Chapter 377: Darkness rises and falls!

Seeing this situation, even if he is stupid, he knows that the opposite party does not want to let him go!

I saw him looking around, hoping to find a way to escape. As for why not be hard with the opposite, don’t be stupid, from the bodies of the three people opposite, feeling the boundless pressure from the darkness, I am afraid that he has not yet taken practical action. I was slapped to death by someone!

But Heiqi didn’t know that these three people had a lot of experience. The little thought in his heart had long been seen. As for why Shi Hao and others didn’t reveal it, the main reason was to see if Heiqi had anything else. Skill!


At this time, I saw Hei Qi soaring into the air, and then he flew away quickly thinking of the opposite direction!

Seeing this, Fazulokal was also stunned.After all, when he was fighting Heiqi just now, Heiqi gave him the feeling that he was a person who was not afraid of the sky, and how could he escape now!

Soon Fazuro Kell understood that he was not afraid of death when he was black, but he was not a fool. He knew that he was bound to die, and he had to rush to die stupidly. What else could it be if it wasn’t stupid, and it might be worth running away. There will be a silver lining!

As for Shi Hao and others, they didn’t expect that this dark life would run away, but they didn’t care at all. They saw Shi Wu shrug, and then smiled at the corpse fairy emperor: “Aah! Corpse fellow daoist! Give it to you! You! After all…

After speaking, Du Yuxin was blinded, so the meaning is self-evident!

280 “Good!”

Hearing this, Immortal Corpse Emperor understood what he meant, so he smiled and nodded in response!

“Master! Heiqi, Demon Monarch is about to run away!”

Seeing that Heiqi disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye, Du Yuxin couldn’t help but feel a little anxious, and saw him talking to the corpse fairy emperor!

“Aha! Don’t worry, girl Du! If your master is here, that person can’t escape!” Seeing this, Ye Fan couldn’t help but smile!

For people of their level, no matter where Heiqi escapes, they can find him, because Ye Fan knows that Emperor Corpse Immortal was obviously in Heiqi just now, leaving a mark, unless there is a first-level difference. The existence of, help him erase the mark, otherwise, this mark will never disappear!

“Master! Is that true?”

Hearing this, Du Yuyuxin looked at Master Own with some uncertainty, and then asked!

“Hey! Don’t worry, he can’t escape!”

Seeing that his apprentice was so anxious, Immortal Corpse Emperor nodded affirmatively!

Indeed, as Ye Fan said, if he wants to find the black word, it is just a matter of turning his hands!

After finishing speaking, I saw Immortal Corpse Emperor wave his hand, and a space crack appeared in an instant, and then Immortal Corpse Emperor walked in!

“Master, is this?”

“Relax! Your master is going to get that person back!” Ye Fan explained!


Hearing that, Du Yuxin also let me go!

the other side!

Heiqi is burning crazily own Blood Essence, flying forward with his life speed!

But I kept secretly saying in my heart: “If I can escape this time, I will return to the fighting war Saint realm, and never come to this heavenly realm again!”

He never expected that there are such powerful existences in the heavens, and there are still three!

But with such a powerful existence, why didn’t I see them come out when I made a riot in the heavens ten thousand years ago? I haven’t seen them until now!

I think before he came to the heavens, he was full of spirits, but now he flees like a bereaved dog. If this is to let other people in the War Saint world know, then they still laugh at him? Then what else will I meet and go out to meet people!

In an instant, Heiqi had already flown hundreds of millions of miles away, and he stopped, then turned his head and looked behind him. Seeing no one was chasing him, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief!

“Huh! It seems to be safe for the time being! I will contact them later and ask them to open the space door of the Battle Saint Realm, and then I will be able to go back!”

At this time, Heiqi was panting heavily, and his face was extremely pale.This was obviously a response to the degree of Blood Essence support!

Forget it “! I’ll fly a little farther! There is still some insecurity here!”

Hei Qi muttered to himself!

After speaking, he turned around, ready to continue flying forward!

However, as soon as he turned around, he saw a person not far in front, I don’t know when there was a person standing!

This person himself knew him, and it was one of the three (agai) that made him powerless!

This person is not someone else but the Immortal Emperor Corpse who lives here!

“Aha! Why don’t you continue to escape?”

I saw the corpse immortal emperor looking at the black, and then said with a smile!

“Huh! This senior! We shouldn’t have any deep hatred, right? How about letting Junior a horse? As long as seniors let Junior a horse, Junior will give a generous gift!”

When I saw the Immortal Emperor Corpse, his black heart sank instantly, but he still said without giving up!

“Hey! You really don’t have any deep hatred with me, but you have forged with my apprentice! Moreover, it is still the vengeance of annihilating the door!” Hearing this, the corpse fairy nodded, he did not have any deep hatred with him, but when I thought of owning Apprentice, Immortal Emperor Corpse couldn’t help shook his head and said!

“Senior’s apprentice?”

“Hey! Do you remember the Du Family Profound Realm?”

The corpse fairy emperor said!

“The Du Family Profound Realm? Is the senior’s apprentice a member of the Du Family?” Heiqi asked uncertainly after hearing this!

“Yes! My apprentice is the last survivor of the Du family! Now you know why I didn’t let you go, right?

“If you want my apprentice to calm down and cultivate, you have to start!” Immortal Emperor Corpse explained!

The corpse immortal emperor knows that this black rise is the heart knot of his apprentice. If he does not solve him, it is impossible for his apprentice to settle down and cultivation. I am afraid that Heart’s Demon will be spawned by then, and it will be too late to say anything at that time. !

Heiqi’s eyes were also full of despair after listening to the explanation of the corpse immortal emperor. He knew that he couldn’t escape today, so he laughed loudly, and then shouted: “Haha! Come on, today I will die. It won’t make you feel better!”

The black laughter resounded through the sky, the voice sounded abnormally desolate, and there was a trace of fierceness in the desolation!

Obviously, he knew that Immortal Emperor Corpse couldn’t let go of himself, so even if he knew that he was not the opponent of this person, he would be disgusted!

Hearing this, the Immortal Corpse Emperor shook his head involuntarily.He knew that this black appearance was obviously stubborn, and he was not hesitating now!

I saw the corpse immortal emperor raised his hand and printed it from the bottom to the black!

In an instant, Hei Qi only felt that the surrounding space had solidified, she couldn’t move at all, and her entire face flushed involuntarily!

He struggled desperately, hoping to make himself move, but found that he was also useless in how he was struggling.At this time, he knew that he was more than a little different from the man in front of him, it was a world of difference!


As the palm of the corpse fairy emperor fell, the space around Heiqi suddenly shattered, and Heiqi was like broken glass, shattered into pieces, and then turned into dots of light, disappearing between the world and the earth. !

So far, after Songtsen Deb, the black rise of one of the seven kings has also fallen here!

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