Chapter 288 Void: What forbidden technique is this?

“Oh! Alright! Go back! Hongbo, after I leave, the Dynasty will be guarded by you! If you want to come to the lower realm, there should be nothing that can threaten you!”

Shi Huang waved his hand from everyone, motioned for everyone to go, and then said to the young man next to him!

“Yes! Father! The child knows!

Hearing that, the young man replied respectfully!

This young man is Shi Huang’s son, named Shi Hongbo.

In these hundreds of thousands of years, Shi Huang’s Cultivation Base has also broken through to the level of the immortal king, and it is still the top existence among the immortal kings, and it only takes one step to break through the quasi-immortal emperor!

Although his son Cultivation Base is not as good as him, he is not much better. Cultivation Base is also at the level of the fairy king. Although it has only been a short time after the breakthrough of the fairy king, he is also a strong fairy king. In this lower realm, nothing can threaten one. The existence of a fairy king!

Although the remaining members of the Stone Clan are not comparable to the two of them, there are still many true immortals. It can be said that even in the upper realm, the Stone Clan is not one of the strongest clans!

“Old ancestor Shi Huang! Old ancestor Shi Huang! Ruo Yu is back!”

At this moment, a tender voice came over!

I saw Xiao Ruoyu carrying a small package on his back, and was running towards it staggeringly!

After a while, 06 came to Shi Huang next to Shi Hongbo, and then looked at Shi Huang with excitement!

“Um! Ruoyu! What are you carrying on your back?” Seeing Shi Ruoyu carrying a small package, Shi Huang couldn’t help but curiously asked!

“These things Ruoyu’s toys, and delicious!” Xiao Ruoyuyu answered honestly!

However, after Xiao Ruoyu ran back to wash his face, he hurriedly took out a package, and then packed his favorite toys and favorite foods, and then ran towards with the package!

“Um! Ruoyu! We don’t need to bring these things! Maybe the things there are better?” Shi Huang held his forehead and said!

“No! This is Ruoyu’s favorite thing, but it can’t be lost! We must bring it!” Upon hearing this, Xiao Ruoyu shook his head and refused!

Forget it “! Bring it if you like it!”

Seeing this, Shi Huang knew that it was impossible for her to change, so he shook his head and sighed!

Hee hee “Thank you ancestor Shi Huang!”

Hearing that, Xiao Ruoyu happily thanked Shihuang!

“Okay! Let’s go!”

After speaking, they waved their hands, and the two disappeared!

Only Shi Hongbo was left, standing there alone!

Upper Bound!

In the Imperial City!

“Huh! Shi Hao’s breath of that kid!

Qin Xuan, who was lying idly on a recliner basking in the sun, suddenly felt two breaths of strength and weakness!

After feeling these two breaths, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but feel a little curious, because in these two breaths, Qin Xuan actually felt the breath of Shi Hao’s boy!

You know that Shi Wu is now in the ultimate ancient land, how can he leave two breaths in the upper realm!

At the moment, Qin Xuan pointed and counted, and instantly understood the reason!

“It’s the offspring of that kid Shi Hao!

“Yeah! Since it is the offspring of that kid Shi Hao, he can be regarded as my doorman in any case!”

“Would you like to call them over?”

Qin Xuan propped his chin and started thinking!

“Forget it! Shi Hao, that kid should be back soon! When that kid comes back, let him solve it! I don’t have to show my heart!”

Qin Xuan shook his head, then muttered to himself!

Regarding the sudden appearance of the momentum, the entire universe was in a state of vibration, because the momentum was so strong that it spread to the entire universe!

The low Cultivation Base is nothing, but those who have the Immortal King Cultivation Base or above, feel extremely depressed from this breath! It seems that they can be suppressed at any time!

Of course, there are a few people who don’t believe in evil, trying to bring up their own aura to resist, but just as soon as they have picked up their own aura, they instantly feel that aura suddenly increases, and all of them are suppressed at once!


Unmatched strength!

Whose one is it?

Where did it come from?

Those who were pressed down on the ground were filled with questions in an instant!

For the time being, no matter what those people think in their hearts!

In the ultimate ancient land!

Although the phantom is in the sea of ​​consciousness of the corpse immortal emperor, I have seen Shi Hao’s Faxiang world, but that is just a manifestation of Shi Hao’s consciousness, and it is totally different from the current one!

You know, in the current world of Fa Xiang, Shi Wu actually used his body to use it!

In particular, after Shi Wu had absorbed so much dark matter, the current Faxiang Heaven and Earth could be said to have increased many times!

“How is it possible! What kind of forbidden technique is this?” From the one hundred thousand feet of giant, the phantom felt an unparalleled breath, and couldn’t help but cried out in shock!

Shi Wu’s current cultivation Cultivation Technique was developed by Qin Xuan based on the Nine Cycles of the Witch Clan. Although the physical body is too far behind Pangu, no, it should be said that it cannot be compared, but it is already better than the Witch Clan’s Nine Cycles. Except for the great ancestors of the ancestors!

“Haha! Now let you feel the power of my mother-in-law!” Shi Hao laughed loudly, and then shouted at the phantom!

After finishing speaking, he punched the phantom!

Under Shi Hao’s fist, the space was shattered, and everything he went through was destroyed!

The gloomy sky shone with thunder, like the end of the world!

The fist is entwined with the aura of destruction, and there is some dark matter in these destruction auras!

Seeing the huge fist rushing towards him, the pupils of the phantom shrank sharply.Under this punch, he felt a fatal threat. It’s just a consciousness, it can’t stop this shocking punch!

“Block me!

Although knowing that he could not stop this punch, Xu Ying still wanted to make the last 670 death struggle.

I saw, endless, countless innumerable dark iron chains, appearing out of thin air, and instantly building walls after him and the giant fist!

But under Shi Hao’s earth-shattering punch, everything that Xuanying did was useless!

I saw that those blocks made of iron chains were as fragile as paper with one punch of Shi Hao, and they were all shattered in the blink of an eye!


In front of this amazing power, the phantom was knocked into the air in an instant and went out!


In an instant, the earth seemed to be impacted by a huge force, and a crack in the hair of Jifa with no end in sight!

So strong!

On the other side, seeing all this Liu Shen and others, he couldn’t help but exclaimed!

“Is this the strength of the Immortal Emperor?”

Seeing that punch that seemed to destroy the world, Shi Yi couldn’t help but said with a look of horror!


At this moment, a voice came over!

The crowd followed their prestige and found the corpse of the immortal emperor, I don’t know when they have already stood next to them!

At this time, the corpse fairy emperor was dressed in white, and his whole body was exuding white soft brilliance, and his body revealed a sense of justice!

At this moment, he was staring at the direction in which Shi Hao and the phantom were fighting, and his eyes were full of war intent, but the fighting intent was obviously not directed at the phantom, but at Shi Wu!

Obviously, Shi Wu’s shocking punch just now was also seen by him. Seeing that Shi Wu is so strong, it is inevitable that he will have a fighting spirit in his heart!

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