Chapter 199

A group of people are petrified and speechless, which is amazing.


Lei Peng stood up with strong support.

The eyes that looked at Xiao Budian were full of anger, but more of them were still jealous.

“Come again!

Lei Peng shouted, then raised his hands again, and saw his fisted hands flashing with black electric lights, and then blasted towards Xiao Budian.

“Ah! Do you want to fight with me?” Seeing Lei Peng who rushed towards him again, Xiao Dudian tilted his head and said with a sudden realization.

Xiao Bu Dian raised it well, and his white and tender fist greeted Lei Peng.


Suddenly there was a piece of flying sand and rocks around, and the strong wind formed by the collision rolled up the fallen leaves that fell on the ground.

Blowing for a while, blowing away the surrounding dust and smoke.

Xiao Wudian stood still on the spot, while Lei Peng was kneeling on the ground, gritting his teeth and holding one hand to prevent him from falling, while the other hand was trembling, and the blood still slipped with his hand, and , There is still a long drag mark in front of him.

It seems that “Lei Peng, the genius of the Lei family, has met his opponent this time.” Seeing this, the old man of the Zishan Clan also shook his head and said.

“Haha! Yeah, Lei Peng is the Cultivation Base of the Celestial Caverns. After using the treasure, the ordinary person in the Cultivation Base is not his opponent at all. , You can easily defeat Lei Peng, he is at least a Cultivation Base, and he is not a normal spiritual state.” The old man in the purple robe looked at Lei Peng who was half-kneeling on the ground, and then took another look at Xiao Bai.

“Wow! Little Brother, you are so amazing! How old are you?” The two beautiful little girls in Genting Tiangong asked in surprise when they looked at the little brother.

“Hehe! I am four and a half years old!” Xiaodudian replied with a grin.

Hearing that, the people of those three forces couldn’t help but start to be shocked. You must know that a genius like Lei Peng from the Lei family is now just the Cultivation Base of the Heavenly Caverns, and he himself is almost nine years old now.

Unexpectedly, in this village, a little kid who was not weaned would be able to abuse Lei Peng, the genius of the Lei family, to death.

This involuntarily made them begin to attach importance to this village called Shicun.

Hee hee “! Little is good!”

“Come on little bit, and knock down that proud little kid.”

“Small! I am optimistic about you!”

Now, the little guys under the old willow tree, seeing this, can’t help but cheer for the little ones unconsciously.

Only Tieshan who was present was not happy. He didn’t expect that these outsiders would be so strong. A child under ten years old was actually so strong. The only ones on their side were him and Xiao Budian, who could beat that child. NS.

Although the kid lost to the four-year-old Xiaobudian, it was because Xiaobudian was a pervert. Without cultivation, the Cultivation Base would also climb up, but they weren’t.

That kid is so strong, what about the remaining adults? Even Tieshan felt strong pressure from the two old men standing in the front.

If these people have any unruly thoughts about Shicun, will they be able to stop them from waiting?

“Yewazi! I’m not your opponent now, but don’t be proud of you, I will come to defeat you in the future.” After a while, Lei Peng stood up and looked at Xiao Xiaoyu and shouted loudly.

“I don’t know how to be ashamed! People are only about four years old now, how old are you, you dare to say harsh words to them, you can cultivation, don’t others not?” One of the little girls in the Genting Temple looked at Lei Peng disdainfully Said.


Hearing this, Lei Peng glared at the little girl with an expression that he wanted to say but couldn’t.

Because he knew that this little girl was really right. The other party is younger than him, and the Cultivation Base is higher than him. Can he catch up with him?

“Hehe! Little Big sis, it’s okay.” Xiao Budian looked at the little girl and said with a grin, then turned to look at Lei Peng and said solemnly: “Little Big Brother! Little Big Brother is always welcome to challenge you.

“Haha! Little baby! You are very good. You won the genius of the Lei family. You don’t have a trace of pride. Your future achievements will definitely not be low.” The purple robe old man laughed loudly, and then looked at Xiao Wei with approval in his eyes. , Said.


Hearing that, the little bit blushed involuntarily, and then scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

“I wonder if you all seniors come to Shicun, what’s the matter!” At this moment, Tieshan stepped forward and looked at the group of people and asked.

“Ah! Don’t worry, little brother, we are not shameless enough to deal with your small village.” Hearing this, the old man of the Zishan clan knew what Tieshan was thinking, so he said with a smile.

“Yeah! We came out of this mountain range. Later, when I saw that there was a village on the edge of this mountain range, I couldn’t help but feel a little curious.

Of course, Tieshan couldn’t really believe what they said, but since others have said this, you can’t say that they are lying.

Therefore, Tieshan simply said: “So I can rest assured! Senior! I’m really embarrassed.”

The purple-robed old man waved his hand at Tieshan, and then asked: “Little brother! I don’t know if we can enter the village to visit.”

“Senior! I can’t be the master of this. When the old village chief comes over, you are asking him!” Tieshan said with an embarrassed expression on his face, then said to the old man in purple robe and the others.

the other side.

After hearing Tieshan’s instructions, Da Zhuang quickly ran in the direction of the old village chief’s house.

After arriving at the old village chief’s house, Da Zhuang shouted: “Grandpa village chief! Grandpa village chief. Are you home?”


When the old village chief heard the call, he couldn’t help but be a little curious, so he walked out, and after seeing that the person coming was big and strong, he asked strangely: “It turns out that it is big and strong, you kid! Guwazi is not good for cultivation, what will I do when I come to my house?

“Grandpa village chief! It was Brother Tieshan who asked me to come over and told you to go there!” Da Zhuang quickly replied.

“Send me over? What’s the matter?” The old village chief looked at Dadu and asked in confusion.

“Grandpa village chief! Our village is very crowded! That’s why Tieshan asked me to call you.” Da Zhuang explained.

“What! Are you saying that our village has a lot of outsiders?” Hearing this, the old village chief’s face changed slightly, and then he asked again uncertainly.

Seeing this, Da Zhuang nodded affirmatively.

“Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and take me there!” said Old (Nuohao Village Chief Zhao, and then hurriedly walked outside.

“La la la! I’ll take you there, those people are at the village head Liushen’s side!” Da Zhuang was taken aback, and then said hurriedly.

After speaking, he was ready to run to the front and lead the way.

“Mr. Tang! Ye Fairy, I’ll talk about it later. I’ll go to the village to see if anything can happen!” The old village chief who was about to follow the strong, suddenly thought that Qin Xuan and the others are still in their own home. It turned around and said apologetically to Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian behind him.

“Old village chief, it’s okay! Let’s do it! We have nothing to do, so let’s go and see with the old village chief! Maybe we can still help a little bit!” Qin Xuan shook his head at the old village chief. Then said.


Hearing this, the old village chief is just right after thinking about it. After all, what Mr. Tang and Ye Fairy say are both cultivators. Although they don’t know what Cultivation Base they are, if something happens, maybe the two of them may help. .

After that, the three of them followed Da Zhuang and walked towards the head of the village. Make,

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