Chapter 296 You Are Really Fate!

In this way, Ye Fan and Feng Shui compass stood in a stalemate for nearly a million years!

In the end, the destiny Feng Shui compass still couldn’t resist the compromise, not because the destiny Feng Shui compass couldn’t bear the loneliness, but because of Ye Fan’s words!

It turned out that Ye Fan saw that the Feng Shui Compass of Destiny refused to integrate with him, so he blocked its perception of the outside world.Therefore, for nearly a million years, Feng Shui Compass of Destiny had no idea what happened to the outside world!

On this day, Ye Fan suddenly said to Feng Shui Compass, “I’m talking about the old man! You said that my master will be placed here, mainly to take care of the ascension of the whole world. Ascending alone, I’m afraid the Lower Realm will be in chaos long ago!”

“You said my master, if you come back to see this situation, will you be brought back to the furnace and remade?”

Listening to this, the destiny Feng Shui compass is obviously also frightened. For Qin Xuan, he knows better than Ye Fan, that is a character who has existed since the beginning of chaos!

If Qin Xuan comes back to see this situation, maybe he will really rebuild himself!

So, in the end, it had to agree to Ye Fan’s integration with him.Although there will be one more person who can control him in the future, at least he will not return to the furnace to rebuild!

Seeing that Feng Shui Compass of Destiny actually agreed, Ye Fan was also very excited, and immediately ordered to go down, saying that he was preparing for Closed Door Training Cultivation, so Ye Fan began to refine the Feng Shui Compass of Destiny!

After hundreds of thousands of years of refining, Ye Fan can only initially refine the destiny Feng Shui compass. This is the result of the destiny Feng Shui compass letting go of own Restrictions!

Otherwise, just relying on the Cultivation Base of Emperor Ye Fan Zhunxian, how could it be possible to initially refine the Feng Shui Compass of Destiny in this way, knowing that Feng Shui Compass of Destiny is now at the Chaos Lingbao level!

If you don’t have its consent, even if Sage is here, don’t even think about refining and fusing it!

Of course, even if it releases Restrictions, Ye Fan can only refine it initially. If you want to fully refine and integrate it, I am afraid that it will not be possible for hundreds of millions of years!

However, for Ye Fan, even if it is preliminary refining, that is enough, because in this way he can investigate the core laws of Feng Shui compass, and then penetrate these core laws, and then teach them, commonly known as preaching. !

In this way, Ye Fan insight into the core principles of the Feng Shui compass of fate, while preaching to the world’s creatures!

In this way, more than a hundred thousand years passed slowly. After Ye Fan gave his last sermon, he felt his own Cultivation Base, and he felt like a breakthrough, so he started Closed Door Training breakthrough!

During Ye Fan’s Closed Door Training, the entire world was able to absorb Spiritual Qi again thanks to the law foundation taught by Ye Fan.

The whole world also fell into a period of tranquility!

Time is like this, nearly hundreds of thousands of years have passed!

On this day, the sky of the entire Universe suddenly darkened for some reason, followed by lightning and thunder, like the end of the world!

Suddenly, the creatures in the world only felt a sinking feeling, and then, an eternal breath spread to the entire world!

After that, the whole world was filled with colorful rays of light. In these colorful rays of light, there were actually some legal foundations sandwiched between them, allowing all beings in the world to directly absorb and refine!

After learning that absorbing this colorful glow is beneficial to Ascension Cultivation Base, the world’s creatures don’t care where this momentum comes from, but cross-legged to absorb this colorful glow!


Ye Fan felt that he had been resisting the barrier of own, and finally it was broken!

At this time, Ye Fan felt that his own consciousness began to spread outwards, and after a while, it spread to the entire fairyland, and then the entire universe was in his consciousness, and everything was covered by his consciousness!

It feels like, the destruction of the world is just a matter of thought! Of course, Ye Fan knows that this is impossible!

“This is the Immortal Emperor Realm? It’s so strong!”

After Ye Fan returned his consciousness, he carefully murmured to himself with the powerful power in his master’s lower body!

It seems that Ye Fan’s Cultivation Base finally broke through to the Realm of the Celestial Emperor! And the colorful glow just now should be made by the Feng Shui compass of destiny! It can also be regarded as a celebration of Ye Fan’s breakthrough of the Celestial Emperor’s Cultivation Base!

After hearing what Ye Fan said, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but raised his thumb, and then said, “You guys are awesome! Even the Chaos Lingbao dared to swallow it in one bite. I really don’t know if you are big-hearted or not afraid. Die?” Mobile phone

“Um! Master! Wasn’t it an emergency at the time? So, I didn’t think so much and swallowed it in one bite!” Hearing this, Ye Fan couldn’t help but scratched his head in embarrassment!

“Ah! It’s a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers! But, you are really dead!” Qin Xuan sneered, and then said with a look at Ye Fan!

“Master, things are over! We don’t need to care about these details, yes! Master, what level of treasure is this Chaos Lingbao! Why haven’t I heard of it?”

0………Look for flowers…

Seeing his master sneer at him, Ye Fan couldn’t help but change the subject!

Hearing this, Shi Hao and others next to him couldn’t help but prick their ears, ready to listen to what Qin Xuan said!

After all, how powerful it should be to make Ye Fan a treasure that the immortal emperor can’t do anything to do!

“Why? I want to know?”

Qin Xuan glanced at the curious people, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

Hearing that, everyone present nodded involuntarily!

“Haha! If you want to know, go find it! I will scare everything! Go find it, you will know it naturally!” Seeing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help laughing!

After speaking, he walked out with a big laugh! Only the people who stayed in Guo Leng were left!


Sure enough, “! I knew it would be like this!”

Seeing this, Ye Fan and Shi Hao couldn’t help thinking in their hearts.

“Haha! Junior Shi Wu, I haven’t seen you for more than a million years. I didn’t expect you to have also broken through the Immortal Emperor Realm! It seems that Junior Shi Wu is not comparable to a genius like me, but it is also a rare genius in the ages!” Throwing away the thoughts in his heart, Ye Fan also found that his junior brother Shi Hao also had the Immortal Emperor Cultivation Base, so he couldn’t help but smile!

“…”Recommended reading,…

Hearing that, everyone present was speechless, and had never seen such a narcissistic person!

Shi Wu didn’t care about his senior brother’s words.After all, although the two people spent a short time together, Shi Wu knew that the senior brother own was like a master, and he was a person who didn’t care about it!

“Brother! We haven’t seen each other for hundreds of thousands of years?” Shi Hao looked at Ye Fan and asked with a puzzled expression!

“What hundreds of thousands of years? It’s obviously more than one million years, OK?” Ye Fan couldn’t help rolling his eyes when he heard that, and then replied!

I thought to myself, is the younger brother Own silly?

“Um! But brother! It’s really only a few hundred thousand years since we met last time! If you don’t believe me, ask them!”

Seeing this, Shi Hao was also taken aback, and then said!

After finishing speaking, I didn’t forget to point to Huo Ling’er, Shi Yi and Cao Yusheng who were next to him. After all, only Huo Ling’er and Shi Yi had seen the senior brother own!

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