Chapter 198 The confrontation in front of the village is ready!

Cultivate all of you! Let’s go to the old village chief and have something to do. Qin Xuan looked at the little guys and exhorted.

After speaking, he took Ye Qingxian and walked into the village.

Deep in the mountains.

“Sister Bai, why did you let them go so easily?” Langteng asked, looking at Bai Xing in confusion.

“There are two reasons. First, although I can keep them all there, but who knows if they will go out or not, and what kind of background they will carry with them, if they are pressed into a hurry, some of the gains outweigh the gains and losses. When the time comes, we will be very These three forces are endlessly dying.”

The second “. We can do nothing without doing it, but don’t transfer their goal to the old willow tree. You know, because of the greed of those people, maybe they will also attack the village. You say, Will that old willow tree take action by then?” Bai Xing looked at Peng Yi and Lang Teng and slowly explained.

“Indeed. Moreover, that old willow tree is not for dry food!” Hearing this, Peng Yi’s eyes couldn’t help but light up, and then nodded in agreement.

I remembered that I and Langteng were also trained by the old willow tree at that time. Now it is the turn of those human races to try it. Thinking of this, Peng Yi feels gloating in his heart.

“Ha ha!

When Wolf Teng heard the words, he couldn’t help laughing.

Not far from Shicun, a group of people were standing there, looking at Shicun. These people are the group of people facing the three kings of this mountain range. Remember the Pen Fun Pavilion in one second on the mobile phone-XBXXX.XX provides you with wonderful novel reading.

“Second grandfather! Look, is this small village the same village we saw last time?” a little girl next to the old man in purple robe said suddenly.

“Yeah! It’s indeed this small village! And it’s a hundred li nearby, there are no other villages besides this one.” The purple-robed old man nodded and turned back.

“Is that old willow tree the sacrificial spirit of this village? If it is, then the sacrificial spirit is too big!” said a young man in Dazelei’s house in Luofu with a little amazement.

“There are no wonders in the big world. This is nothing strange.” The middle-aged man from Luofu Dazelei’s family replied.

Let’s go “! Let’s go in and take a look!” said the old man of the Zishan clan.

Everyone also nodded in response, and then walked in the direction of Shicun.

“Hey! Brother Tieshan, look, someone is here.” Da Zhuang, who was playing under the old willow tree, suddenly saw someone walking towards the village, so he ran to Tieshan and said to him.

Hearing this, Tieshan couldn’t help looking out of the village, only to see a group of people walking towards him in the wrong direction, so he hurriedly said to Da Zhuang: “Da Zhuang, go to the old village chief’s house and tell the old village chief that our village An outsider is here, ask him to come and have a look.

“Brother Tieshan, don’t worry, I will go now!” Da Zhuang nodded back when he heard it, and then ran towards the old village chief’s house. Fastest update…

“Hey! Er Zhuang, you see someone is coming! Maybe someone from outside.” Shi Meng suddenly saw a group of people coming here, so he said to the Er Zhuang next to him.

“Where! Zaiming.”

“Hey! Can’t you see it there?”

“Hey! Really! I have never seen these people before, and they must have come from outside.” Er Zhuang nodded and said affirmatively.

“Hee hee! Really! Look, the clothes they wear are so good-looking!” At this time, Xiao Budian was also looking at the group of people, so she ran to the two of them from nowhere, and said in surprise.

“Hey! Look, that little kid doesn’t look underground when he walks. Can he see the road if he raises his head so high?” Xiao Budian said, pointing to Luofu Daze’s proud male lotus.

“Hey! Really! La, I see, he must be blind, otherwise he would look up at the sky instead of the road how he walks. He is really poor, he is blind at such a young age.” At that time, the group of little guys also ran over. One of the little guys named Pihou replied affirmatively after hearing the little things.

“Yeah! Pihou is right, he must be blind.” The other guys also nodded and agreed.

The boy who was walking towards Shicun’s Da Zelei’s house in Luofu naturally heard the conversation between Xiaodian and them, but he thought Xiaodian they were not talking about themselves, so he turned his head and looked at the sunrise to see Xiaodian them. Who is to talk about in the end?

“No need to look! They just talk about you!” As he looked around, a voice came into his ears.

The Luofu boy from Dazelei’s family followed the prestige, but he saw that it was one of the two little girls from Genting Tiangong who was talking.

Later, after he recalled what the little girl said, he suddenly became furious, feeling that he was still like a stupid just now. The stupid scolding.

“You wild children, how dare you laugh at me!” The boy from the Lei family who was furious in his heart couldn’t help but shouted at the little people in the village.

Then, the boy shook his arms and jumped up like a fierce bird, measuring 20 meters in length, and rushed to the village head quickly, wanting to attack the little ones.

“Hey! Look, isn’t the kid blind? Why is he running so fast? Isn’t he afraid of falling?” Seeing the boy quickly rushed towards them, he couldn’t help but tilt his neck and look to the side. Asked the friends.

“Does he ran over so quickly because he wanted to play with us?” Xiao Doudian said in a puzzled way.

“You wild children, all die for me.” The boy shouted angrily.

At this time, the boy had already reached the front, raised his palm, and patted forward.

“Yeah, little Big Brother, what are you doing?” At this time, Xiao Dudian opened his eyes wide, and found that something was wrong. The boy hit Ermeng and Pihou and the others.

Driven by his instinctive reaction, he immediately stood in front of Ermeng and Pihou. The breath of his body suddenly changed. The white and tender little hand stretched out, and it made the sound of wind and thunder, and slammed into his palm.


903 Flying sand and rocks, the ground is shaking and the mountains are shaking, Xiao Budian stood there still, and the boy is like the whole person is struck by lightning, retreating after the inspection, every step of the fall, there is a terrible big crack on the surface, he is shaking, He retreated again and again, tens of meters away, and then fell to the ground.


The group of people, seeing that the boy was going to teach the little boys, couldn’t help but mourn for them, but unexpectedly, the boy from the Lei family was bumping against one of the little boys, and he flew back. Everyone Can not help but exclaimed.

“Lei Peng, are you okay?” Luofu Daze’s middle-aged man from Lei’s family quickly flew towards the boy who fell to the ground, still shouting.

“Ahem! Clan Uncle, it’s okay.”

After the middle-aged men helped the two boys up, the boy coughed and then replied.

The two little girls in Genting Tiangong couldn’t help but stare out of their eyes. They looked at Xiao Budian and exclaimed, “That’s amazing!”

Xiao Budian walked ten meters away from the boy named Lei Pi, then blinked his big bright eyes, looked at Lei Peng, and said, “Little Big Brother, you are not doing this right.

There was still some milk on the corners of his mouth, which was not cleaned. His big black jewel-like eyes and serious expressions made a pair of elf-like little girls even more fond of them, and wanted to tease him.

Behind, a group of powerful petrochemicals, this fucking baby, slapped the famous genius Mosquito Peng directly and dug it out for Shengsheng? Damn it!

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