Chapter 449 All show their supernatural powers [seeking subscription]

“A leaf in the flowers will not touch you”, it is a pity that Daoist has not reached this kind of Realm, otherwise it is more than enough to lock the soul of the sky. Losing a chess move is not all, it can only be said to be haste. It seems to be confident, but in fact, Daoist’s heart is flustered.

The bondage of the Ten Thousand Demons is nothing but a quagmire, and the real purpose is to attract Daoist’s ontology.

Counting the swastika is surging, as the network structure of the meridian begins to spread all over the body. For a time, Daoist was introduced to use the power of the law to urge the formation of ten thousand monsters to the extreme. The four bronze casts are transformed by the heavenly materials, and instantly transform from the cold and cold into the fiery purgatory.

As the four bronze casts changed from black and cyan to crimson, the Ten Thousand Demon Array slowly transformed into a furnace for refining demon.

The power of the primordial spirit of the Lord Tongtian was eroded by the fire, and the yin and the yang changed each other, which made him lose his sense of measure in a period of time. The introduction of Daoist was even more shocking to Tongtian. After three days, with such a power, it is difficult to overcome the natural and underestimate the enemy.

“Take the lead, your realization is really amazing to me.” Tongtian freed himself from the shackles while creating the opportunity to flee.

However, Daoist was quoted and ignored him, because just when the giant broke free, the four bronze casts suddenly appeared and basically stabilized. Although it is only minimal, the 930 Minor World here is after all illusioned by the universe. Once the burning lamp Daoist has a problem and Minor World collapses, the foundation of the circle will also collapse.

Although the map of Shanhe Sheji was not comparable to this map, Daoist was caught off guard in the middle of the game.

“Ling Bao is you making trouble again?” Daoist muttered in his heart.

What is it, what is it not! It just adds to the worry if there is no way to verify it.

Suddenly, Daoist lost his mind, and the giant suddenly found an excellent opportunity. It can be said that at the cost of hurting the natural soul, the leader of Tongtian made a relatively strong struggle.

The giant’s arms gradually began to exert force, and the four chains that had been scorched and red by the fire were held by the giant. Once the focus point was found, Tongtianjiao’s ideas began to have new instructions.

I saw four chains from east, west, north, south, and suddenly began to shake violently, and the four bronze casts that were connected to the ground gradually tilted.

It is clear that Daoist’s distraction for some reason has already caused a catastrophe.

“Take the lead, you will lose this time. Haha!”

The Lord Tongtian laughed suddenly, and the leading Daoist also shook his head in an instant. It’s a pity that it’s too late. If you face other opponents, there may be room for it, but the opponent’s power is far above him. It can be said that as long as there is a little slack and any disclosure, everything in the layout will be turned into smoke and dust.

“Hmph, it’s really whimsical to want to break the formation!”

Then Daoist yelled, and the demons began to gather. However, the four chains are not dead objects, just in case they are left behind.

The beacon and thunder and lightning corresponded to four natural attributes. The four chains suddenly changed, and only four long snakes came from the body.

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“How is this possible?!” Ling Bao felt this power.

The Five Spirit Orbs correspond to the five natural forces, but the four forces are also incorporated into the formation, which makes Ling Bao a little suspicious.

“Could it be that he broke the barrier I left in the spirit vein?” Ling Bao thought to himself.

But in fact, Ling Bao’s suspicion is not unreasonable. The energy of nature is born from the evolution of Five Elements, but the process of change cannot be controlled artificially, so that the ten thousand possibilities formed between heaven and earth seem to exist and are reasonable, but in fact, the transformation of Karma relationship is born. The change.

“What the hell is going on outside?” Luan Deng Daoist saw Ling Bao’s expression change and realized that the situation was not good.

“It seems that it is the debt I owed again!” Ling Bao sighed.

O 0 o oo o

Outside of the Shanhe Sheji map, the fight is intractable.

The introduction of Daoist is bound to hit the bafa master at all costs. The Heavenly Dao law plus the four special attributes of the long snake have doubled his confidence.

The giant’s hands and feet are difficult to use for a while, but after all, the Master of Heaven is the Sage Cultivation Base, which is incomparable to Daoist. Just the distance of this last threshold, the gap between the actual Cultivation Base between the two has widened the huge distance.

The black energy surrounding it was the dark cloud, and the entity it turned out was not static. It’s just that the price is too huge, and the power of the soul consumed by each step and attack is huge.

The reason why giants are slow and cumbersome is also the same. Power is not inexhaustible. Cultivation Base Spirit Power is an indispensable part and supply of the path of practice.

“Let’s go, otherwise you and I won’t have a good end if you continue to fight!” Suddenly, Daoist’s conversation turned, instead of being aggressive in words, he had the meaning of seeking peace.

“Don’t you think it’s too late? Stop, hehe

The Master of the Heavens is at most restricted by the primordial spirit, and when it is serious, it is only affected but cannot be practiced within a certain period of time. It is only a time delay.

But on the contrary, Daoist can actually use True Qi and Cultivation Base in the hardtop, and every change in the formation, the invocation of Spirit Power and True Qi in the body is a huge consumption.

“Why do you have to be serious if you are vindictive?” The lead explained again

“Fighting? What you said is simple. I won’t destroy you today. It’s hard to understand the hatred in my heart.” The leader of Tongtian who was taken into the air was already at a loss as to what to say.

The death of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit was originally a tragedy caused by the failure of the Master Tongtian. However, the only thing that the Master Tongtian didn’t calculate in every possible way was that Daoist would be involved in a sideways way, otherwise there would not be such a tragedy.

“Hmph, I kind of persuade you not to listen, so I will play with you to the bottom today!”

Afterwards, Daoist was invited to take out the hoist flags and set the Magical Item in the formation. The spirit-inspiring banner exudes bursts of strong sun, and the wandering spirit trapped in it breaks free from it.

Between the world and the earth, the wandering souls have been rampant for a while, but in order to prevent tragedy from happening, Ling Bao Tianzun worked together with the Taishang Laojun to collect nine out of ten of the wandering souls. In the end, some of the remaining parts are being transformed. In the process of being swallowed by spirit beast, most of the remaining fish that slipped through the net were imprisoned by Daoist’s spirit beast.

The wandering spirits outside of the Six Paths suddenly appeared here, which surprised the Lord Tongtian. The spirit of the master is the soul that escapes, and the spirit of the masterless, after absorbing the spirit of the outside world and enjoying the nourishment of the moon’s essence, it becomes a self-contained one and has been abandoned by Samsara for a long time. .


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