Chapter 223: Characteristics? I know!

Seeing Liu Shen laughed, the three old village chiefs beside him were also relieved.

Just now, they were really afraid that Xiaonian would neglect Lord Ji Ling, and now even Lord Ji Ling didn’t mean to blame Xiaonian, and the two seemed to have known each other very early, and the relationship was very good, so the three of them were also a little happy.

With the relationship between Xiao Budian and Lord Ji Ling, you will no longer have to worry about the intrusion of those ancient relics and fierce beasts in the future.

“Little bit! What did you find from this match?” At this moment, Tang Mingyao looked at Xiaodian and asked.


Hearing this, Xiao Budian disappeared for a while, and then he looked puzzled. Suddenly, his inspiration flashed and thought of something, and then he suddenly realized: “I know!”

“Late! What do you know?” Tang Mingyao asked very interested.

“The uncle who fought with me just now was very powerful, and he was able to fight with me for so long. It can be said that I was very enjoyable in this fight.” Xiaodudian said with excitement in his eyes.

Hearing this, Tang Mingyao’s face gradually darkened. Seeing 06 Xiao Budian stopped, he gritted his teeth and asked, “What else? What else did you find?”

“Also? Big Brother! No more! This is what I found. Do you think I can’t make it?” Xiao Budian looked at Tang Mingyao and said triumphantly.

“That’s it?

Tang Mingyao’s face darkened, and his body was surrounded by an icy breath.

But none of these little things were noticed, and he nodded proudly.


Xiao Budian was beaten by Tang Mingyao and lay on the ground.

“Asshole! Who cares that you are not too addicted to playing, I am asking you, have you discovered the characteristics of the Cultivation Technique taught to you by yourself and me?” Tang Mingyao yelled at the little bit who was lying on the ground.

“Ah! It hurts!

Xiao Budian covered his head with his hands, and kept shouting in his mouth.

Seeing this, Tang Mingyao took a sigh of relief, regardless of his yelling, as if nothing had happened, he returned to the original position and sat down.

The three people, Liu Shen and the old village chief, looked at everything that happened, and their faces were dumbfounded. Although they didn’t feel the moment of Mr. Tang just now, they must have used a lot of power with the sound. !

“Ah! What are you doing, Big Brother? It hurts!” Xiao Budian stood up, and then shouted at Tang Mingyao dissatisfied.

“It hurts? That’s right! I’m afraid that you don’t hurt enough, so I want to come and give you a little bit.” Tang Mingyao said with a calm expression on his face regardless of the smallness of the yelling beside him.

“Come on! Continue talking about what you just discovered!” Tang Mingyao narrowed his eyes, then stared at Xiao Budian and asked her to continue. I just wanted to say, if you don’t find anything, I will never spare you today.

Hearing this, Xiao Budian scratched his head involuntarily and started thinking.

“Is there anything else I haven’t found?” Xiaobu couldn’t help but think.

But no matter what he thought, he just couldn’t think that he hadn’t found anything yet. He couldn’t help but raised his head to look at Tang Mingyao, and found that there was a dangerous aura in his eyes. He couldn’t help but slapped cleverly, and then quickly lowered his head, trying to remember.

It seems that there is really nothing left! However, I was really enjoying the fight with that uncle. Although I was not his opponent at the beginning, the teacher was knocked into the air by him. If I hadn’t been physically strong, I would have long been unable to get up. Yes, but, in the end, I was not defeated by my peerless genius. Xiaobu Dimiao couldn’t help but think of it triumphantly.

Wait! At first I was not an opponent! Then why did I beat him again? Thinking of this, Xiao Xiao couldn’t help but wonder.

Suddenly, Xiaoding’s mind flashed, thinking of something, so he raised his head and said loudly to Tang Mingyao: “Big Brother! I know!”

“Late! You know again? Then tell me, what do you know?” Tang Mingyao glanced at him, and then asked.

“Cultivation Technique! Yes! It’s the Cultivation Technique passed to me by the Big Brother.” Little Budian exclaimed.

Hearing this, Tang Mingyao finally showed a smile on his face, and then asked: “Oh! Is there anything wrong with the Cultivation Technique that I passed on to you?”

“Hmm!” Xiao Budian nodded frantically, and a terrible light broke out in his eyes, and then said affirmatively: “The Cultivation Technique taught by the Big Brother has a characteristic. It can make people stronger through battle. , Or breakthrough!”

“Yeah! Not bad! I didn’t expect it! I have hidden it deep, and it was discovered by you! Not bad! Not bad! It won’t be the peerless genius I think! Even though I only have one ten thousandth of my IQ now , But also smarter than most people!” Hearing this, Tang Mingyao also nodded, then praised.

It’s just how everyone feels that although he is complimenting Xiaodudian, why does he always feel that he is complimenting himself!

Ye Qingxian rolled his eyes, and shouted in his heart: “This Tang Dage is really not wanting face.”

“Hee hee! Of course! Don’t look at who I am, I’m a peerless genius!” Xiao Shi admitted without hesitation, and said proudly with his head held up.

“It’s over! I’ve stayed with Tang Dage for a long time, and I really got infected!” Seeing this, Ye Qingxian patted his forehead, and thought silently in his heart.

But after a while, Xiao Budian shrugged his face again, and that little face was almost wrinkled together!

“Uh! What’s the matter?”

Seeing this, everyone was also missing, so Tang Mingyao asked Xiaodian.

“Although this Cultivation Technique battle can make me Ascension Cultivation Base, but no one in Shicun can fight with me, so it’s useless.” Xiaopin explained with a bitter expression.

As for why you didn’t fight Tang Mingyao, Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen, it was a trivial matter that you couldn’t even think about.

Among the three, Tang Mingyao is too lazy to die, and wants him to fight 450 with you, unless the sun comes out from the west. As for Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen, they are two women, and they have such a good relationship with Xiao Xiao, even if they want to help Small, but small can’t make it!

“I thought it was something! You can go to the wild mountains and find those ancient relics or fierce beasts, isn’t it the same to fight?” When the tower next to it heard it, he couldn’t help but laughed, and then said to Xiao Budian.

“This is fine, but they won’t fight me at all! It’s useless if you go!” Xiaodudian shook his head, and then replied.


There was nothing to say about the tower now, so I could only scratch Own’s head next to it.

“Since we don’t have this, then why don’t you go outside and find those powerful people to fight against! I think there must be many powerful people outside!” At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and then followed the prestige, and found that the speaker was actually Tieshan who had been sitting quietly there.

“Huh! That’s a good idea!

Hearing this, Xiao Didian’s eyes also lit up, and then nodded in agreement.

At this time, Tang Mingyao gave Tieshan Ruzi a teachable and teachable look.

“Okay! Tomorrow I will go out and find the strong ones to fight against!” Xiao Budian exuded an astonishing fighting spirit, and then shouted with pride.


At this time, a voice interrupted Xiaolittle’s bold ambitions.

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