Chapter 215 Is This Body Still Human?

You should know that the little guys are cultivating that the body-refining techniques taught by Tang Mingyao are all powerful, and the body is even stronger. It’s nothing to say that ordinary weapons can’t hurt them at all.

Not to mention a little bit, he was already better than others, and now he has got an improved version of Nine Cycles profound art. Although he hasn’t gotten started yet, his physique has also been enhanced by more than a single punch. Fly out.

On the other side, Tieshan was more sensible. Although he was also besieged by dozens or hundreds of people, these people couldn’t touch him at all, and were instead surrounded by what he wanted.

The three people of Zishanhou standing outside the field frowned when they saw the one-sided battle. They did not expect that these little boys could be so strong.

Moreover, their physical bodies are unbelievable. Their battles are simply offensive, not defensive. When others hit them, it just seems to be tickling them.

Especially the little devil who rushed over at the beginning, with one punch and one kick, all with great strength, tightly just swept by the fist and wind, it can make people fall to the ground and lose their combat power.

“Bastard! Even a group of little ghosts can’t clean up, what’s the use of keeping you!” The Lei clan patriarch couldn’t stand it anymore, and he blasted away the people who were retreating, and then yelled.

After speaking, he rushed to Xiaobudian, because the most dazzling 233 was Xiaobudian. There were almost two hundred people around him.

The little bit who was fighting, only felt a strong pressure hit him, and under instinctive reaction, the backhand also blasted out with a punch.

The aftermath of the collision caused a gust of wind to blow away all the people around. Within a kilometer, no one was standing.

At this time, I saw a young figure flying out of the dust and smoke, hitting the ground all at once, smashing huge pits, this young figure is no longer small.

The dust and smoke gradually dissipated, and everyone stopped, only to see the place where Xiao Budian was standing. Since he had exited a huge pit that was a hundred meters long, there was still a tall figure standing in the huge pit, it was the patriarch of the Lei clan.

“Little one! Little one, Big Brother!”

Tieshan and the little guys, who noticed the situation here, couldn’t help but yelled in fear.

“Ahem! Phew! It hurts a bit!

At this time, a young figure stood up, and it seemed to be eaten by the dust and smoke.

“Hee hee! I’m fine!” The starter…

After Xiao Budian stood up, he smiled and shouted at Tieshan and the others.

“Huh! You don’t need to be okay, you’re fine!

(agai) Seeing this, Tieshan and the little guys couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“Hey! Uncle, you are so despicable! If you want to fight without notice, you sneak attack.” Xiao Budian pointed to the Lei clan chief, and said with dissatisfaction.

The patriarch of the Lei clan looked unbelievable.Although he didn’t use his full strength in the punch just now, he was an array-level powerhouse. The punch was blown out.

Now that the kid was unprepared, he was still alive and kicking with a punch, which made him unacceptable.

“Are you okay?”

He looked at Xiaowei, and asked in an unbelievable way.

“Uncle! Although your punch was really strong, I still have a little pain when I hit it, but it just hurts, and it can’t hurt me!” Xiaobai touched the place where he was just knocked down, and found that there is still a little bit now. Aching pain, so I replied.

“It just hurts?”

Hearing that, the patriarch of the Lei clan seemed to be humiliated, and his eyes seemed to burst into flames to stare at the little bit, and then he shouted: “Boy! You are too proud, I didn’t give my full strength just now. Now, you give it to me. Come to die!”


“Boom!” The ground cracked.

I saw that the patriarch of the Lei clan shot at Xiao Budian at a very fast speed.

“Uncle! I’m not proud! Are you still not doing your best? Haha! Let’s have a fight!” Wen Yan shook his head in doubt, and said excitedly.

After speaking, he also greeted him.


“Boom! Boom!

In the sky, there were waves of collisions. The wind was howling, the ground was shaking, and the mountains were shaking.

Was calmed down by the aftermath.

Such a loud voice and aftermath, how could it not be heard in the village, it was just blocked by Tang Mingyao, he didn’t want the opportunity to train the little guys to be gone!


A Daoist shadow shot down from the sky, smashing a large hole of several tens of meters on the ground. After a while, the figure jumped out of the hole.

This figure is just the small one, I saw him looking at the Lei clan chief in the sky excitedly, and shouted: “Uncle! You are really strong, let’s come again.”

After speaking, he soared into the air and rushed towards the Lei clan chief in the air.


Upon hearing this, the patriarch of the Lei clan also cursed with a cold face.

He didn’t expect this little devil, who was only about four years old, to be so awkward. His own fist hit him, but it hurt him for a while, and after a while, he jumped alive again.

Seeing the rushing Xiao Budian, the patriarch of the Lei clan couldn’t help but eyes reveal the fierce light, his body began to flash with rune, his aura suddenly rose, and the whole body was filled with dark lightning, with a punch and a kick, with great power. .

The whole sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, squally wind roared all around, and trees between the mountains were uprooted.

Seeing this scene like the end of the world, the little bit who rushed over couldn’t help but stop, and said in awe: “It’s amazing!”

Seeing this, the little guys below who were fighting with the three major forces couldn’t help but stop fighting, and stepped back one after another, looking at the sky in the sky, changing everyone with the momentum of the Lei clan chief, and couldn’t help but worry about Xiao Budian.

“It’s just a kid, this old Thunder ghost actually made such a big movement, it seems that the people of the Thunder clan are not so good!” Looking at the people who returned, Zi Shanhou looked at the lightning and thunder. The patriarch of the Lei clan said disdainfully.


The patriarch of the Lei clan, who was brewing strong power, shouted, and the person disappeared. When he reappeared, he had come to Xiaobudian’s body, raised his fist, carrying the dark lightning, and punched Xiaobudian.

Seeing this, the little pupil shrank, running the improved version of Nine Cycles profound art with all his strength, hurriedly covering his chest with his hands folded in an attempt to resist this powerful punch.

Although he had confidence in own physical strength, he couldn’t help but feel a little worried in the face of this powerful punch.


A roar and a turmoil directly shook the clouds in the sky, and the air waves formed by the collision began to spread outward, smashing the nearby mountains.

A figure shot down quickly from the sky, smashed into the ground, and the ground was directly smashed into a huge pit of hundreds of meters. The ground also began to crack, and huge cracks began to spread.

Needless to say, this figure is small, and the patriarch of the Lei clan is floating in the air, and the dark lightning that fills his body is like a living Thor.

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