Chapter 469 Only one step away [seeking subscription]

The dragon broke through the barrier condensed by the divine fire.

Thunder and lightning spread all over his body. For a while, the real Taiyi couldn’t move, as if he had taken a Daoist, he was dumbfounded, but one was sentimental, and the other was in pain. Real Taiyi is already in the Jedi.

“Hahaha. Senior sister, I will avenge your grievances for you. This time I will let them lose their original spirit.”

Zhao Gongming looked up to the sky and let out a long roar. Immediately, 12 Dinghaizhu suddenly appeared in the four weeks of the two, corresponding to the twelve death points, ready to take the final fatal blow. Breaking his body and destroying his primordial spirit is the extreme method that the two of them will face next. Although it is a bit vicious, but thinking of what they did before, the so-called cruel and vicious return to themselves, when will they not


The two clear words came into Zhao Gongming’s ears. However, his murderous heart was unabated, and the Twelve Ding Haizhu still continued, but the Spirit Power in his body could not turn around.

“put ”

The voice became severe, and it seemed that the person was already angry, and there was no room for relaxation. In the enchantment, a hole was suddenly torn open, and countless Restrictions broke into 12 Ding Haizhu indiscriminately.

At the same time, Ling Bao opened his eyes. He played several True Qi against that hole and fought against it.

But it was already useless. In the face of absolute power, any struggle seemed pale and powerless. Ling Bao naturally felt his arrival, for Ling Bao himself, it was just an old friend meeting.

“I can really hold my breath, I still came out after holding back for so long.” Ling Bao then pointed upwards, and several hidden Restrictions in the barrier suddenly emerged.

Sand dust the size of walli suddenly rolled up. But this influence can’t stop him. I saw that person waved his hand outside, and a white cloud floated by (bafa), leading Daoist and Taiyi real person to disappear in front of Ling Bao out of thin air.

Although the Five Elements chessboard is a divine tool, the opponent’s deity descends. Ling Bao’s avatar is not enough to see. In front of him, he is like a man’s arm blocking a cart. When he is head-to-head with him, he is naturally the one who suffers.

The criss-crossed golden texture was taken back by Ling Bao. It’s just time to open the skylight to speak brightly. As for the bull nose outside, Ling Bao had long wanted to meet him again.

It’s just a pity that Zhao Gongming’s strength was basically wasted. Facing Yuanshi Tianzun, the supernatural powers on his body looked like fists and legs.

“Don’t go back soon.”

Ling Bao blinked at him. Signaling him to retreat quickly, if something happens to Zhao Gongming, Tongtian’s hard work will be in vain.

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun breaking through the barrier and entering, Ling Bao quietly hit the mountain and river community in the circle, forming a circle that can help Zhao Gongming escape at a critical moment.

“It’s been a long time, my face is really big!” Ling Bao is naturally indifferent when facing him, and believes that no matter what, he will not dare to do anything to himself.

Yuanshi Tianzun entered the formation, saw the traces left by the Five Elements board, and didn’t know what to think of his useless apprentice.

“It’s a big deal, I’ve used all this stuff, but it’s not so good!”

Yuanshi Tianzun waved his backhand, and the condensed vortex dissipated in an instant. Then, after seeing the clues, his old face was suddenly moved.

I saw his palm closed, the twelve broken Ding Hai Zhu gathered together, and a larger bead appeared on his palm.

“No wonder, stop hiding and show up.” Yuanshi Tianzun stretched out his hand, and Zhao Gongming, who was hiding in the dark, appeared behind the clouds.

“Uncle Master, it would be unnecessary to do this. Uncle Uncle, the beads in your hand belong to me, and the people are also badly hurt.

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