Chapter 196 The Arrival of Pengyi and Langteng

Time passed bit by bit.

The middle-aged man in Luofu Daze opened his eyes and saw a flash of thunder flashing away.

Thank you, “The senior guard is here to heal your wounds!” The middle-aged man stood up from the ground, then looked at the old man and said.

“Haha! You don’t need to be angry anymore! By the way! What are you going to do with that ancient relic?” The old man waved at her, and then asked curiously.

“Of course it was killed! Then boiled the medicine!” Luofu Daze’s middle-aged man hadn’t spoken yet, but the boy next to him waved his hand indifferently.

“Little baby! Like the Primordial Legacy Seed is conscious and intelligent, the higher the Cultivation Base, the higher the intelligence representing it! Therefore, before killing it, you must think clearly whether you want to follow The immortal immortal species of this mountain range are endless!” The old man took a look at the immortal immortal species lying on the ground in the distance, and then said to the boy.

“Senior! Are you saying that there is something more powerful behind this Primordial Relic?” Hearing this, the middle-aged man in Luofu Daze also changed his face, and then asked the old man.

“I don’t know this anymore! But think about it, behind this Primordial Legacy Seed, there should be a more powerful Primordial Legacy Seed!” The old man shook his head, and then replied.

“Uncle Clan, what are you afraid of? It’s not that we haven’t killed the Primordial Legacy Seed. Even if there are more powerful people behind this Primordial Legacy Seed, we Luofu Daze Clan will not be afraid of it!” The boy is still in the clan. He had some status, so he was very proud. He saw that he looked at the middle-aged man and said with a look of expectation.

“Jiaozhao! Shut up! Otherwise, I will send you back!” Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man glared at the boy and then shouted.

The middle-aged man from the Daze family of Luofu looked at the bird-shaped archaic relic, his face also uncertain.

“Haha! This old man is right! My incompetent Little Brother, although he loses to you, it’s just that he is not up to date, but it’s not that anyone can kill anyone who wants to kill!” At this moment, a voice came over.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw a big man standing next to the bird-shaped archaic relic. Obviously, the voice should have been made by this big man.

Seeing this big man suddenly appeared, the old man of the Zishan clan also had a serious expression on his face.

“Who do you think you are talking about? If you say you can’t kill, you can’t kill?” Luofu Daze’s boy was obviously spoiled and spoiled, and he blurted out of his original reaction.

“Jiao Zhao! You shut up! Don’t retreat.” Hearing this, the middle-aged man in Luofu Daze’s face was also a bit ugly, and then he was angry when he looked at the boy.

“Oh? I didn’t count what I said? Then you can try!” The big guy who just appeared, after hearing the boy’s words, also tilted his head and looked at them.

It’s just that the sound made everyone feel extremely cold, and even the surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped significantly.

“Array-level ancient relics!”

The old man of the Zishan Clan, his eyes never moved after the big man appeared, his face was very dignified, and he said slowly.

“What? senior! Are you saying that this person is the Primordial Legacy Seed, and is also an array-level Primordial Legacy Seed?” The middle-aged man next to him asked with a little astonishment on his face. Starting

“Yes, Not Bad!”

The old man of the Zishan clan nodded and turned back.

“How! You can’t die, right?”

The big man who just appeared, looked at the Primordial Relics lying on the ground, and asked angrily.

“Big Brother!”

A voice came from the mouth of the bird-shaped Primordial Relic. From this voice, it was obvious that the age of the Primordial Relic was not very large.

“Huh! Tell you to stay in the deepest part of the mountain, why are you running to the outside? Are you taking my words as the wind in your ears?” Seeing this, the big man couldn’t help but snorted, and then said with a somewhat ugly face.

“I, I’m not in the mountains. I want to find something to eat, but for some reason, I haven’t seen any of those fierce beasts and low-level Primordial Relics, so I came to the periphery!” Those Primordial Relics Depressed explained, from the voice, it is not difficult to hear that it is very wronged.

It was originally asleep in the deepest part of the mountain range, but it felt a little hungry, so it came out to fight the tooth sacrifice, but after looking for it for a long time, it was a fierce beast and the low-level Primordial Shelter did not see it.

Therefore, it had to hunt outside the mountain range, but it had just arrived outside and was attacked by the child of the human race, but it called that child Cultivation Base was a little low, and did not shoot too much, just wanted to tease him.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man suddenly attacked it fiercely, so it also fought back, and it became like this in the end.

“Peng Yi! What do you do with so much nonsense with them, can you just kill it? The old man will leave it to me, and you will take care of it yourself!” At this time, another voice came, and I saw the big man next to him. I don’t know when another figure appeared, and the voice was obviously from the Daoist figure.

0……Look for flowers……

Needless to say, this Daoist shadow is the wolf who chased it.

“The two may be the kings of this mountain range! Can you look at the face of my Zishan Clan and let them go?” The old man of the Zishan Clan arched his cupped hands at Pengyi and Lang Teng, and then said.

Even though he said that, the old man of the Zishan Clan was a little guilty in his heart, because he knew that the figure that had just appeared was also an array-level archaic relic.

“The Purple Mountain Clan?”

Hearing that, Peng Yi and Lang Sheng also looked at each other.

This Zishan Clan also knew about it, but there were two array-level powerhouses in the clan, and this old man was obviously one of them.

“Old man! See you are on the face of the Zishan clan, you can go, but they can’t!” Langteng glanced at the old man of the Zishan clan and motioned to him to leave, then pointed to those people in Luofu Daze, to the old man Said.


Hearing that, the old man of the Zishan clan also has a bit of vacillation on his face, because he can’t be the opponent of the two array-level Primordial Relics, but he can’t help but save him, so now he looks at his face too. Somewhat embarrassing.

Seeing that the old man hadn’t known how to return it, Lang Teng Pengyi looked at their eyes and couldn’t help showing a fierce light.


The old man of the Zishan Clan seemed to have noticed the fierce light in the eyes of the two, and his body shuddered involuntarily, so he hurriedly said.

However, before he had time to speak, he saw a group of people approaching them not far away.

The visitor was also an old man. The old man was wearing a purple robe with a mountain tattooed on the robe, and the side of the mountain was covered with white clouds.

This old man in a purple robe was followed by two little girls. Although they were dressed differently, they were all the same, with fair skin, beautiful born, big eyes, and very watery.

“Haha! It turns out that it is you, the old man of the Zishan clan! I thought who it was!” The old man in the purple robe laughed loudly when he saw the old man of the Zishan clan, and then said.

“Huh! Haha! It turned out to be you, the old man of the Genting Tiangong Temple! It really scared me.” After seeing the person, the old man of the Zishan clan finally gave a sigh of relief, because he knew that this person is also a rank. The strong man of the formation level, then also said with a casual smile.

“What are you guys?”

The old man in the purple robe who had just arrived, looked around, and then asked curiously. seven.

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