Chapter 370 Six Interfaces In This World

But he said that after Shi Wu talked about Emperor Corpse, he stumbled and accepted Du Yuxin as a disciple!

“Hehe! Thank you Master!”

Hearing this, Du Yuxin quickly stood up, and then said with a smile on the corpse Immortal Emperor!

At this moment, there is no grievance on her face just now, and some are just excited!

“Congratulations to the Immortal Emperor Corpse, and happy to accept the best!”

Seeing this, Ye Fan couldn’t help but rushed to the corpse, Immortal Emperor hugged the cupped fist, and then said with a smile!

“But I… Forget it! If you accept it, accept it! Anyway, it’s just an apprentice!!

At this time, the corpse fairy emperor came back to his senses, so he wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he waved his hand helplessly and sighed!

So just like this, the corpse fairy emperor was confused and accepted the first apprentice in his life!

“Since you are already my disciple, then follow my rules. Of course, there are no rules in my sect, as long as you don’t do things that are angry and grievous, and that hurts the truth. Of course, the most important point is that you can’t betray the teacher. ! Otherwise, I will personally take action and clean up the door!” Seeing this, the corpse immortal emperor knew that it was too late to say something, so he said to Du Yuxin solemnly 06!

“Yes, Master! Disciple knows!

Du Yuxin replied respectfully!

“Yeah! After I go back to my teacher, I will choose a time to pay my teacher’s apprenticeship. Now you can only be regarded as a registered disciple of my teacher!”

Hearing this, Immortal Corpse Emperor nodded in satisfaction, after thinking about it, Immortal Corpse Emperor said again!

How can I say that I am also an existence of the immortal emperor level, and I am still the first time in my life to accept a disciple, how can it be so simple, there is not even a banquet for the teacher?

After I go back, I must call those people with names and surnames, or those big forces, to have a lively and lively. With my own immortal emperor, those people who want to come should give some faces!

Thinking of this, the depressed corpse Immortal Emperor just disappeared completely!

“Junior Brother Shi Hao! You have been in the celestial realm longer than us, is there a war in this celestial realm?”

At this moment, Ye Fan suddenly looked at Shi Hao and asked!

It turns out that Ye Fan just released Divine Sense and scanned the area for hundreds of millions of miles. Seeing that the atmosphere of some towns was a little weird, he became a little curious!

“Yeah! But this is not a war within the heaven itself, but a group of people from another realm. Therefore, the heaven is resisting the invasion of another realm!”

Hearing this, Shi Hao thought for a while, and then explained!

“Another realm? Does this world have many aspects besides the heaven and the human realm?”

After listening to Shi Hao’s explanation, Ye Fan couldn’t help showing a look of surprise, so he asked curiously!

“It should be! I don’t know this too well. By the way, Yu Xin should know a little bit, or let her tell us! By the way, we should also learn about things in this world!” Shi Hao shook his head hesitantly, then Said!

After all, it didn’t take long for me to guess it to the world. Although Lao Yinbi got some news about the world from the mouth of the lonely defeated sky, it was impossible to be clear about all of it.

Even if you are a strong person who has been in this world for Life, it is impossible to understand everything, right?

“Yu Xin! Come here! I have something to ask you!” Shi Hao yelled to Du Yuxin, motioning him to come over!

“Shi Wu senior! Ye senior!”

Hearing this, Du Yuxin hurried over, came to the two of them and called respectfully, and then continued to ask: “Two seniors! I wonder if there is anything wrong with calling Yuxin?”

“Yu Xin! In this world, besides the known human world and heaven, is there any other interface?

Shi Wu didn’t even think about it, so he asked directly!

“Other interface?”

Hearing this, Du Yuxin was also obviously taken aback, and then he began to think!

After a while, she raised her head and said to Shi Hao: “Shi Wu senior! Yu Xin once read in the family classics. In addition to the human world and the heavens, there are indeed some interfaces!


Shi Hao, Ye Fan, and the Immortal Emperor Corpse couldn’t help but glance at each other, and the three of them were indeed full of excitement!

“Hey! Keep talking!”

“Back to senior! It is recorded in ancient books that this world is divided into six realms, and we call it the Big Six Ways in a unified way!”

Respectively, “It is the realm of the world and the realm of heaven. As for The Three Realms, it seems to be a place where some dangerous people are sealed, it seems to be called a place of exile!”

“I don’t clear the fourth world too much, but it is recorded in the ancient books that this world seems to have been shattered because of a big battle! As for what kind of battle it is, I don’t know!”

“As for the Fifth Realm! That is where the Seven Great Kings are located, but there are some places in it that are not recorded in the ancient books. I only know that this realm is the hometown of the Seven Great Kings, also called the War Saint Realm!”

When he said this, Du Yuxin couldn’t help but look of hatred in his eyes, took a deep breath, and continued: “As for the sixth realm, there is no record in the classics, but it is mentioned in the classics that this world is very mysterious! ,Is there any other interface, I don’t know!”

It seems “This world is not easy!”

After hearing Du Yuxin’s words, the three of them couldn’t help but secretly said!

“Yes, Not Bad!”

Seeing that his apprentice actually knows so much, Immortal Corpse Emperor nodded in satisfaction!

It seems that the apprentice he took is quite good, and the Immortal Corpse Emperor thought proudly!

“Go! Junior brother, let’s go to the scene! I haven’t seen the Immortal Emperor Corpse yet. How about the way this world fights!

Upon hearing that, the heavens are now fighting, Ye Fan and the Immortal Emperor Corpse’s eyes lit up involuntarily, and then they couldn’t wait to say!

After all, when the two came to this world, 263 had never seen a strong person except lonely defeating the sky, and, just met, there was no fight at all!

“Ah! Good!

Hearing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but smile and nodded!

After finishing speaking, Shi Wu waved his hand, and a spatial crack appeared in front of everyone, and then Shi Hao walked into the spatial crack!

When Shi Wu was walking, he went in, Ye Fan, and Du Yuxin himself, Immortal Emperor Corpse, also went in!

At the edge of the battlefield, Shi Hao and others walked out of the space crack!

“Northern Dipper Volunteer

But at this time, a voice resounded through the world!

After hearing this sudden sound, Shi Hao, Ye Fan and other four people walked through the prestige, only to see seven divine lights descending from the sky.

Starting from the top of the Northern Dipper Seven Star Dou, to the end of the Dou handle, the power of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tian, ​​Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Shaking Seven Stars shot straight down from the vast sea of ​​stars.

And around the Shenguang, thirteen flags suddenly appeared, and these flags kept spinning, as if they were about to form a big formation!

The seven pillars of light pierced through the heavens and the earth, and the majestic aura spread to the entire celestial realm, and the creatures of the entire celestial realm looked at the seven pillars of light!

Only people with a high level of Cultivation Base can understand what happened, and those cultivators with a low Cultivation Base also looked at the seven pillars of light with a blank face, not knowing what happened!

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