Chapter 195 Ascension Cultivation Base?


Another collision.

The middle-aged man flew upside down in an instant. Although this person and bird are strong inscribed patterns, this giant bird is a legacy of the ancient times, and a head-on middle-aged man is obviously not its opponent.


The middle-aged man yelled, and saw that his whole body was filled with black electric lights, and the black electric lights slowly gathered towards his fist.

At this moment, the middle-aged man was like a Thor, his hands were filled with black lightning, he clenched his fist, and then slammed it out forcefully.

His fist wind is black, and he makes a fat meow.It is the interweaving of thunder and lightning, and finally turned into a black electric light, densely packed, blasting towards the giant bird!


With a call, the giant bird flapped its wings, and the gust of wind rose suddenly. With the wings of the giant bird continuously inflamed, wind blades condensed in an instant, and slammed into the black lightning.


The few people not far from your battlefield obviously felt the powerful energy collision, and couldn’t help but retreat quickly.


The sound of the collision of the two forces resounded across the sky, and it could be heard even in Shicun, hundreds of miles away.

“Huh! Er Zhuang! Did you hear any sound?” Shi Da Zhuang, who was cultivating under the old willow tree, was suddenly awakened by a muffled noise, and then looked at Shi Er Zhuang next to him and asked suspiciously.

“Yeah! I heard it too!” Shi Erzhuang nodded and replied!

857 “You have all been awakened by the sound? At this time,” Tieshan stood up, looked at the children who had basically withdrawn from the cultivation state, and said involuntarily.

“Yes! Brother Tieshan! Do you know what happened?” Shi Meng also stood up, looking at Tieshan and asked curiously.

“I don’t know! But it should have come from the mountains over there!” Tieshan shook his head, looked into the mountains involuntarily, and said.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

At this time, there were several continuous roars.

Under the old willow tree, Xiao Shidian, who was fast asleep, seemed to dream of something delicious. His mouth was blinking, and saliva dripped from the corners of his mouth unknowingly.

“Who is it? Who dared to disturb Xiao Budian drinking animal milk! It was almost a little bit. It was just a little bit!” At this moment, Xiao Budian was also awakened by the sudden continuous sound, and could not help but jump up in a daze. Exclaimed angrily.

Tieshan and the children around him couldn’t help but stared at the black line, and the little bit who was waving his hands, Tieshan’s cheeks were also involuntarily twitched.

“Hey! Brother Tieshan! You are both big and strong! It seems that I am dreaming!” After Xiao Weidian woke up, he looked at the people next to him and suddenly realized.

“What happened? Why are you (agah) looking at me like this?” Xiao Budian saw everyone looking at him with strange eyes, and couldn’t help asking curiously.

“It’s nothing! You should continue to sleep!” Tieshan waved his hand to Xiao Budian, and said helplessly.

Speaking of Tieshan, he is also very helpless. This little girl is not sleeping all day, or looking for animal milk to drink, but no matter how hard he and others cultivate, he is not as fast as he Cultivation Base Ascension.

From the beginning of cultivation, in less than a month, the little bit of Cultivation Base has increased and increased, and now it has become the Cultivation Base of the Spirit Realm, and I have just broken through to the Heaven Realm.

Therefore, sometimes Tieshan wants to fall asleep like Xiaodidian, to see if Cultivation Base can grow rapidly.

However, he knew that this was impossible, it might be because of the small talents!

In the mountains! On the battlefield.

The middle-aged man was now on a small hill not far away, with one hand covering his chest, he coughed violently in his mouth, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

And not far from him, a giant bird was crawling somewhere, with its two wings propped on the ground, trying to get up, but it just couldn’t get up.

“Huh! Ah! It seems that the clan uncle won!” Not far from the battlefield, a young man breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile to his companion next to him.

“Of course! How could the clan uncle lose! That giant bird is not so good!” The boy next to him stood up and fought in the distant battlefield. Seeing his clan uncle was still standing, he couldn’t help but return proudly. road.

“Haha! The little baby’s tone is not small! An immemorial relic of the inscription level is not very good when it reaches your mouth!” At this time, laughter came from a distance.

Several people raised their heads and followed the prestige.

I saw that in the primitive mountains and forests in the distance, a beast bone was very thick and long, six or seven meters long. I don’t know what it belonged to. It exuded a bright white brilliance.

There were several figures standing on it. The leader was an old man, wearing a feather coat and a golden crown. His body overflowed with a wisp of purple air, covering him, hazy, with a majesty that could not be described.

By his side, there is a young man in his twenties who is very heroic, and there are also two teenage girls who are as beautiful as walking out of a picture scroll, and there are two very young boys with very smart big eyes.

Nearly, a few people stepped off the animal bones, and the brilliance flashed, the six or seven-meter-long giant bones quickly shrank, turned into a palm-sized, warm and shiny, and fell into the hands of the old man.

Obviously, this is an extremely precious treasure that can fly close to the ground and shrink to an inch.

“It turns out to be the senior of the Zishan clan! The Luofu Daze clan has seen a senior!” The older boy hurriedly stepped forward when he saw someone coming.

“It turns out to be the Luofu Daze clan! Little baby. It’s not that the giant bird can’t do it, but your clan uncle Cultivation Base is better than him, otherwise, it may be your clan uncle who fell down!” The young man reported his home, the old man also suddenly realized, and then said to the boy who had just spoken. Starting…

“Huh! My clan uncle won’t fall down!” The boy replied unconvinced.


Seeing this, the old man couldn’t help but shook his head!

At this moment! The middle-aged man who had just fought with the giant bird also discovered the situation here. He was afraid that the little guys in his clan would be in danger, and regardless of the giant bird struggling in the distance, he hurriedly flew over here.

“Uncle Clan!

Seeing the middle-aged man coming, several people shouted quickly.


The middle-aged man nodded at several people, and then looked at the group of old men. When he saw them, the middle-aged man couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief.

“I have seen a senior from the Zishan clan!” Luofu Daze, a middle-aged man, hugged the cupped fist, and said.

“Ah! Don’t be polite! You have suffered a serious injury too! This is my Zishan Clan healing medicine, so I’ll hand you the cure!” The Zishan Clan old man waved his hand at the middle-aged man, and said with a smile.

“What! Clan uncle, are you injured? Clan uncle, are you okay?” After hearing the old man’s words, the group of people in Luofu Daze was also shocked and couldn’t help but look at the middle-aged man and asked anxiously.

“Cough cough! It’s okay, it’s just that I just bumped into the Primordial Relics just now, and the blood in his body is a bit uncomfortable!” The middle-aged man coughed on his chest again, and then said to several people.

“Uncle Clan! You see that the corners of your mouth are bleeding! You should heal your wounds!” The boy said hurriedly when he saw the blood remaining on the middle-aged man’s mouth.

“Ah! Good! Good! Clan uncle will heal now!” The middle-aged man touched the boy’s head, then said with a smile. Remember the Biquge in one second on the mobile phoneB\\.\ to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

“Senior, I’m sorry!” After the middle-aged man in Luofu Daze comforted the boy, he apologized to the Zishan old man.

“Haha! It’s okay! You can heal here! We’ll be okay after a while!” Hearing this, the Zishan clan old man couldn’t help but laughed, and then said.

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