Chapter 378: The Guess in the Heart of Ancestor Fa!

After Heiqi died, Immortal Corpse Emperor broke through the space and walked in!

the other side!

Du Yuxin was walking around anxiously, raising her head and looking into the distance from time to time!

At this time, not far from everyone, a space suddenly and slowly split, and only the corpse fairy emperor came out of it!

“Master! You are back!”

Seeing the corpse fairy emperor, Du Yuxin was also relieved, and at the moment, he couldn’t help but yelled happily!

The Immortal Emperor Corpse nodded and responded!

“Master! What happened to Demon Monarch when it became dark!”

Du Yuxin asked!

“Aha! Heiqi? This person will never be black anymore in this world!”

Hearing this, the corpse fairy emperor couldn’t help but smiled, and then said!

Haha “! Girl Du, didn’t I say it earlier? Don’t worry, your master will go out in person, you can’t escape from the dark!”

At this moment, Shi Hao burst into laughter, then looked at Du Yuxin and said jokingly!

And Fazuro Kell beside him, after hearing the conversation of several people, a shocked look flashed in his eyes!

Unexpectedly, tens of thousands of years ago, the entire celestial realm was shocked, and the black that caused people to talk about the discoloration, unexpectedly fell like this!

I can’t help but sigh at the moment, it’s really cold in the world!

“Ah! Now that the matter is resolved, let’s go!”

At this moment, Ye Fan suddenly looked at everyone and said!

Hearing that, everyone nodded and responded!

“Several seniors! You don’t see Chennan anymore!”

At this moment, Fazuluo Kaier suddenly looked at Shi Hao and asked!

Ye Fan and the Immortal Emperor Corpse couldn’t help looking at Shi Hao to see what he planned!

“No! That kid has his own way to go! I won’t bother him!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao shook his head, and then said!

After that, after thinking for a while, Shi Hao said again: “That’s right! You tell the boy Xia Chennan for me, let him have time to visit the Gods and Demons Cemetery, maybe there are some unexpected discoveries. Not necessarily!”

“Okay! Brother, fellow daoist, corpse fellow daoist, girl Du. Let’s go!”

After speaking, he turned his head and said to the three of Ye Fan!

Ye Fan responded, and then with a light wave of his hand, a door of space emerged!

After seeing the door of space, Ye Fan took the lead in walking in. When everyone saw this, they also followed in!

Looking at the slowly closing space door, Fazulokal couldn’t help but wonder: “Who are these three people? Why have I never heard of them?”

In Fazurokai’s eyes, these three people are so strong, there should be some traces left between the heavens and the earth, but these three seem to have appeared out of thin air, and there is no bit of news and legends about them in the heavens and the earth!

“Forget it! Chen Nan should know something, some information about these three people, when the time comes, when he comes back from the Fifth Realm, ask him!”

After a while, Fazuro Kell couldn’t help but shook his head helplessly, and then muttered to himself!

Because he has recalled for so long, there is still no trace of information about these three people, and it will be no more at the moment!

At the moment, Fazuro Kaier sat cross-legged and waited quietly for the return of Chen Nan and De Meng!

Two days passed like this!

Suddenly, Fazuro Kell suddenly opened his eyes, then raised his head and looked into the air!

I saw somewhere in the air, suddenly the space was turbulent, and then only heard the sound of the night, the space was shattered!

At this time, the shattered space suddenly revealed two embarrassed figures.The two embarrassed figures are not Chen Nan and De Meng, who else can they be!

After Chen Nan and De Meng came out of the door of space, before they could relax, they saw that the two large formations they had laid down at the time had disappeared, and their expressions changed drastically!

I couldn’t help but secretly said: “Could it be that Heiqi has broken open the big formation waiting for others to set up?”

Therefore, the two of them didn’t even think about it, so they rushed in the direction of the big formation!

When they came to the place where the two people set up a large formation, they found that there was no trace of fighting around, and the formation seemed to be unraveled!

“What’s the matter?”

Chen Nan and De Meng couldn’t help but glance at each other, and they were even more puzzled!

“Could it be Fazuro Kell who released the black rise!” The two thought in a moment, but after a while they began to shook their heads!

They know that it is impossible for Fazuro Kell to release the black attack. After all, Fazuro Kel and the black start are an endless situation. Therefore, Fazuro Kell will not be so stupid to release the black attack. come out!

0……Look for flowers…………

“Could it be that after they left, someone came again? And threatened Fazuro Kel, let him release the black up?”

Chen Nan and De Meng couldn’t help but guess!

At this moment, a voice came over!

“Haha! Chennan, you are back!”

The two followed their prestige, and saw Fazuro Kaier flying in their direction!

After a while, Fazulokal fell in front of them, and Chen Nan couldn’t wait to ask: “What’s the matter? Who solved this big formation? Is there a black up?”

“Heiqi? Haha! Has disappeared!

Hearing this, Fazuro Kell couldn’t help but laughed, and then said mysteriously!

“Disappeared? Did you escape?”

Chen Nan and De Meng couldn’t help but condensed after hearing the words of Fazuro Kaier!

If Heiqi really escapes, I am afraid that after waiting for some time, he will be madly retaliated by him.Moreover, with Heiqi’s killing addictive character, the whole heaven will definitely be in chaos by then!

“What’s the matter? Didn’t you let you watch the dark rise? How could you let him run away?”

Chen Nan looked at Fazuro Kaier with some dissatisfaction, and then said!

The same is true for De Meng next to him.Don’t this person know what the consequences will be if he flees from the black?

“Eh? Heiqi didn’t escape!

Hearing this, Fazulokal couldn’t help but stunned, and then said in doubt!

“What! Heiqi didn’t escape?”

As soon as Fazurokai’s words fell, Chen Nan and De Meng exclaimed, and then stood on guard, and kept looking around them, in case Heiqi didn’t know where to sneak out!

“Uh! Haha! See you are nervous!”

Looking at the nervous expressions of Chen Nan and De Meng, Fazuluokel couldn’t help laughing at the moment!


Seeing Fazuro Kaier laughing constantly there, Chen Nan and De Meng couldn’t help but frowned, and they were also very puzzled. They didn’t understand what he meant! Why did they laugh?

Roquet “What the hell is going on? You tell me things clearly!”

Chen Nan couldn’t help but burst into blue veins on his forehead, and then stared at Fazuro Kaier fiercely and asked! Nine

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