Chapter 222

Seeing that there was nothing wrong, the surrounding Shicun villagers also gradually left. After all, they also had things to be busy.

“Iron tower! Let’s go back!” Seeing this, the old village chief said directly to the iron tower next to him, regardless of the Lei clan chief who was standing there, and walked towards the village after he finished speaking.

For an enemy who is about to invade Stone Village, although he did not succeed, you still expect him, the old village chief, to have a good face. It is fine if you don’t kill you.

Seeing that the old village chief was far away, the iron tower hurriedly followed up, and Tieshan said to Xiao Budian, “Little Budian, I’ll leave it to you here! Let’s go back first!”

After speaking, he took the group of little guys and chased in the direction where the old village chief was walking.

Only Xiao Budian and Lei Clan chief were left at the scene.

Seeing that all the people were gone, the Lei clan chief was also shocked. He didn’t leave or stayed, and looked very embarrassed.

However, he could understand “Four Five Zero”, so not only did he not complain, but he was very grateful.

“Uncle! Then you go back first! Wait until you recover from the injury, you are coming!” Xiao Budian said to the bewildered Lei clan chief.

“Um! The spray is good! Then I will go back first!” The Lei clan chief came to his senses, and then quickly replied.

“Yeah! Go back! When we have time, let’s fight again!” Xiao Bu nodded, and said.

Haha “! Okay! That’s right! Little hey! Little brother, thank you this time. If it weren’t for you, I’ll explain it here today!” Wen Yan, the chief of the Lei clan couldn’t help but laughed, and watched solemnly. Thank you for the little bit.

Hee hee “! No thanks! As long as you often come to me for a fight, it’s fine!” Xiaodudian shook his head, and then replied grinningly.

“Yes! Then I will go first! Goodbye!” Lei Clan chief nodded, and then said.

After speaking, he turned and left!

Seeing that the uncle had already left, Xiao Budian turned around and walked towards the village.

“Big Brother! Big Sister! I’m back!” Xiao Budian shouted when he came to Tang Mingyao’s wooden house.

“Yeah! Come in!”

At this time, Tang Mingyao’s voice came out of the wooden house.

Hearing this, I walked into the wooden house with a slight inconvenience. Only when I entered, I found that it was full of people, including the old village chief, Uncle Iron Tower, and Brother Tieshan, as well as Big Sis, the god of willow who was back at some time.

The Big Brother Big Sister and the two sisters were also sitting next to each other. Seeing that they were talking and laughing there, they didn’t know what they were talking about, so they walked over with a slight inconvenience.

“Old village chief, Uncle Iron Tower! You are here too!” Xiao Budian came to a few people, then looked at the old village chief and the iron tower, and asked curiously.

“Why? Couldn’t I and your Uncle Tower come to Mr. Tang’s house?” the old village chief asked jokingly.

“Uh! I didn’t mean that!” Wen Yan Xiaobudian scratched his head, said with a little embarrassment on his face.

“Haha! Little! It seems that you have made a lot of progress recently, and you can beat even the array-level characters!” Ye Qingxian hung his mouth, and then said with a smile, which can be regarded as a relief for the little puzzle.

“Hey! Of course! I don’t see who I am, I am a peerless genius! I am a mere array of ranks, and I have not been beaten by me casually!” Hearing this, Xiaobujian couldn’t help but feel proud. , And then raised his head and replied proudly, with an expression on his face that I am a peerless genius.


Suddenly, there was a cough, which interrupted the triumph in Xiaobudi.

Little Budian followed the prestige, seeing the Big Brother staring at him fiercely, and he couldn’t help but shudder in his heart.

Seeing this, Xiao Budian instantly understood what the Big Brother meant, so he hurriedly changed his words and said: “Of course! The main thing is that the Big Brother taught well, and passed down such a powerful Cultivation Technique, and Xiao Budian can only be so powerful. Otherwise, Xiao Budian can’t even beat those who move the blood realm now.”

Hearing that, Tang Mingyao nodded in satisfaction, with a pretty good look.

Observing the smallness of the Big Brother’s face carefully, seeing this, I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. If I wasn’t smart, maybe I would be given guidance by the Big Brother later.


Looking at the expressions of Tang Mingyao and Xiao Budian, Ye Qingxian didn’t know what happened. Thinking of this, Ye Qingxian couldn’t help but laughed.

Only three people, Liu Shen and the old village chief, had a dazed and ignorant expression. I don’t know why Ye Big sis Ye Fairy laughed for no reason.

Regarding the little things, they also felt that he was right. After all, his progress during this period of time can be felt by individuals.

Not only Xiao Budian is improving, but also Tieshan and the little guys in the village have also improved, but it is not as obvious as him. 0…

From the boy Tieshan, I learned that Lian Shiwa is the child with a runny nose, only three years old and less than four years old. She is the youngest of all the little guys. On the battlefield, she performed equally extraordinary, relying on an iron head. , Leng is knocked over an unknown number of enemies.

Nothing “! Keep talking!” Seeing Liu Shen and the old village chief and the others, looking at them in confusion, Ye Qingxian also stopped the laughter, then waved his hand to signal them to continue.

“That’s right! This god-aunt Liu… uh, my lord, I heard you say that you are the sacrificial spirit of our stone village. I don’t know if it is true?” The old village chief looked at God Liu with nervous eyes and looked forward to it. Asked.

“Yes, Not Bad!”

Hearing this, God Liu nodded, then looked at the crowd, and continued to preach: “At the time, I was besieged by people in Nine Heavens, and I was seriously injured. I had to escape here, and fell asleep and fell asleep. Later, I always accepted. The worship of Shicun, so I can be regarded as your Shicun.”

“Shi Yunfeng, the mayor of Shicun! Meet the Lord Sacrifice.”

Hearing this, the old village chief couldn’t help being excited, then stood up, bowed to God Liu, and shouted respectfully.

“Shicun Village’s famous iron tower Tieshan! Meet the Lord Sacrifice!” Seeing this, the iron tower and Tieshan father and son also hurriedly stood up, bowed respectfully to God Liu, and then called.

“Aha! Don’t be polite, you all get up!” Liu Shen waved his hand to the three of them, indicating that they don’t need to be polite, and then said with a smile.

Hearing this, the three old village chiefs also stood up. Seeing Xiao Budian next to him was still smiling, the old village chief couldn’t help giving him a back of his head, and then shouted: “Little Douding! What are you stupefying? ? Don’t hurry up to meet Lord Ji Ling!”

“Ah, la. Shicun Shiwu pays a visit to God Sister Liu… Uh, Lord Ji Ling! May Lord Ji Ling be happy every day, eh, always young and beautiful!” Seeing the old village chief glared at him, Xiao Duan quickly followed them. It just bowed to Liu Shen, and then shouted loudly.


Hearing this, Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen couldn’t help but laughed, and then Liu Shen looked at Xiao Budian and said, “It’s okay to Xiao Budian! How can your mouth change like this now? Get up too! You don’t need so much politeness in the future, don’t you know? ?Also, I still like you to call me the Willow God Big sis!

“Hmm! Hehe! Big sis of Liu Shen!” Xiao Budian stood up without restraint at all, then nodded and replied grinningly.

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