Chapter 287

On this day, the sky in the entire universe was darkened, and there were still terrible thunders in the clouds!

Emperor City!

“What happened? Wasn’t it good just now? Why did the sky go dark all of a sudden?

Cao Yusheng, who was wandering, frowned when the sky suddenly darkened, and then asked the black dog next to him!

“I don’t know! But it’s definitely not a good thing!

The black dog shook his head and replied!

“I don’t need you to tell me this too!”

Cao Yusheng looked at the black dog with contempt, and then said with disdain!

“Asshole! What is your look? You actually despise me! Do you still want to fight?”

Seeing Cao Yusheng dare to despise himself, the black dog jumped up, then pointed at Cao Yusheng and shouted!

“Dead dog! Come on! The one I’m afraid of you?”

Hearing that, Cao Yusheng is also worthy to go back!

“Sixty seven zero” Ah! Bastard! You actually bit my ass again!”

But as soon as he fell silent, he screamed again violently!

Suddenly, another chicken flying dog jumped around!

How far are the pedestrians around you! So as not to be affected by the two!

In the Eight Regions of the Nether!

There are many magnificent palaces everywhere here!

In a mountain not far from these palaces!

The mountains here are all engulfed by clouds and mist, only a few hills are exposed to the clouds, like young seedlings that have just broken out of the soil, and people on the top of the mountain are still walking on the clouds and fog from time to time, as if they have come to the fairyland.

The breeze blows, the sea of ​​clouds floats, and the peaks appear from time to time. When the wind is strong, the jade plate turns into a giant dragon, flying up and down, turning the sea and the river.

In these mountains engulfed by clouds, there are still children’s roaring sounds from time to time!

Suddenly, a terrifying breath came from outside the sky, and it instantly enveloped the entire world, and the sky was also under this breath, and it gradually became gloomy!

In a cave in the mountain range, a figure suddenly shot straight out and flew into the air, only to see that this figure was a middle-aged man, the middle-aged man looked at the sky solemnly!

“Father Shi Huang ancestor!! Has something happened?”

At this time, in the distant sky, a group of silhouettes rushed towards, and after seeing the silhouettes in the air, they all bowed respectfully, and then asked!

“I feel my father’s breath! Although it is very weak, it is indeed my father’s breath!

Yes, this figure is Shi Hao’s son Shi Huang, I saw Shi Huang speaking to the people next to him!

“What! Father Shi Huang ancestor, you feel the breath of grandpa Shi Wu ancestor!

Hearing this, everyone present couldn’t help but exclaimed!

Although none of the people present had seen the ancestor Shi Wu, there are many records about his legend in the annals of the dynasty, and that was the first founding emperor of the dynasty!

It can be said that if there were no Shiwu ancestors, there would be no current dynasty, and there would be no children of the current dynasty!

But didn’t the ancestor Shi Wu disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years? And the ancestor Shi Huang didn’t say where he went, so everyone thought that Shi Hao was dead long ago!

But I didn’t expect that after hundreds of thousands of years, Shi Huang’s ancestor would once again feel the breath of Shi Wu’s ancestor, how could this not shock them!

“Father! Can you detect where Grandpa is now?” At this moment, a young man walked out, then looked at Shi Huang and asked!

“Not sure! Because the place where the breath came is too far away! But one thing I can be sure of is that your grandpa should still be in the upper realm now!”

Shi Huang shook his head, and then said to the young man!

“Father! What are you going to do now! Are you going to find Grandpa, or continue to wait here?” Hearing this, the young man pondered for a while, and then continued to ask!

“I am ready to go to the upper realm to fight your grandfather!” Shi Huang replied firmly!

“Then father, I will go with you too!”

Hearing that, the young man also said hurriedly!

“No! I’ll go alone this time! You stay in the lower realm!” Shi Huang waved his hand at the young man with a stern face, and then refused!


The young man asked with a dissatisfaction!

“Your Cultivation Base is still too low! Waiting to find out the situation in the upper realm for my father, I will come back to pick you up!”

Although Shi Huang’s face was stern, he explained it!

“Old ancestor Shi Huang! Old ancestor Shi Huang! Ruo Yu hasn’t seen what the Upper Realm is like! Ruo Yu will go with you, OK?”

At this time, a little girl about three or four years old ran to Shi Huang’s side and shook his arm and said!

This little girl is named Shi Ruoyu. Although she has been separated from Shi Huang by many generations, Shi Huang still likes her the most. He is basically responsive to Shi Ruoyu’s requests!

“Um! Ruoyu! The place where the ancestor went this time is very dangerous, you wait at home for the ancestor to clear the situation, and come back to pick you up!

After seeing the little girl, Shi Huang’s stern face suddenly softened, and then gently explained to the little girl!

“It’s dangerous? Didn’t Shi Huang ancestor say that if rain is dangerous, Shi Huang ancestor will save Ruoyu? So if rain is not afraid!”

Shi Ruoyu stared at Shi Huang with innocent eyes, and then said innocently!

“But there are some dangers that the ancestors can’t cope with! Or if it rains, you still wait for the ancestors to come back at home, OK!” Shi Huang continued to explain!

“If the rain is not afraid! If the rain is going to the upper realm too!”

Hearing this, Shi Ruoyu shook his head violently, then looked at Shi Huang and said firmly!

“No! Ruo Yu, wait for your ancestor to come back at home, and I won’t take you there this time!” Shi Huang couldn’t help but feel a little anxious when he heard the news from his father, so he said to Shi Ruoyu with a straight face!

Seeing that Shi Huang’s ancestors had always been very painful, and actually had a straight face to himself, Shi Ruoyu’s eyes turned red and filled with tears.


Sure enough, Shi Ruoyu burst into tears, and the tears in his eyes began to drop like no money!

“Old ancestor Shi Huang doesn’t hurt Ruoyu anymore, he doesn’t want it anymore! Hey! Ruoyu will be a child who no one hurts from now on! Hey!” Shi Ruoyu cried and said as the voice sounded. It makes people feel like heartbreaking!

After hearing Shi Ruo Yuyu’s words, her parents’ foreheads could not help being covered with black lines!

What is a child that no one will hurt in the future? Are we not human?

Seeing this, Shi Huang couldn’t help but feel softened, with a trace of hesitation on his face!

“Woo! Ruoyu is so pitiful! Huo 0.8! See that even the ancestor Shi Huang hates Ruoyu!”

Shi Ruoyu sat on the ground and continued to cry!

“Uh! Okay! Don’t cry! This time the ancestors can’t take you with you!” Seeing this, Shi Huang couldn’t help showing a helpless look, and then came to Shi Ruoyu’s side and said to her!

“Oh! Really? Old ancestor, do you really want to bring Ruoyu? Ooh!” Hearing this, Xiao Ruoyu could not help but wiped his dirty little face, then looked at Shi Huang expectantly and asked !

“Well! I promised to bring you, can’t it work! Get up quickly, wash our face and we will set off!” Shi Huang nodded and replied with certainty!

“Hehe! I’m going to wash my face now, ancestor Shi Huang, wait, if Yu will be back soon!”

Hearing that, Xiao Ruoyu jumped up at once, and then quickly ran into the hole, looking excited, it looked like he had just cried!,

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