Chapter 246 The mysterious woman in red

Time slowly passed, and it has been several years since Li Shi Wu and Cao Yusheng came to Emperor Guan, while Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen two daughters had entered the closed door training cultivation state as early as a few years ago.

Over the past few years, the alien race has been in a weird silence, and has not launched an attack on the emperor. Many people think that the alien race has been swallowed by the two immortal kings Celestial Immortals and Misty Immortals. Invade the Imperial Pass.

However, a small number of the strong and the surviving older generations know that the reason why the alien race has been silent during this period must be that more and stronger troops are gathered in preparation for the next more fierce attack!

Because these people all know about foreign races, among the foreign races, the immortal kings have a lot of battle power, and there are not many, how can they be afraid of the two immortal kings in the imperial gate!

In the imperial city, inside Tang Mingyao’s mansion.

“Master! What on earth did you call us to come here?” Shi Hao looked at Tang Mingyao who was sitting on it, and asked puzzledly.

Originally, he and Cao Yusheng were standing in the imperial city, but suddenly received a Divine Sense transmission from Tang Mingyao, so they hurried back to the manor.

“Calling you to come back is mainly to tell you that the alien race is preparing to attack the Emperor Pass again! And this attack may be very violent! So you two should prepare more, maybe there may be an immortal king in this attack. A foreign race of the rank! I won’t be able to do anything by that time, I’ll just look at Shi Wu, your kid!” Tang Mingyao glanced at Shi Wu and Cao Yusheng, and then said.

“Maybe there will be an alien race at the fairy king level?”

Hearing that, Shi Wu and Cao Yusheng’s faces also became serious!

Although Shi Wu now has the power of the immortal king, he only cultivation the improved version of Nine Cycles to the sixth floor. The Cultivation Base is only a little higher than the Supreme Realm, but it is not yet the true immortal level Cultivation Base. .

If the foreign race only had one fairy king level to join the battlefield, he could still cope with the past, if there were two, he would definitely be crushed and beaten!

Shi Wu, an own master, has always said that he is one and the same.He said that he would definitely not make a move, even if the entire Emperor Pass was destroyed by a foreign race, he would not make a move!

So Shi Wu can only pray now, hoping that the foreign race will not be dispatched this time, two people from the Cultivation Base of the fairy king!

“Tang senior! Do you know when the foreign race will attack? Cao Yusheng” also asked Tang Mingyao solemnly.

“I don’t know anymore! But no more than a year at the latest! Tang Mingyao” replied.

“Okay! I’ll leave this to you! I’m out shopping! Think of it yourself!”

Finished talking! Tang Mingyao stood up and disappeared into the chair!

“Shi Wu! What shall we do? Cao Yusheng” asked Shi Wu who was meditating next to him!

“Huh! I don’t know what to do now! I can only pray that there won’t be too many immortal king-level powerhouses out of the alien race this time!” Hearing this, Shi Hao also took a sigh of relief, then shook his head and said:

Otherwise, “We will send out this news, maybe those strong humans will come too!” Seeing this, Cao Yusheng suddenly brightened his eyes, as if thinking of something, and then looked at Shi Wu’s proposal.

“Hey! That’s a good idea! There should be a lot of people who are strong in the human race. Now there is no other way, that can only spread the news!” Hearing this, Shi Hao was also taken aback, and then replied in surprise!

“Well! In that case, let’s go!”

Shi Wu nodded too!

After speaking, the two flew out!

Huozhou, away from Huocheng.

Away from the city of Huo, there are many fire mulberries, with red clouds, and some thousands of years old trees are beating fierce flames, and heat waves hit people.

The Huo Clan in Huozhou is based on fire and teaches on fire. This Huo Clan outside the Huozhou is also a more famous big clan!

This area belongs to the upper realm of the fire race. They are naturally close to the fire, so the neighborhood is full of such old trees.

In the city of Lihuo, inside a splendid palace!

“Xiaohong! Can you hear from him now?” In the silent palace, a voice suddenly sounded?

“Return ticket, Holy Maiden! The person we sent out hasn’t returned a message yet

With the sound of this sound, Xiao Hong standing underneath only felt a burst of fiery breath, as if he was now at the center of the sun, and would disappear at any time, suppressing the fear in his heart, Xiao Hong respectfully replied.

“Thousands of years! No news yet?”

The voice sounded again, but this time it seemed to be mumbling, very small!

Hearing this, Xiao Hong raised her head and secretly looked at the figure in front of her.

I saw one standing in front, dressed in a fire-red robe, with a few exquisite fire lotus embroidered on the cuffs, the embroidery was vivid, and the fresh lotus fragrance seemed to be smelled near some.

The skirt is embroidered with exquisite and complex patterns, a jade belt of the same color is tied around the waist, a pair of embroidered shoes are on the feet, and large expanses of fire lotus are embroidered on the vamp. The lotus steps move lightly and are extremely seductive.

0……Look for flowers……

It’s just that this woman is thinking with her back to herself, and she can’t see what she looks like!

Although I haven’t seen the appearance of the woman in front of me, Xiao Hong’s eyes are still full of fanaticism and admiration!

Xiao Hong still remembers that the woman in front of her had come to Lihuo City from nowhere thousands of years ago, and set a ring in Lihuo City, threatening to challenge the entire Huozhou Tianjiao.

As soon as the news came out, it shook the entire Huozhou. Not long after the news came out, those big clans or Sect’s geniuses, as well as the hidden civilian geniuses also heard the news and rushed to see who dared to speak out.

When those Tianjiao rushed to Lihuo City, and were ready to teach this guy who didn’t know how to live and dared to speak loudly, just when everyone thought that this woman was about to lose in the face of so many geniuses and Tianjiao, the result actually made everyone stunned. .


Among those geniuses and Tianjiao, no one is the enemy of this woman. In the end, she even put aside her cruel words and threatened to challenge the older generation of strong!

At the beginning, no one of the older generation of strong men paid any attention to her, but as the news spread more and more, an older generation strong who was also well-known in Huozhou finally couldn’t help but make a move!

But what is unacceptable is that this old generation of strong is not because of this woman’s oneness, tightly is just a trick, the old generation of strong is not able to fight back, and he was beaten to vomit blood. Falling to the ground, there is no power to fight!

You know, that is the strong man in the Cultivation Base of the Celestial God Realm. He was spitting blood and fell to the ground with one move. The people present at that time were incredibly hard to believe, and they all looked at the woman on the high platform with incredible eyes!

In the following time, people who came to the challenge were in an endless stream, and even the strong from outside Huozhou also came to Lihuo City. Many of these people have a virtual way, kill me, and the older generations of the first realm. The strong, but no one is her opponent.

Among these people, there is only one unknown master of the first stage, who can walk several rounds in the hands of this woman.

In the end, there was a peak powerhouse of the Supreme Realm who couldn’t help but shoot. In that battle, an unknown number of mountains and towns were destroyed! In the end, it spread to the entire Huozhou, and even those closer to the Huozhou. The continent has also been affected!

However, no one knows what happened to the battle between the two, but the woman finally returned to Lihuo City without injury, and announced to the public that she was the Holy Maiden of the Huo Clan. When the news went out, everyone was in an uproar. !Eight,

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