is not in the minority! Therefore, Shi Hao and the others should have left this world and went to other worlds!”

“What? There are many other worlds outside the world?”

After hearing Liu Shen’s explanation, it wasn’t just Huo Ling’er. Even Shi Yi, Shi Huang, Cao Yusheng’s Black Emperor and others beside him couldn’t help but exclaimed in disbelief. Only Xiao Xiao was present. Ruo Yu looked ignorant and ignorant, I don’t know what everyone else said!

“Well! Outside of our world, there are indeed many worlds!”

Seeing everyone in shock, Ye Qingxian also nodded with a certain expression!

“Huh! I didn’t expect that there are so many other worlds outside the world. So Madam, have you been to other worlds?”

Seeing Ye Qingxian’s affirmative expression, everyone finally accepted this message.At the moment, after Huo Ling’er let out a sigh of relief, he asked Ye Qingxian curiously!

After hearing Huo Ling’er’s question, the present, including God Liu, looked at Ye Qingxian curiously, wanting to hear how she answered!

“Ah! I’ve been to the world of Don Dage once!”

Seeing this, Ye Qingxian couldn’t help but smile, then nodded and said!

“Master Tang senior’s world?

Hearing this, everyone couldn’t help but exclaimed, and they couldn’t help but become more curious at the moment!

For them, whether it is Liushen or Lingerhuo, Qin Xuan has always had a mysterious sense of existence. Although I have seen it many times, but it is only some understanding. As for what Cultivation Base he is, where does the matter come from? I don’t even know who came!

Now, after hearing Ye Qingxian say that she has been to Qin Xuan’s world, how could they not be curious?

“Qingxian Big sis! It seems that the ancestor Raising Eyebrows I summoned last time was also in the same world as Tang senior, isn’t it?”

Liu Shen asked curiously!

For the ancestor of the eyebrows, Liu Shen can be said to be still fresh. The information she mentioned about the heavens and the realms was also obtained from the blood after she awakened the blood last time!

What’s more, he is a willow branch of the Chaos Demon God’s Hollow Willow, so the ancestor of the eyebrow can also be regarded as the ancestor of own or the father!

“Yeah! The old way of raising eyebrows is indeed from the world of Don Dage. I have seen him in that world!”

Ye Qingxian nodded and turned back!

“Ms. Madam, Madam! How is the world where the master is? Isn’t it very big?”

Huo Ling’er asked excitedly!

“Yeah! Very big!”

Hearing that, Ye Qingxian nodded, and then patiently replied!

“Then Madam! Do you know how to leave this world and go to another world?”

“Aha! Don’t think about it now! Because you haven’t reached that level yet, even if it’s me, I don’t dare to leave this world casually.”

“Because outside of our world, there are boundless chaos. If there is no coordinate, I am afraid that with my current Cultivation Base, I will be lost in the chaos!”

Hearing that, Ye Qingxian couldn’t help but explain with a smile!

“Ah… so dangerous!

After hearing what Ye Qingxian said, Huo Ling’er and the others couldn’t help but become a little discouraged!

Although everyone doesn’t know Ye Qingxian’s Cultivation Base, what level it is now, but at least one thing they can be sure of is that it is more responsible than Shi Wu!

You know, Shi Hao is the existence of Immortal Emperor Realm, higher than Shi Wu, isn’t that the Cultivation Base of Immortal Emperor Realm?

Even Ye Qingxian, who is above the Cultivation Base of the Immortal Emperor, said that if there is no coordinate, he will be lost (Zhao Nuo Zhao) in the chaos. Then these people who don’t even have the Immortal Emperor Cultivation Base, let alone said!

“Ah! Don’t be discouraged, as long as you work hard to cultivate, one day, you will be able to travel freely in the heavens and all realms!”

Seeing that everyone was a little discouraged, Ye Qingxian also knew what they were thinking, but Chaos was indeed too dangerous for them!

In fact, Ye Qingxian misunderstood that not every chaos in the world is so dangerous, such as the chaos in the wild world, it can indeed make her now lost in it, but to the chaos in the perfect world, for her , There is no danger at all!

Not to mention getting lost in it, I am afraid that her current Divine Sense will be swept away, although it will not be able to cover the chaos of the entire perfect world, but it is still possible to cover a part of it!

As for why she and Huo Ling’er and the others describe the chaos as so dangerous, she thinks that the chaos of the world is almost the same, boundless and boundless, so she said that!

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