Chapter 255: Shi Yi’s Past Is It!

I haven’t seen it for thousands of years!” Shi Yi said with a sigh after hearing this!

Don’t tell me, Shi Hao’s guess was good, and Shi Yi did get a shocking opportunity.

Ever since he was abandoned by Shi Wu in the lower realm and unconscious, when he woke up, he found that he was already in a small mountain village. I don’t know who saved him.

He had been depressed for a period of time, and he had resented Shi Wu, resenting that Shi Wu actually abolished him, ruined his foundation, and cut his back!

However, as time slowly passed, he found that he had been extremely relaxed ever since he had no Cultivation Base. Feelings that he had never had before, unexpectedly followed one after another!

In this way, he is like ordinary people every day, the sunrise and the sunset life, those resentment towards Shi Hao, actually slowly dissipated!

More than ten years have passed. On this day, as usual, when he came back from the ground, he found a woman in grey clothes standing at the door!

The moment he saw this woman, Shi Yi also shook his whole body, just because he felt a kind of tiredness and tremendous pressure from this gray-clothed woman. On the gray-clothed woman, she felt an unusually familiar feeling.

“Who are you?”

Shi Yi looked at the gray-clothed woman and asked!

“Do you like Life now?”

577 The woman in gray did not answer Shi Yi’s words, but instead asked!

“Well! It’s at ease, and it’s easy!

Hearing this, Shi Yi was silent for a while, then nodded and turned back!

“Hey! I didn’t expect that this generation of heavy pupils would actually like the life of ordinary people!” The gray-clothed woman gave Shi Yi a strange look, and then said!

“This generation of heavy pupils? What do you mean? And who are you?

After hearing the words of the gray-clothed woman, Shi Yi trembled in her heart, and his face changed. Could it be that this gray-clothed woman came for a heavy pupil? So Shi Yi stared at her and asked!

“Ah! Is this how you treat your savior? Don’t worry, I have no interest in your heavy pupil!” Seeing this, the gray-clothed woman chuckled and said!

“Savior? Did you save me?”

Hearing this, Shi Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and then said!

Since this woman saved himself, it means that he already knew that he had a double eye. She didn’t do it at that time, so she should be as she said, not interested in the double eye!

“Thank you senior for your life-saving grace!”

Shi Yi respectfully bowed to the gray-clothed woman, and then thanked!

“You don’t need to be grateful to me! I just don’t want the heavy pupil to be broken in my generation!” The agai woman waved her hand and said!

“Is it in this generation? Is it possible that senior is also a person with a heavy pupil?” Hearing this, Shi Yi looked at her differently and asked!

“Well! I do have a double pupil!”

The woman in gray nodded and admitted!

“I see!”

Hearing this, Shi Yi also looked at the gray-clothed woman with a sudden realization!

“Senior! I wonder if you are here this time?” Shi Yi asked curiously again!

“Would you like to worship me as a teacher?”

“Worship you as a teacher? But senior, my Cultivation Base has been abolished, how can I cultivate again?” Hearing this, Shi Yi was shocked all over, and then hesitated in reply!

If you don’t want it to be fake, after all, although he likes Life very much now, he always lacks the blood of the past.

Although he was very depressed in the past, he used all means for Cultivation Base and never experienced family, love, and friendship!

But if you have a strong power, ask who doesn’t like it, so after hearing the words of the gray-clothed woman, he also raised some hope in his heart! Recommended reading…

“Ah! Don’t worry! Do you think that a person with a double pupil can be abolished in this simple way? If this is the case, the line of the double pupil would have been extinct for so many years! It will not be passed on to this day! “After hearing this, the woman in gray said with a smile!

“Meet the master!”

Hearing this, Shi Yi didn’t dare to hesitate, and directly bowed down to the gray-clothed woman, knocked his head three times, and then shouted!

“Yeah. Get up!” The woman in gray nodded, then waved her hand to directly support Shi Yi up!

“Master! Can my Cultivation Base and foundation be restored? How can I restore it?” After getting up, Shi Yi looked at the gray-clothed woman and asked hurriedly!

“The heavy pupil itself has some secret skills, but you can’t find it in the Cultivation Base, it is difficult to find it! Don’t worry, wait for a while, and the teacher will recover for you!” The gray-clothed woman explained!

“If that’s the case! Then talk to the teacher’s dojo!” said the gray-clothed woman!


Shi Yi nodded and responded!

After speaking, the gray-clothed woman waved her hand, and the two disappeared!

Hundreds of years have passed.

In the depths of a mountain range.

“Master! I don’t know what you need to do when you call me here?” Shi Yi came to the gray-clothed woman and asked respectfully!

“In the past few hundred years, your Cultivation Base has already had a Cultivation Base of the Celestial God Realm!” The gray-clothed woman opened her eyes, looked at Shi Yi for a while, and then said:

“Yes Master!

This time, “I am calling you, mainly because I will be asleep as a teacher after a while! So I will pass something to you!” The gray-clothed woman continued!

“Master! Okay, why are you going to sleep?” Shi Yi’s expression also changed after hearing this, and then he asked hurriedly!

“You don’t need to know this! Come and do it cross-legged!” The gray-clothed woman shook her head, then looked at Shi Yi and said!


Seeing this, Shi Yi was also a little hesitant.After all, from childhood to adulthood, apart from his mother, the master was the first person who treated him best.

In these hundreds of years, Shi Yi has also returned to Shi Kingdom. Today, Shi Kingdom is arguably the strongest dynasty in the Great Wilderness.

Seeing Shi Guo’s achievements today, Shi Yi was also a little relieved, and he couldn’t help but look at Shi Hao a little bit differently in his heart!

However, even though he looked at Shi Wu differently, he still wanted to defeat Shi Hao, wherever he fell, he would climb up from wherever he fell.

“Don’t say more! Don’t sit down cross-legged!” The gray-clothed woman said again.

From the heavy tone of her master, Shi Yi clearly heard that she was a little angry, so he didn’t dare to say more, walked directly to the gray-clothed woman, closed her eyes, and then sat down cross-legged!

Seeing this, the gray-clothed woman nodded in satisfaction, then stretched out her hand to point to Shi Yi and shouted.


I saw Shi Yi floating in the air, just floating in the air like this!

The eyes of the gray-clothed woman suddenly lighted up, and the pupils slowly separated, gradually forming two pupils.

Runes flashed one after another in her pupils, and those runes projected from her eyes and sank into Shi Yi’s body!

In this way, time passed slowly for three days, and the teaching continued!

Suddenly, the pupils of the gray-clothed woman no longer shoot out the rune, and the pupils in the eyes gradually merged into one. The powerful aura on her body also fell to the bottom of the valley, looking very weak, as if it would be blown by a gust of wind. Same!

“Unexpectedly! Just using the secret technique once, it was so weak! It seems that I don’t know when I will wake up from this deep sleep!” The gray-clothed woman said with a wry smile!

“The only thing a teacher can do for you! It will be up to you in the future!”

The gray-clothed woman looked at Shi Yi who was still floating in the air, and muttered!

After speaking, the person has disappeared!

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