Chapter 468 Dead still [seeking subscription]

It is not easy for the two of them to escape from the Tianluonet set up by Ling Bao. The golden chessboard has already fallen, there has been a place between heaven and earth, and the murderous opportunity has formed. This is also Ling Bao’s true attitude at this time.

Ling Bao laid out secretly, counting until Spiritual Qi injected into Zhao Gongming. In a short period of time, his strength has been increased for a short time, Zhao Gongming is like a divine help, and there is room for the two to fight.

“Where do shameless people escape?” On the other side of the layout, there was already a fierce fight.

You play a trick, I will defend it. The situation is still evenly matched. If you want to end the battle, you need one person to help. The person who broke the deadlock is Ling Bao.

“It’s really idiotic to stop the two of us based on your original intentions. If I want to escape, how can you stop it.” Taiyi’s eyes suddenly stood up, and his eyes became extremely fierce.

I saw two flames suddenly flew out of his red eyes, one was purple-cyan Lihuo, and the other was Sanwei real fire. Taiyi is the most active person among the disciples of elucidation and education. Traveling around does not adhere to the so-called rules. Breaking the old rules has made him a great fortune. In the previous years, not only Cultivation Base has improved, but also various natural treasures. In the receiving bag. sky

Two of the sacred fires in the earth fell into his words, which shows the person’s luck.

Two flames formed out of thin air, forming a dividing line. Then the Zijin bowl was turned back, and exchanged for a chance to escape from birth by abandoning his helmet and armor.

Daoist was quoted to see that Taiyi had only come up with his true ability now. This bad breath was suffocated in his throat, and his vitality was greatly injured. In the next escape, he would have to rely on Taiyi’s ability.

The Void didn’t accept his sacred fire just now, so it was considered as Taiyi True Person to pick it up. But now there is no such opportunity, not only to keep people, but also to keep their lives.

The golden whip suddenly turned into a black golden dragon. Opening the big mouth of the blood basin, without time, bursts of blue smoke came out of the mouth, enveloping the two of them.

“Huh, it’s just a blind eye!”

Madam Taiyi held the floating dust and shook his face several times, forming a wind wave, guiding the cyan mist to another direction.

Hidden in the clouds and mist on the other side, the black tiger with its mouth wide open suddenly appeared behind the green smoke, and jumped out at an unexpected angle, and went straight to lead Daoist’s neck. However, when he was about to succeed, Zijin Bomeng ran into the huge black tiger impartially, and Taiyi was even behind.


After another collision, the immediate crisis was resolved. But the ensuing high-frequency attack technique was Zhao Gongming’s clever means to consume True Qi in both of them. In this protracted battle, Zhao Gongming must be the last one who laughed.

Zhao Gongming has 12 Ding Haizhu that provide a steady stream of Spiritual Qi. Although they can’t keep up with the consumption rate, compared with the two of them, the longer the time is, the better it will be for him.

The twelve Dao Spiritual Qi illusioned among them, is a Spiritual Qi wrapped in his body, seemingly inexhaustible and inexhaustible power continuously supplies. The stalemate was punched out by Zhao Gongming. Ling Bao saw an opportunity in this. In a gap, he immediately shot, the black chess piece fell, Heavenly Tribulation agreed.

“Boom, long, blue sky suddenly flashed a ray of white light, but in an instant, a thunder shadow appeared across the sky.

A sky thunder hit Shattering Void, breaking the deadlock in front of him. There was a flash of thunder, and it hit the fate of Daoist. Like a thunder snake, it will lead to a group of people and surround it.

Facing such a huge attack, Daoist was led to look at the sky above his head. Suddenly he felt that his time was approaching, and he himself was at the boundary between Life and Death, whether it was life or death, only the process of his left foot stepping into the right foot stepping out.

On the edge of this death, Daoist did not have any fear in the introduction, but instead saw a landscape he had never seen before.

The lightning and thunder outside him were not enough to disturb his current mind.

For a moment, he fell into an epiphany, which belongs to his own epiphany, but what happened before him was the last chance Ling Bao gave him. .

At that time, the original god is annihilated and will never stand up again. Even if there is repentance at that time, only regret will be left.

(Nuo Ma Zhao) Taiyi has been using the sacred fire and his lifelong learning to fight against the erosion of the sky thunder. He who had always spared his energy, faced such a frenzied bombardment that made him lose his footing. He stepped back from time to time, but there was nowhere to go behind him, and he was already on the edge of the barrier.

Ling Bao, I don’t believe you dare to kill us. ”

Ling Bao didn’t care about Taiyi’s ridiculous words. Instead, he told him in a more aggressive way that before talking nonsense, first take a good look at who you are talking to.

The Jiaolong transformed from the Golden Whip became even more brutal after being tempered by lightning. In his eyes, the fierce light in Zhao Gongming’s heart was revealed.


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