Chapter 371 A Fierce Battle!

The seven divine lights echoed with the seven Northern Dipper stars in the sky, instantly illuminating the earth, and instantly covering the black!

Surrounded by these seven divine lights, Heiqi’s face finally couldn’t keep calm, leaving an afterimage on the spot, quickly rushing out thousands of miles away.

Following him were four hundred thousand gods and demons and resentful spirits, roaring like a raging wave, sweeping through the sky, and swaying dark clouds in the sky.

Seeing that the darkness seemed to be fleeing, the seven pillars of light instantly followed like a shadow. One of the pillars of light instantly slammed down, and rushed towards the vast ground below.Although there are not many energy fluctuations coming out, it is conceivable. There is no doubt that the true power of terror contained within it, if it hits the surface, it will definitely destroy one side of the land, and may cause a piece of death.


Guangzhu Ji sent it to the ground, and the mountain shook in an instant, and a huge pit appeared on the ground, but it obviously didn’t hit Heiqi!

Seeing that the first beam of light did not hit Heiqi, Chen Nan, who was controlling the seven beams of light not far away, frowned!

He also didn’t expect that the speed of the black rise would be so fast, causing the big formation of own to not completely tie him up!

I saw him, his hands continued to make complicated seals, and he shouted: “Tianshu Xingzhuan”

Suddenly, those Star lights, following Chen Nan’s seal, quickly changed their direction, endless Star power. Chasing Heiqi again.

The speed was so fast that it immediately surrounded the black!


The black and angry Ang Tian roared!

Knowing that he can’t avoid it, so he is stronger when he meets the strong, and he doesn’t evade.

Now let his demon fire flourish, no longer retreat, the desperate magic knife in his hand pointed at the starlight, and the 400,000 gods and demons that appeared behind him roared in unison.

Despair Magic Knife and Star Light. They smashed into each other fiercely, bursting into the sky and the earth, and a black roar resounded across the sky and the earth.

That star light. He was even knocked away by the demon king Hei Shengsheng

From the power of Tianshu Star Star. Four hundred thousand gods and demons were dispelled by his own power and roared together

However, just after he scattered the first divine light, the second and third star lights arrived at the same time.

Brilliant rays of light from the sky and stars. Converged into two beams of light. It has penetrated to the front of Heiqi and is about to drown him.


Going crazy in the dark, with long black hair, dancing wildly, his face is terrifying to the extreme. Four hundred thousand gods turned into endless magic clouds. Blocked in front of him. Blended with that Star divine light.

One party is brilliant. The paint on one side is dark and pale, and the encounter between the two is really a violent collision!

But the result was unexpected. Silently and silently, the two swallowed each other madly and quickly.

To the end. A Desperate Magic Knife ended the stalemate, and the sky shattered with stars. The shadow of the soul of 400,000 gods and demons is dim.

The darkness screamed wildly, and endless Killing intents pierced all around. Let four hundred thousand gods and demons resent spirits. Simultaneous recovery

It darkened terribly. Really eternal

However, a closer look reveals it. The corners of Heiqidi’s mouth have already overflowed with traces of blood. This is due to internal damage. Suffered from land trauma. It is much more serious than the physical injury.

Seeing this, Chen Nan’s expression was joyful, and he saw that he quickly lifted the technique again.In an instant, the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh divine light rushed toward Heiqi again!


A muffled sound resounded through the world!

Arrays of chaotic light flashed between the sky and the earth, and the surrounding space was shattered in disarray, and it had returned to the state of chaos.

The last four divine lights collided with the black rising. It’s too intense!

The terrifying starlight instantly submerged the darkness in it! The terrible black roar was continuously heard from the starlight!

“Asshole! What the heck is this made of, so that it won’t die!”

Fazuo Kell could not help cursing!

It can be said that this terrifying formation is their last resort.

As time passed bit by bit, the dazzling starlight gradually disappeared!

The black rise in the starlight also slowly appeared in the eyes of Fazulokal and Chen Nan!

At this time, Heiqi had already knelt down on the ground, and there was nothing in his body, and the magic in his hand was also broken in two, but he looked at Chen Nan and Fazu Luokai’s eyes, and the killing intent appeared more exuberant!

“Ah…hehe, haha! You…you can’t kill me!

Hei Qi grinned at the two of them, and then said intermittently!

It’s just that at the moment he spoke, the injuries on his body have been restored seven or eighty-eight, but his breath appears to be a lot weaker!

“Chen Nan! What shall we do now?”

Hearing this, Fazu Luokai’s face was a little ugly involuntarily, and then asked Chennan through the voice!

Seeing this, Chen Nan’s expression was also very solemn, knowing that the two of them couldn’t kill the black hair at all, and, the state of own would not last long, so he said: “We can’t kill him, if we can kill him. Die him, he had been killed long ago, instead of being sealed up!”

“We will trap him before he is healed, and then make plans!”

Hearing that, Fazulokal couldn’t help but nodded, because he knew what Chen Nan said was indeed the truth.With the current situation of the two of them, he couldn’t kill Heiqi.After all, Heiqi’s recovery was too great. It’s abnormal!

At this moment, the entrance of the Fifth Realm opened again, and in an instant, Chen Nan and Fazuluoke’s expressions changed dramatically!

“Could it be that there is another king from the Fifth Realm?”

Chen Nan and Fazuro Kaier couldn’t help but secretly secretly!

A black rise will turn the heavens upside down, and now if there is another king, the whole heaven is going to sink?

Endless killing intent. The terrible “power” of the strong rushed out from the entrance in an instant. Like a violent tsunami. It rushed to the quiet small village by the sea, and the momentum was terrifying to the extreme.

I saw the space entrance of the Fifth Realm, and a figure rushed out. This person was one foot tall, slender, handsome, and fair-skinned.

It was originally the kind of person who seemed to be quietly cultivating. But at this moment, he was covered with blood and his murderous intentions were revealed. Like a sharp sword out of its sheath

The white clothes on her body were in shreds. He has long been stained red by blood, especially the vital parts are broken and ill-formed. It can be imagined that he has been fatally attacked more than once.

He was holding a broken, ugly broken sword in his hand. It can be imagined how fierce the land war was before.

Another master in the fifth world. Suddenly, all the cultivators in the world of heaven and earth were desperate to the point that who else (Wang Hao) could come forward. Who can fight against the strong

Chen Nan and Fazuro Kaier stared at the figure rushing out from the entrance, as if as long as the person moved a little bit, the two would make the most violent attack!

The black on the ground also looked at the visitor curiously. After seeing the visitor’s face clearly, his complexion couldn’t help but he yelled, “Demeng, you are not dead yet?”

Hearing this, Chen Nan and Fazulokal couldn’t help being surprised, and they kept guessing in their hearts: “It seems that these two people know each other! But they don’t know if they are friends or enemies!”

Just as the two were constantly guessing, suddenly a voice came into their ears!

“I have learned from the grievances of the undead along the way. I learned what happened in this world. I am a black opponent. I want to deal with him with you.”

Hearing that, the worries in the two people’s hearts are temporarily put down, although they don’t know who the person is, at least it is not the enemy of own!

Moreover, looking at his appearance, it should be very dark and hostile. It seems that this time it is a friend, not an enemy!,

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