Chapter 259 The Battle Continues!

“How? Can I fight again?”

Shi Yi looked at the five Demon King Pu in front warily, and said to Shi Wu behind him!

“I don’t have too many problems, but Ling’er needs to cultivate for a while!” Shi Hao replied while entering and exiting Spiritual Qi into Huo Ling’er!

Hearing this, Shi Yi’s face couldn’t help but sink. Originally, he had three combat powers on his side, and he was still too reluctant to fight against people from foreign lands, but now that he loses one, then there is no chance to win!

“Then what should we do?” Shi Yi spoke again!

“Wait, I will hold five of them! You use the supernatural powers of space to help me bring Ling’er back to the Imperial City to heal my wounds! The current Imperial City should not be able to attack them! That’s right! There are still Ling’er’s in the Imperial City. Maid, she will take you to my master!” Shi Hao thought for a while, then replied! Recommended reading…


Hearing this, Shi Yi also looked different.

However, he thought that the master in Shi Wu’s mouth was just an ordinary person from Cultivation Base, and he didn’t think much about it, so he nodded and said back: “Yes! But you are really fine alone?”

Don’t worry”! Although I am not the opponent of the five of them, if I use mystery and want to go, they can’t help me!


Shi Yi nodded, did not continue to ask, just watched the five Demon King Pussy not far away, to prevent them from making a sneak attack!

In fact, the few hits by the Pu Devil King, the Scarlet King and the Wudang Immortal King just now have suffered serious injuries, and he has any escape secret skills!

The reason why he said this was purely because he didn’t want to worry about Huo Ling’er in his arms!

Feeling that Huo Ling’er’s aura had been calmed down, Shi Hao put her down, then slowly stood up, first winked at Shi Yi, and then stared at the five Demon King Pussy calmly!

Seeing this, Shi Yi also nodded slightly, indicating that he had understood it!

“Let’s fight again!

Shi Hao suddenly yelled, and then transformed into a giant of ten thousand feet again, rushing towards the five Demon King Pussops opposite!

Seeing Shi Wu rushing over, Shi Yi hurriedly married Huo Ling’er, and then rushed to the Emperor City quickly!

“Live and die|!”

The Scarlet King looked at Shi Hao who rushed over, and said with a look of disdain!

“Huh? No! The other two are going to escape!” Demon King Pu, who had been paying attention to the movements of Shi Wu and the others, naturally found that Shi Yi was preparing to escape with Huo Ling’er, so he shouted, and then wanted to face Shi Yi. Chased it!

“Want to chase? Give me a punch!”

Originally, Shi Wu wanted to hold these five people so that Shi Yi and the others had a chance to escape, but now that Demon King Pu wanted to catch up, Shi Hao punched out without hesitation!

The five quickly dodged. If they were hit by Shi Hao, they would suffer serious injuries even if they were not dead!

This kid doesn’t know what kind of cultivation technique this kid is, and he turned into this ten thousand-foot giant with strong physical defenses, and the power is incredible! He received three punches from his side, since he hasn’t fallen!

The only disadvantage is that the movements are not flexible enough, the speed is a bit slow, and the fights are straight forward!

“Kill this kid! We are thinking of a way to take the Emperor City!” Demon King Pu ducked out of Shi Hao’s punch and found that Shi Yi and Huo Ling’er had been lost. He couldn’t help but frowned. !


Hearing that, the Red King and others also nodded in response!

After speaking, the five attacked Shi Hao more fiercely!

With a punch and a palm, all with the power of destruction, the Shi Wujie defeated!

Although he used Faxiang Tiandi, his defense and strength were geometrically enhanced, but he couldn’t stand the five fairy kings on the opposite side in turns attacking!

You know, he has only now cultivated the improved version of Nine Cycles mystery to the sixth level of Dzogchen. The Cultivation Base is only the level of the quasi-immortal king. Only by relying on the powerful Cultivation Technique can he have the battle of the immortal king level. force!

If you can break through to the seventh layer, and then absorb the weird gray things in your body, even if it only absorbs a trace, you can play with the five people in your palms!

But now I have cultivated the Cultivation Technique to the sixth level, and I can’t absorb the strange thing at all. Needless to say, I can absorb it.



Shi Wuyou took a sturdy punch, and instantly flew out, directly hitting the ground! Directly smashing the earth into huge cracks!

“What to do? There is no power to fight back at all. If this goes on, even Fa Xiangtian will not last long!” Shi Hao thought anxiously!

However, the five Demon King Pu didn’t allow Shi Wu to think about it. Seeing Shi Wu was knocked to the ground, they directly attacked him more fiercely!

A series of powerful magical powers, containing terrifying power, instantly hit Shi Hao’s body!



The surrounding area was a million miles away, all under the attack of five people, it became a bare piece.The people who were relatively close in the fight were all turned into ashes in an instant.If the imperial city had not had the energy injected by Qin Xuan, maybe Under this attack, he will be razed to the ground!

“Ok…what a terrible power!

The two armies who were fighting also stopped one after another, watching millions of miles were razed to the ground, and the huge pit, surrounded by chaos and turbulence, and there was an aura of destruction around, and I couldn’t help but sweat. DC!

If they had escaped a little bit earlier, maybe they would all be reduced to ashes.

“How! Is that kid dead?”

An Lan asked!

Due to the five people’s attack, the surrounding space was shattered, forming a chaotic turbulent flow, and there was a flow of destruction everywhere, so his Divine Sense was also difficult to detect whether Shi Hao was alive or dead!

Demon Pu and the others didn’t reply, they just shook their heads, because they also knew whether Shi Hao was alive or dead!

“Let’s take a look!

Immortal King Wudang suggested!


The others nodded and responded!

After speaking, he flew over to the huge pit!

Fly to the side of the giant pit, and see that it is full of black paint, and the destruction airflow here is more concentrated and violent!

The five dare not release Divine Sense at all, so as not to be wiped out by this destructive current, so they don’t know anything about the huge pit!

“What should I do? How about we go down?”

Yu Tuo suggested!

“Yes! The five of us (Li Zhao Zhao) will go down together! If that kid is still alive, we will attack together!” Chi Wang nodded, and said!

After speaking, the five flew down to the huge pit full of destructive air currents!

It’s just that before the five of them took any action, a huge fist appeared in front of them, bringing terrifying power to them!

“Get out of the way!

Demon Pu yelled loudly, and then quickly backed away!

Hearing that, the other four people’s complexion changed, and then they retreated quickly, but An Lan and Yu Tuo were the lowest of the five Cultivation Base, and the appearance of this huge fist was too sudden, and the two of them had no time to dodge. , I was literally hit by this huge fist all at once!


Two muffled noises!

I saw An Lan and Yu Tuo were knocked out by huge power in an instant, and disappeared in the eyes of the three Demon King Puss in an instant. I don’t know if it is life or death!

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