Chapter 254


In the sky, the powerful energy caused the space to collapse all at once, forming a space-time storm. Together with the fighting army below, they were shocked by the space storm formed by the battle between the two in the sky!

But only after a while they got together again.

Although there are not as many people who are guarding the emperor’s border from foreign countries, there are definitely more strong people than foreign countries!

Not to mention the older generation of strong men who have been guarding the Imperial Pass, there are just a lot of the strong who came to the Imperial Pass recently!

The strong in the foreign land was temporarily held back by the strong in the older generation, and the strong who came to the Imperial Pass recently were madly killing the foreign army below!

Regarding this, although the strong in the foreign land is anxious, but there is no way.After all, they are coming from across the border. It is impossible to bring all the strong in the foreign land. Now they can only hope that Anlan, the King of Immortal, can win. Otherwise, everything they do will be wasted!


An Lan collided with the figure again, and then quickly backed away.

Now the breath of the two of them is a bit scattered, and their bodies are more or less colorful, that figure is better, although they are also a little embarrassed, and still panting, but it seems that there should be no problem!

On the other side, An Lan looked even more embarrassed, completely not as it was at the beginning, and one of his hands was actually stained red with blood, which was obviously a slight injury!

“Wang, I was actually injured!”

Those foreign powerhouses who have been watching the war all the time are also unbelievable looking at all this, their invincible Immortal King An Lan, actually lost to that figure, and was also injured!

As soon as their hearts fell to the bottom, they thought that with a King of Immortal, they would be able to easily take the Imperial Pass, but now they can run out of one person to suppress the King of Immortal, An Lan! This is how they can do it. accept!

“Master An Lan was actually injured!”

Among the foreign troops below, suddenly someone yelled, and the voice slowly spread. Seeing this, the foreign troops couldn’t help feeling timid, and they were not as high-spirited as they were just now!

In the battle between the two armies, it is a taboo to lose the intent to fight.

In response to this, An Lan couldn’t help but frowned. He didn’t expect that the person in front of him was so difficult to deal with. If he relied on Cultivation Base, the opponent would definitely not be his opponent.

However, his weird magical powers made me unable to do anything to him.It was just a tortoise shell. Every time I was about to attack him, he would hide in the space or be moved away weirdly. , It’s really uncomfortable!

An Lan knew that the people on his side had lost their intent to fight.

“You still don’t make a move right now”?

Suddenly, An Lan shouted!

The sound spread all over the battlefield at once!

For An Lan’s sudden yelling, I don’t know if it was the people on the side of Emperor Guan, he was puzzled. Seeing the foreign land, he looked at An Lan in the sky blankly!

Only Shi Hao and Huo Ling’er who noticed something on the city wall changed their expressions slightly, put them down and stood on guard to prevent a sudden attack on the other side!

And that figure is also tense, looking around vigilantly.Just now, he also felt a fatal danger in his heart, and the hair on his body stood up unintuitively!

“There is also a foreign peak powerhouse hidden nearby!” That figure couldn’t help thinking in his heart!


I saw a space not far away, suddenly opened a hole, stretched out a huge hand from it, and then grabbed the figure at once!

The speed of this hand was very fast, and it suddenly came to the front of the figure, and then leaned into his face!

Seeing this, the figure’s complexion also changed, the figure quickly backed away, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.In an instant, he fainted layer after layer of space in front of him, but because this huge hand appeared too suddenly, then The space barrier under the Tao’s figure cloth was suddenly scratched by that hand, and then the figure was caught all over!

Seeing the giant hand in front of him, a trace of panic appeared in the eyes of that figure.He could still feel terrible power from this giant hand.If he was caught, he would definitely be seriously injured!

The powerhouse guarding the Emperor Guan also showed a look of despair on their faces.I thought I had a peak powerhouse that can suppress An Lan, the King of Immortal. I must have a winning ticket here, but I didn’t expect that peak powerhouse. The powerhouse is about to be attacked and seriously injured, how can they not despair in their hearts!

Could it be that the Imperial Pass is about to be broken today? Then we need to be able to go again?

No, the peak powerhouse must not be injured, otherwise the Emperor Pass will definitely be over.

The older generation of strong men who guarded the emperor’s gate, their eyes were full of determination, and they did not care about the foreign strong men around them, and suddenly rushed to the figure, trying to block this fatal blow with their own body”!

However, how could the strong people in the foreign land easily let them go, and they launched a fierce attack, and their hearts were even more ecstatic.They did not expect that they still have Immortal’s peak powerhouse, this kind of reversal, It also made them attack harder!

“Haha! I didn’t expect people like you from a foreign land to be so shameless. I’ll be your opponent!” At a critical moment, suddenly a laughter rang throughout the battlefield, and a Daoist shadow stood in front of that one at some unknown time. !

After a long laugh, the figure standing in front of the giant hand suddenly raised his hand and waved to the giant hand!


The fist was imprinted on the giant hand at once, and with unmatched power, it smashed the giant hand in one fell swoop!

And the formed fist strength, with terrifying power, rushed to that crack!

At this time, a figure walked out of the opening, and looked at the rushing Quan Jin indifferently, then put his hands together and pushed forward suddenly, and instantly ran into that Quan Jin!

“Bo!” a cry!


The wind was raging, the space was shattered, and even the Spiritual Qi was shaken away, and a hollow was formed all of a sudden.

The aftermath formed directly flew all the people nearby! The first (Li Zhao Zhao) sent…

The strong men who are now fighting have raised their hands to resist this terrible aftermath!

“You are very strong! You are qualified to let Demon Pu make a shot.

The person who came out of that opening said calmly with his eyes:

“Haha! Puff Demon King? Yes! You are also very strong! My name is Huang! “Yes! This person is Shi Hao, he laughed loudly, and then said!

“Shi Yi! It’s been a long time! I didn’t expect that after that time, you could still rise! It’s incredible!” After speaking, Shi Hao turned to look at the figure behind him and said!

You must know that he was able to cultivate this combat power so quickly by relying on the peerless Cultivation Technique taught by his master.

And Shi Yi, who was in front of him, not only recovered, but also cultivated his Cultivation Base combat power to the level of the fairy king. Did he get some amazing opportunities? Or, like himself, he has an unfathomable fate. Shi Hao’s master? Shi Hao was also puzzled!

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