Chapter 216 I’m Sorry

Tieshan and the little guys who had retreated, seeing this, they were worried for the little ones in their hearts.

“Ahhh! This little devil has suffered this strike from the old ghost, and he will have to be disabled if he doesn’t die!” The old man of the Golden Wolf tribe standing there watching all this, couldn’t help but said with a smile.

“Well! This strike, even an ordinary array-level strong, will lose its combat effectiveness.” Zi Shanhou, who was next to him, also nodded in agreement. Starting:

“Brother Tieshan! Nothing will happen to you, right?” Pihou asked, looking at Tieshan next to him.

“do not know!

Tieshan shook his head and replied.

“Little is so powerful, of course nothing will happen!” Da Zhuang said firmly.

“Yeah! Big Brother is right, the little one must be fine!” Hearing this, Er Zhuang said in agreement.


At this moment, a Daoist shadow jumped out of the pit, and this Daoist shadow was just a small one.

I saw Junior Brother Xiao Budian, his hair stood up, and his body was still smoking. It was obvious that he was electrocuted by the dark lightning on the Lei Clan Chief!

“It hurts! My whole body is numb! Uncle, your thunder and lightning are really powerful!” Xiaobudian patted the dust on his body, then grinned, showing a pair of white teeth, and looked at the Lei clan chief who was still floating in the air. , Admiringly-said.

“little guy!”

Seeing this, the little guys couldn’t help but cried out in surprise.

“This kid! It’s not dead! It’s not really transformed by the ancient relics, right?” Seeing that Xiao Budian received such a strong blow, the old man of the Golden Wolf tribe was shocked in his heart since there was nothing. Zi Shanhou next to him asked uncertainly.

Zi Shanhou didn’t speak, but kept his eyes on Xiaodudian, but there was also a hint of shock on his face.

Even if he received that punch, although he wouldn’t be seriously injured, he would have been slightly injured. However, this kid was only blackened by electricity, not to mention he was injured, I am afraid that it was not scratched at all!

“Hehe! Don’t worry, I’m fine!” Xiao Budian shouted in the direction of Tieshan and the little guys.

“Little ghost! When fighting with me, he dared to ignore me and die to me!” The patriarch Lei, who was floating in the air, saw that Xiao Budian was still in a very moody person talking, his face turned gloomy, and then Shouted loudly.

After speaking, the person disappeared again, leaving only the afterimages rushing towards the little bit.

Hee hee “Uncle, I didn’t expect you to be even stronger. If that’s the case, I won’t keep my hands!” Looking at the Lei clan chief who rushed towards him, Xiao Budian couldn’t help but smile.

After speaking, people rushed up too.



A Daoist shadow flashed in the sky from time to time, and after the collision, it quickly retreated.

Not far from the battlefield, two men and three women were standing. They were standing on a hill, watching the situation of the war. These three people were in the wild mountains, Bai Ling, Duck Wing and The three kings of Lang Teng.

“Unexpectedly, this little demon is so strong.” Peng Yi looked at the two Xiao Budian who were fighting, and there was a fierce light in his eyes, and the shock on his face was difficult to conceal.

For Xiaodian, the three of them also had some impressions. This kid often ran into the mountains to find the trouble of those low-level Primordial cultivators. The three of them naturally knew it.

It’s just that at that time, the kid’s Cultivation Base couldn’t get into their magic eyes at all, so they didn’t bother to pay attention to it. Regardless of outcome.

Now the three of Pengyi have regrets in their hearts. I knew this before. I should have killed this little ghost at the time. Only with such a little time, I can go to such a strong Cultivation Base. If I were to give him a little time, then He’s not going to heaven yet? Mobile phone.

“I regret it now! I knew it, I should have killed him!” Langteng next to him said viciously.

“It’s too late to say anything now. We two shot at the same time. Although we can beat him, if he wants to escape, we really can’t do anything with him.” Hearing this, Duck Wing also nodded in agreement.

“If Sister Bai makes a move, it won’t be enough to take down the little devil!” Lang Teng glanced at Bai Ling, and then pretended to say casually.

“Okay! Don’t irritate me! I won’t do anything!” Regarding their conversation, Bai Ling’s face did not change at all, and he still replied calmly.

“But! Sister Bai! If the little devil develops like this in Ren, there will be no way for us to survive in the wild mountains!” Peng Yi said anxiously.

“Okay! Don’t say anything about what I decide!” Bai Ling waved his hand and said.


Hearing this, Pengyi and Langteng looked at each other, and sighed helplessly.

In fact, Pengyi and Langteng misunderstood Bai Ling. It was not that Bai Ling didn’t want to take action, but that she couldn’t. If she could, she didn’t want to keep such a threat.

0……Look for flowers……

Just now, she suddenly felt that she was locked in by an aura, and the boundless pressure was pressing on her.If it hadn’t been for the strong man to keep his hand, she would have jumped to the ground now, even though this aura No malice was conveyed, but as long as she agreed, she could be sure that the three of them promised to be here forever tonight.

Therefore, although her face is calm and calm, she has actually been cursing Pengyi and Langteng constantly in her heart. If you want to make a move, you can make a move. Pull me into the water and do anything, so now she is not going to leave. No, don’t mention it too awkward.


Every time Xiao Budian and the Lei clan patriarch collide, a powerful air current is generated, resulting in the formation of a vacuum in the sky over a hundred miles.

After another collision, the two moved backwards at the same time.

“While this kid is fighting with me, he can continue to grow stronger.” The patriarch of the Lei clan looked at Xiao Budian not far away in shock, and his heart was full of turbulent waves.

Feeling the constant tingling pain in his hands, the Lei clan patriarch couldn’t help sighing in his heart, is it really old?

You know, although own Cultivation Base is not as good as Zishanhou, but in terms of physical strength, he is better than him, but the kid on the opposite side, Cultivation Base is only at the inscription level, and it can actually be at the same level as his own. People, head-to-head, it’s ridiculous that I actually lost.

The patriarch of the Lei clan knew that if he continued here, he would always lose. This kid’s vigor seemed to never be exhausted, and every punch he made was with all his strength.

But I have to ask the two of them for help. I am embarrassed to open my mouth. Moreover, three strong in the array level are besieging a little devil with only a four-year-old inscription on the Realm. Think about it, I feel blushing. What face does he have to face the world.

“Uncle! You are so strong! You can actually fight with me for so long.” Don’t mention how excited you are now. Since his cultivation, this is his best fight, and he found that he did fight, and his physical strength was good. Cultivation Base will continue to Ascension, this kind of good thing, can he be unhappy in his heart!

As for why he didn’t fight with Qin Xuan, Ye Qingxian and Liu Shen, it was so small that he couldn’t even think about it. Ash. Eight

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