Chapter 260


Seeing An Lan and Yu Tuo were knocked into the air in an instant, the three of Demon Pu could not help cursing!


At this time, a figure gradually rose from the huge pit of thousands of miles!

Who else could it be if it wasn’t Shi Hao!

At this time, Shi Hao was covered in blood, one arm seemed to have been broken, and he was breathing heavily in his mouth!

“In this way, you are still alive! What a hard life!” The Scarlet King looked at Shi Hao, who was covered with scars, his eyes seemed to be emitting fire, and then gritted his teeth!

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! You are not dead, how could I die first!” Shi Hao said with a smile, but because of his severe injury, he couldn’t help but cough up blood!

“I see how long you can hold on! Give me death!” Hearing this, the Scarlet King couldn’t help being furious. It was the time, and he dared to be hard-mouthed. After speaking, he punched Shi Hao!

“Damn it! Am I really going to die here this time?” Seeing the red king throw a fist, Shi Wu couldn’t help showing despair in his eyes, and he couldn’t help feeling depressed!


Just at Shi Wu’s desperate The next moment, the horror aura permeated. Along the cracks in the sky, a tripod suddenly appeared, huge and boundless, and it suddenly covered the entire emperor pass!

At the moment when the cauldron appeared, he rushed towards the Scarlet King at a very fast speed!

Dading carried the aura of Henggu, and continuously sprayed out the mother of all things, huge planets appeared all over the body, like streamers, and came to the 577 of the Red King in the blink of an eye!

The instant Dading appeared, Chi King felt terrible pressure hitting him, and instantly retracted his fist against Shi Wu, then turned around and punched out!


The wind has stopped!

Like the end of the world, thunder dances wildly, and the sky is full of roaring lightning!

The space is like glass, shattering inch by inch!


The Scarlet King couldn’t withstand this huge power instantly, and suddenly he spewed a mouthful of blood, and then flew out, smashing the earth into a huge hole!


This series of events was just a blink of an eye. The Pu Demon King and Wu Dang Immortal King had no time to react, and they saw the Red King vomiting blood and flying out of the mouth. That big tripod in the middle!

“Aaa! It’s really shameless! So many people besieged one person! It seems that you have discarded the dignity of being a strong man!” Suddenly, a light laughter sounded, and the sound spread throughout the entire Imperial Pass!

Following the prestige, I saw a person standing on the great cauldron floating in the air.

I am the only one in the world!

It seems that he can step on the soles of his feet, no matter what, there will be only surrender in front of him!

As if there is no trace of the passage of time in him, he is supernatural, like an invincible strong man suppressing an era!

“Who are you?”

Strong! Too strong! The moment Pu Devil King and Wu Dang Immortal King saw this man, they only felt boundless pressure, as if they were facing the heaven, the master of the fortune of all lives!

Weakness! It’s been a long time since we were so weak!

“Ah! Don’t worry about who I am! When I’m just one, I can’t understand how many people bully fewer people!” The man on the big cauldron said calmly!

“No! He doesn’t have the breath of this era, he came here on the long river of time and space!” Suddenly, Immortal King Wudang pointed at the man on the cauldron and said in horror!


Hearing that, Demon Pu couldn’t help but change his face. After feeling it carefully, he found that the man really didn’t have the breath of his own time in his body, and he couldn’t help but exclaimed! ..

“Ah! This can be seen!” Seeing this, the man on the cauldron couldn’t help but scratched his head in distress and muttered!

“You dare to go against the river of time and space! Are you not afraid of the river of time and space riots?” After Demon King calmed down, he couldn’t help shouting to the man on the cauldron!

“Time and space riots? I don’t care about so many! Anyway, you can’t kill this person!” Hearing this, the man on the big cauldron shrugged indifferently, and then replied!

“What time and space is the river rioting and not rioting, what does it matter to me? As long as I can find the master, I can change it and not riot or riot!”

“It’s in this era that I feel the breath of the master, so I will pursue it! And (agai), this person may have been in contact with the master and the wife, and he actually has the aura of the master and the wife, but I can’t let him die!” Dading The man above looked at Shi Wu, who was covered in blood, without a trace, then he couldn’t help but muttered!


Seeing that the man on the big cauldron is so rascal, the Pu Devil King and Wu Dang Immortal King could not help being angry and about to vomit blood. Didn’t you say that we do not have the dignity of the strong? What about your dignity of the strong? Where did you leave it? This person Obviously he is a marketer!

If the men on the great cauldron knew what they were thinking, they would definitely reply with disdain: “Dignity? What is that? Since I became a teacher, that thing has been eaten by the dog!”

“Two! I’m definitely in Baoding for this person. Or we have a discussion. I think you guys have been fighting for long enough. Or you can go back to your own mother. Just forget it, OK.” Recommended reading ,..

“And look at such a beautiful place, because your fight was ruined, don’t you have a little guilt or a little uneasy conscience?”

The man on the big cauldron looked at the faces of Demon King Pu and I said with a heartache.


Hearing that, King Pu and Immortal King Wudang couldn’t help but stared at the man in the sky silently, not knowing what to say!

Go fucking guilty, fucking conscience, we’re a life and death battle now, who cares about those things! Pu Demon King and Wu Dang Immortal King could not help but curse secretly in their hearts!

If it wasn’t for this man to be too strong, maybe Pu Demon King and Wu Tang Immortal King would have grabbed him and dismantled him! Then let him roar and talk about it for so long!

When Shi Hao next to him heard the man’s words, he couldn’t help but looked at him enthusiastically, as if he had met a friend, he was too appetizing of him, and the man felt like his master, um, how do you say, By the way! As shameless as the master, the same not wanting face! Is this man a brother of the master? Or how can he not wanting face, as shameless as him?

“What? My proposal is okay?” The man on the big cauldron was doing good for everyone, looking at the two Demon King Pu and asking!

“Do you really want to intervene in this matter? You must know that if you intervene, once the time and space riots, the consequences will be unthinkable.” Demon King Pu repeats it with an ugly face!

“It seems that you don’t accept my proposal?” Seeing that you have said so much, and the two people on the opposite side still don’t know what is good or bad, the man on the big cauldron couldn’t help squinting his eyes, and then stared at the two Demon Kings, with a cold voice. Asked!


Demon Pu angrily pointed at the man on the big cauldron, trying to say something, but before he could say it, he only felt a blur in front of him, and he felt an irresistible force attacking him, and his body was involuntarily knocked off. go out!

“Grass! I told you Face for so long, so you still dare to blow it up! Don’t you want to live!” I saw the man on the big cauldron came to the front of the Pu Demon King at some point and slapped him with a slap. I shot it flying, and then cursed carelessly!

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