Chapter 245 Shi Wu Apprentice Cao Yusheng?

Seeing Cao Yusheng’s puzzled expression, Ye Qingxian’s heart was also full of doubts.

Although this person looks a little different from Duan De, according to Ye Qingxian’s Divine Sense, the soul of the person who calls himself Cao Yusheng is basically the same as Duan De, which can be said to be basically the same.

“Tang Dage! What’s going on?” Seeing that Cao Yusheng didn’t look like a fake, Ye Qingxian looked at Qin Xuan’s doubtful voice transmission.

“Ah! This kid is indeed called Cao Yusheng, Duan De is just his descendant!” Qin Xuan explained with a smile.

“Hey! That’s the case! No wonder I think he is so similar to Duan De!” Upon hearing this, Ye Qingxian nodded suddenly.

“Master! Master! Why are you not talking anymore?” Shi Hao couldn’t help but ask doubtfully when Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian were not talking.

Nothing “! Okay! Let’s go inside the house and talk!” Qin Xuan waved his hand, and then said to everyone.

After speaking, I walked like a house!

Ye Qingxian and Liushen followed and also walked in.

Seeing this, Shi Hao shrugged helplessly at Cao Yusheng, and then the two followed!

In the room.

“Hey! Brat! Nine Cycles mystery has been cultivated to the sixth level. It seems that you should have the power of the fairy king now. Then I traveled and I promised that I will accept you as a disciple today!” Qin Xuan sat in the main seat, and then said to Shi Hao in front of him.

Hearing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help flashing excitement in his eyes, and then respectfully bowed to Qin 547 Xuan for three times, and shouted: “Disciple Shi Wu has seen the master!”

“Hey! Get up! Shi Hao! As a teacher before you, you also accepted three disciples, so you ranked fourth!” Seeing this, Qin Xuan nodded to Shi Hao, motioned for him to get up, and then said.

“Am I fourth?

Hearing that, Shi Hao also stood up, then looked at Qin Xuan and asked: “Master! Where are the three seniors now? Why didn’t I see them?”

“Hey! Your senior brother and second senior brother, if you have a chance, you will see it! As for your third senior brother, you will see it in the near future!” Qin Xuan said.

“Yeah! Master disciple knows!”

Shi Hao nodded, indicating that he already knew it!

“Right! Shi Hao, why didn’t you see Ling’er?” At this moment, Ye Qingxian looked at Shi Wu and asked suddenly.

In Ye Qingxian’s view, after thousands of years, Shi Hao and Ling’erhuo should have been married, but now they only saw Shi Hao and didn’t see Huo Ling’er, so he asked.

Linger “Is it? She is still in the Lower Realm! This time I am the only one to come to the Upper Realm! It is dangerous to break, so I didn’t take her!” Shi Hao hurriedly replied.

“Well! Since Ling’er is in the lower realm (agai), it is also good, no one in the lower realm should have threatened her before!” Upon hearing this, Ye Qingxian also nodded, and then said in agreement!

“Shi Wu! How is Shicun now? How are those stinky boys from Tieshan?” Seeing Ye Qingxian didn’t continue to ask, Qin Xuan looked at Shi Wu and said.

After all, Shicun is the first place he came to this world and stayed there, so Qin Xuan still has some feelings for Shicun and the people in the village!

“Master, don’t worry! Before I came to the upper realm, I set up a large formation around Shicun to hide the entire Shicun, so as not to disturb the tranquility of Shicun!”

“As for Brother Tieshan and the others, I will let them guard in the Imperial Guard of the Lower Realm, nothing will happen!” Shi Hao looked at everyone and explained.

“Dynasty? What dynasty?

Hearing this, Liu Shen, who had not spoken, couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“Aha! This is how things are…”

Therefore, Shi Hao told the Qin Xuan three about how he unified the eight domains.

“Aha! You did a good job of this!” Qin Xuan praised with a smile after hearing this.

After all, unifying the eight domains and reducing the chaos of the eight domains is a piece of merit. With merit in the body, although not much, at least it will make Shi Wu’s cultivation smoother.

“Haha! Shi Wu didn’t notice that you are still the lord of the dynasty in the lower realm!” Hearing this, Cao Yusheng couldn’t help but laughed, and then said in disbelief.

The lord of the dynasty came to the upper realm, but he was very popular with most forces. As long as he joined any force, his status would be very high in this force.

Because the master of the dynasty is getting started, it means that you are in this realm and have a certain foundation.The dynasty in this realm will continue to provide talents for this school!

This is what any Sect or family wants to see!

“What are you talking about? Couldn’t I be the lord of the dynasty?” Shi Hao couldn’t help rolling his eyes, and then watched Cao Yusheng reply in an angry voice.

“Ah! Where, where! I just didn’t expect that you are the Lord of the Dynasty! Cao Yusheng” said hurriedly.

After speaking, I will tell everyone about the relationship between the various forces and the lord of the dynasty!

“Ah! How is it! Isn’t it very exciting?” Seeing Shi Wu suddenly realized, Cao Yusheng couldn’t help but asked with a smile!

“Go and go! I’m just a teacher, and you still said this kind of thing, what is your intention?” Hearing this, Shi Hao couldn’t help but pointed at Cao Yusheng, shouting with a righteous look!

“Come on! I see you listen to the treatment of the lord of the dynasty by the major forces. I am afraid that I am a little familiar. What kind of big tail wolf is still pretending?” Seeing Shi Hao so cheeky, Cao Yusheng couldn’t help but roll his eyes at him, and then disdain. Said!

“You…! Hmph! Forget it, I won’t tell you!” Seeing Cao Yusheng looking at himself with disdain, Shi Hao was also a little embarrassed, and then coldly snorted!

“Haha! Alright! You don’t have to fight anymore!”

“Shen Liu, take them down and find a place wherever they want to stay!” Qin Xuan said to the two of Shi Wu, and then turned to the Liu Shen next to him.

Hearing the words, “Everywhere!, God Liu also nodded, and then directed at Shi Wu and Cao Yusheng who were afraid to speak, and continued: “Shi Wu! Come with me! I will show you where you live!”

After speaking, God Liu walked outside!

Seeing this, You Wu and Cao Yusheng first saluted Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian, and then followed Liu Shen and walked out!

“Unexpectedly! Shi Wu improved so fast this time! Actually he has the power of the fairy king! It seems that I will also be Closed Door Training for a while, otherwise he will catch up with him!” With the disappearing back of Hao and others, Ye Qingxian couldn’t help sighing!

“Ah! Who are you now? Don’t look at Shi Wu’s rapid progress during this period. That’s because he always has the characteristics of supreme bone and Nine Cycles. Realm, the longer it will take! Therefore, it is not that simple for him to catch up with you!” Qin Xuan smiled and comforted!

“No matter what! After a while, I will follow the willow god Little Sister to Closed Door Training. I will never come out until the quasi-sage Dzogchen!” Seeing Qin Xuan comforting himself, Ye Qingxian shook his head and said firmly!

“Hey! Your Closed Door Training cultivation is good too! When are you going to Closed Door Training?” Seeing Ye Qingxian’s firm face, Qin Xuan also nodded in agreement!

“Well! In a few days!”

“Okay! Over there in a few days!

Qin Xuan said!,

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