Chapter 295 Feng Shui compass

However, after Ye Fan swallowed his destiny Feng Shui compass, everyone present was dumbfounded! They couldn’t believe it was true!

And after Ye Fan swallowed the destiny Feng Shui compass, he began to regret it, because the moment he swallowed the destiny Feng Shui compass, he felt that in his own belly, he was overwhelming!

“Since the matter is resolved! Then I will go back first!” Ye Fan said to everyone, holding back the tumbling in his stomach!

After speaking, under everyone’s stunned eyes, disappeared!

After returning to his own residence, Ye Fan sat down cross-legged without saying a word, and began to investigate, what the hell is Feng Shui Compass doing in his stomach!

And the destiny Feng Shui compass fought hard at the moment it was swallowed by Ye Fan.Although the restrictions of Qin Xuan’s behavior prevent it from harming Ye Fan, it can cause trouble in Ye Fan’s stomach, isn’t it?

Therefore, it began to bump into Ye Fan’s stomach everywhere, making Ye Fan as uncomfortable as having diarrhea!

And when Ye Fan was in the house, fighting the destiny Feng Shui compass, Ji Ziyue was anxiously coming and going outside the house!

At this time, Ji Ziyue saw Emperor Void and others coming in again from the outside, so he asked anxiously: “Old ancestor! Do you know what happened to Ye Fan? Why did he hide behind him as soon as he came back? In the room, why don’t you tell him not to come out?”


Hearing that, Emperor Void couldn’t help but scratched his head, not knowing how to answer!

“Old 700 ancestor! You speak! Did something happen to Ye Fan? Seeing this, Ji Ziyue couldn’t help being more anxious, so her voice became louder unknowingly!

“Amitābha! Ji donor! Let the poor monk speak!”

Seeing this, Shakyamuni next to him stepped forward and said to Ji Ziyue!

After speaking, I began to talk about how he and Ye Fan fought against Feng Shui Compass, and then how Ye Fan swallowed Feng Shui Compass!

“You mean, Ye Fan swallowed that fate Feng Shui compass in one bite!” Upon hearing this, Ji Ziyue also asked with an incredible expression!

“Yes! Fate Feng Shui compass was indeed swallowed by Ye Fan’s benefactor!” Sakyamuni nodded, and then said affirmatively! Mobile phone

“Then what should we do now? What can we do to help Ye Fan?”

Seeing this, Ji Ziyue looked at everyone present and said again!

You know, Ji Ziyue just learned from everyone that the destiny Feng Shui compass is very powerful, and only a simple blow caused most of the fairy king to fall, and now it is actually swallowed by Ye Fan, which prevents it from being able to Is she worried!


Hearing this, everyone sighed, and then shook their heads one after another! (agai)

“Is there no way at all?”

Seeing this, Ji Ziyue asked again without giving up!

“Ziyue! Don’t worry too much, maybe Ye Fan has any solution!”

Seeing Ji Ziyue’s low face, Emperor Void was also a little unbearable, so he comforted!

“Yes, yes! Ye Fan must have a way to deal with it, what fate is Feng Shui compass!”

Hearing this, Ji Ziyue seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, and nodded frantically!

Seeing this, everyone present couldn’t help but sighed again!

After all, everyone who participated in that battle knew how terrible the destiny Feng Shui Compass was. Just a simple blow caused them to fall to a large number of people. What if the destiny Feng Shui Compass took full action? How strong should it be?

Although in the hearts of everyone, Ye Fan is also very powerful, but after seeing the power of the destiny Feng Shui compass, everyone feels that Ye Fan still can’t compare with the destiny Feng Shui compass!

Therefore, in the hearts of everyone, Ye Fan is probably too bad this time!

No matter how the people outside the house sighed, Ye Fan inside the house, after a battle with Feng Shui Compass, found out that Feng Shui Compass didn’t dare to kill himself, he just kept making small troubles for himself!

After some guessing, Ye Fan knew that this thing belonged to his master. Maybe the master and his elders placed some restrictions on this thing, so this fate Feng Shui Compass didn’t dare to kill himself!

Thinking of this, Ye Fan couldn’t help but exclaimed in excitement: “Master! I love you to death!”

But these Qin Xuan don’t know, if you let Qin Xuan know, I’m afraid he will say that the restrictions are removed!

In order to verify his own guess, Ye Fan used his own consciousness to convey to the destiny Feng Shui compass: “I know you already have instinctive consciousness, so you should be able to understand what I say!”

Sure enough, after Ye Fan spread the voice to Feng Shui compass, it really stopped!

Seeing this, Ye Fan couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time, he secretly said: “It seems that own guess is right!”

“I also know what restrictions my master might place on you, such as not letting you hurt me!”

Seeing the destiny Feng Shui compass stood still, Ye Fan continued his voice transmission test!

Sure enough, when Feng Shui Compass heard Ye Fan’s voice transmission this time, Feng Shui Compass suddenly trembles violently, as if someone has discovered the secret in his heart and feels scared!

Seeing this, Ye Fan was about to jump with excitement, because he knew that his own guess might be all right, and the worry in his heart was completely relieved!

“That’s right! Old game! Now you can’t go out! And you can’t do anything that hurts me! It’s better to merge the two of us, so it won’t be good for you and me, isn’t it?” Knowing this destiny Feng Shui compass can’t hurt me Himself, Ye Fan’s voice started to become frivolous!

“Impossible! I won’t merge with you!”

Hearing that, the destiny Feng Shui compass trembles violently again, and at the same time sends a message to Ye Fan!

“Why don’t you merge with me? Isn’t this good for both of us?”

Seeing the fate of Feng Shui Compass unwilling, Ye Fan was not discouraged, but continued to ask by voice transmission!

“There is no why! I just don’t want to merge with you!”

Destiny Feng Shui compass continues to spread the news:

In this way, Ye Fan wanted to integrate with the Feng Shui Compass of Destiny, and Feng Shui Compass of Destiny would not!

Time passes slowly!

No matter what Ye Fan said, Feng Shui Compass’s answer is very simple, that is, you want to merge? Don’t daydream!

“Ah! Old man, why are you so wronged! This is obviously good for both of us, but you refused to accept it?”

Ye Fan couldn’t help but cried out!

“No fusion!

Destiny Feng Shui compass’s answer is still the same!

“Okay! Old dish, since you are so ignorant, then we will be patient and see who coaxes you!” In the end, Ye Fan was also a little impatient, so Feng Shui compass said harshly against his destiny!

After finishing speaking, I will not continue to control my destiny Feng Shui compass, after taking back my own consciousness, I walked outside!

And everyone outside the house was also anxiously waiting. At this moment, when they heard the door suddenly opened, they saw Ye Fan come out from inside!

“Ye Fan! Are you all right?”

Ji Ziyue greeted him, then looked at Ye Fan carefully and asked!

“What can I do? By the way! Did something happen? What are you doing around my house?”

Hearing this, Ye Fan replied with a puzzled look, and then looked at everyone present and asked!

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